When your past hunts you down

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It was the 9th of April today and in 2 days would be the anniversary of the death of Marshall's best friend. Over the month we were together, Marshall had told me a lot about Proof and never forgot to tell me every time, that we would have get along pretty good. I felt so sorry for him and even though he tried to hide it, I knew that day would be hard for him. It always is and I knew how it was, if you had  lost someone who was so important to you. I had lost both my grandparents, from my fathers side, who had raised me and took me in, when my parents went through a divorce war. They were my anchor. And when first my grandpa and then my grandma got sick from cancer, I had took it in my hands to care for them at home, till their last breath.
I had talked to Ronnie that she would take Josh that day, so whatever Marshall had in mind for this day, I could be there and my focus would only be on him.
I was now on my way to pick up my son from kindergarten. Marshall was at the studio and I had already cooked lunch, so Josh and I could eat when we get home. Blacky was, as always, jumping around in the trunk. He knew the way and that we would pick up Josh now. The two were best friends and too cute to look at.
I parked my car in the parking lot and got out, locking the car to walk to the front, playing with the keys in my hand, when I saw my son standing outside and talking to a man, I hoped I would never have to see again. My ex boyfriend Edi!!!!!

What is he doing here????

My body started shaking with fear and normally I would have ran away, as far as I could. But that wasn't an option, he had my son in front. And no matter how scared I was, I had to get him away from him.

Think Tina... THINK!!!!

My mind was totally blank. This man had put me through hell. He had beaten me up for fun actually. He had never taken drugs or drank alcohol, so that wasn't an excuse. He had left brand marks over my thighs, which i had laser removed after I won the lottery, to not be constantly reminded of my torture. Every time I had tried to leave him, he had hunted me down and then the beating was even worse. And then the verbal abuse... I had went through hell.
And now he was here... in Detroit!! My safe  haven!!!!!

I ran back in my car and had locked the doors and dialed Marshall's number.
"Hey, beautiful..." he started but I cutted him right off.
"He's here, Marshall!" I told him, my body still shaking from fear.
"Babe who is here?" He asked my confused and I pulled myself together to answer him.
"My ex! Marshall he's here in Detroit..." I couldn't get further, because this time Marshall cutted in.
"Where is he? Tina, you need to tell me where you are!" I could here him mumbling something.
"I'm in front of Josh's kindergarten! Marshall he's talking to my son!" I was now yelling and grabbing my head.
"Tina, listen to me! Call the cops. Tell them that you're my girlfriend, they'll come faster then. I'll be there as fast as I can, baby! And don't go near him!" He ordered me and hung up.
I dialed 911 and did as Marshall told me. They promised me that they would send someone over immediately and that I should stay in hiding till they arrived.
But I knew I had to get out and face him. He had my son!!!
I in-and exhaled deeply a few times and got out off my car. Walking towards my personal nightmare.
"Mommy..." Josh yelled and waved, when he  saw me and Edi turned around to look at me.

Be strong Tina!!! You can do this!!!!!

"Hello Tina!" He said while looking me up and down. "Nice to see you again!" I had already shoved Josh behind me, to protect him with my body and stared at my ex.
"I couldn't say the same! What are you doing here, Edi?" I asked as calm as I could, but he knew me to well. He knew I was scared. He smiled an evil smile at me and answered.
"Well, I saw pictures in the press of your boyfriend and your son" he gestured behind me at Josh, "and I thought since we are old friends, I should come over and meet Josh!"
I felt anger rise in my body and would have gotten in a fight him right now, which I clearly would loose, but Josh was here. So I stepped a step back and told him as calm as I could.
"You are not my friend! I want you to leave and never come back again. Do you understand?"
"Why don't you come with me? We could spend some time together, talk about the good old times?" He suggested, knowing fairly well that he would bring back horrific memories.
I huffed and shook my head. As i wanted to turn around to go back with Josh to my car, he grabbed my upper arm and gripped it tightly. I honestly thought he would break it. Then he pulled me close to him and whispered, his grip even more tightening, in my ear.
"You and I and your son, will go now and get something to eat, Tina! Don't make me angry, you know what will happen, if you disobey me!" I swallowed the lump and kept myself from crying, thinking how I could get out off this situation, when I heard someone yelling.
"Hey asshole, get your hands off my lady!"

Marshall.... thank god!!!! Oh God no..... Marshall is here and Edi......
Where the fuck are the cops????

Edi looked at me with a raised eyebrow and a smirk on his damn face.
"This will be interesting!" He held me in his grip and turned around with me to face Marshall, who was now almost in front of us.
Thankfully I saw that he wasn't alone. Royce, Denaun and Sam were with him and Denaun had rushed behind me to get Josh away.
"So, and you must be her new boyfriend?" Edi asked Marshall absolutely calm and a sarcastic smile on his face.
"I am!" Marshall told him and got right into his face. "And if you don't get your hands off her, you'll regret the day you were born, motherfucker!" Edi started laughing and I knew he was about to release me, but only to attack Marshall.
"Man, why don't you release the lady and leave and everything will be alright?" Sam suggested and layed a hand on Edi's shoulder. He only shook his head and smiled to himself, before he turned around and punched Sam clean on his jaw, knocking him out immediately!
Before Marshall and Royce could jump in, I yelled once
"STOP!" And they all froze. I looked at Marshall with a begging look,"Marshall please, I know you only want to protect me. But please don't! You don't know what he is capable of. Please!!"
"You're more intelligent than I'd thought!" Edi laughed at me and tightened his grip even more, I felt like kneeling down from the pain. But I knew if I would, I couldn't hold Marshall back anymore. And then I heard sirens....

Thank you Lord!!!!!!

In between seconds, 2 police cars stopped in front off us and 4 officers jumped out, their guns pointed at my ex, screaming at him to release me immediately and get on the ground.
"Wow, that's new! You really called the cops!"  Edi said, while he released me and kneeled on the ground, crossing his hands behind his back.
By now Marshall had took me in his arms and tears were running down my face and the cops pulled Edi away in their car.
"Beautiful, stop crying, please! I'll make sure he won't ever hurt you again!" He whispered in my ear, holding me tightly." I'm here Tina, nothing will happen! Please stop crying!"
I lifted my head and looked at my wonderful boyfriend.
"Bring me home Marshall!" I pleaded and he secured me to his left body side, wrapped his arm around me and guided me to his car.

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