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~ Marshall's POV ~

2 weeks had gone by now, since I had told Tina that I had cheated on her. 2 weeks since she showed me a pretty scary side of her, when she had beaten the hoe so badly. I'll never forget that sight, when she had dragged her on her hair into the living room behind her and had thrown her to my feet. To be honest I thought she had killed her. The hoe's body was totally limp and when Tina had gone upstairs, Denaun and Royce had first checked her pulse, while I obeyed Tina's order. I hadn't helped her. I turned around and walked outside on the veranda, sat down and cryed, because I had Tina pushed so far. She would still marry me, that was the only thing that was keeping me up.
The last 2 weeks Tina only talked and interacted normally with me when other people were around us. She had made very clear, that she didn't want anyone, except Royce and Denaun, to know what I had done. Actually those were the best moments, I was allowed to kiss her and hold her. But the second we were alone again, she walked away and didn't care about me at all. I understood her, I won't complain. At least she was still with me. We were sleeping in different rooms and when I walked by our bedroom at night, I heard her crying to herself. But when I tried to comfort her, she only reminded me that I wasn't allowed to touch her. I know I don't have the right to say it, because it is my damn fault. But it breaks my heart to see her like this.
Today Tina's family would arrive, since it was only one week left till I would marry her. I couldn't wait for them to arrive. I could finally hold her in my arms again and sleep beside her in bed and first of all, kiss her again.
I was sitting in the kitchen, while she was walking through the house and got everything ready. I had for sure offered her my help, but she brushed it off.
"I really hope you'll make another face, when my family arrives." Tina said when she walked in and looked at me shortly.
"Don't worry, I will." I answered, but she had already left the kitchen again.

You deserve it asshole! No matter how badly she treats you, you deserve it!

The doorbell rang and I took a deep breath.

I can hug her again.....

"Babe?" Tina called and hearing her saying that made my heart jump.
"Coming!" I yelled back and rushed out into the foyer, where she was hugging and kissing her family.
"Marshall, it's so good to see you." Her Mom smiled at me and pulled me into a hug.
"It's good to see you too Rita." I smiled back and one after another came over to greet and hug me.
"Didn't you say your aunts and cousins would come too?" I asked Tina, while I looked over her family.
"They will." She walked over to me and took my hand in hers. "But they will arrive in 5 days. It's enough to spend 4 days with them." She chuckled and her Mom rolled her eyes at her.
"Y'all can decide where you wanna sleep. I got 2 guest rooms ready and also the guesthouse. Feel free to sleep wherever you want." She smiled at her family and we walked into the living room. The whole day was great, we laughed a lot, ate together and talked about the wedding. Tina didn't leave my side and sometimes I had the feeling, that she wasn't just acting for her family. We went to bed and  she went into the bathroom to get changed and layed down on her side of the bed. I turned off the lights and tried to sleep, but like the last nights I couldn't.
"Do you still love me?" She whispered suddenly and I lifted my head from my pillow. This was the first time she started a normal conversation, not only to inform me about something.
"You know I do, Tina" I answered her quietly and she turned around to face me. I propped my head up on my hand and looked at her.
"I don't, Marshall. You cheated. That's not really the best way, to show me that you love me."
"I'm sorry, you have no idea how much. Can you please forgive me, only this last time? Tina I have done everything you wanted from me. And I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I'm begging you, we're getting married in 6 days. I don't want our first kiss as husband and wife, to be only for show. I want my wife to kiss me, because she really wants to kiss me. Please forgive me!" By now, tears were running down my face again and then the almost unthinkable happened, she scooted over to me, brushed my tears away with her fingertips and kissed me softly.

Oooohhhh Goooood, that feels so damn good!

"No matter what you had done, on this day, I won't just kiss you for show, Marshall." She reassured me after she parted her lips from mine. She spoke in her soft voice again with me, which I'd missed so much. The room fell silent again, only our breathing could be heard. I wanted to start talking and beg her again to forgive me, but something held me back. I shouldn't pressure her, this time we would go in her tempo.
"I love you Marshall!" She whispered and layed her hand on my shoulder. I swear the world stopped turning!
"I love you too, beautiful!" I said and exhaled deeply.

She's unbelievable! She still loves me, no matter what I had done.... I'll never hurt her again, I swear....

"Please hold me" and before she had finished her sentence I had pulled her in my arms and held her tightly to my body. I kissed her on her forehead, while she caressed my back.
"We're really getting married!" She stated and and pressed herself a bit more against my body and immediately I could feel my dick getting hard.

Stop that, fucker! Now is not the time for sex!!!!

"I know," I kissed her forehead again, "I can't wait to see you in your dress, walking down the aisle and hearing, you being officially announced as my wife." She kissed me once on my chest
"It's a beautiful dress, I hope you'll like it." She said, which made me smile.
"I will love it, because you are wearing it. Tell me about it, what does it look like." I actually really wanted to know. She pushed me on my chest and rolled me on my back, before she climbed on top of me, to lay fully on my body. Again I wrapped my arms around her to hold her. She had placed her forearms on my chest and placed her chin on them to look at me.

This is my lady again and it feels so good!

"You know I can't tell you. It's bad luck, Marshall. But you can tell me 'bout your suite?!" She suggested and I smiled.
"It's not bad luck, but I still won't tell you about my suit. You'll have to wait, beautiful." She huffed out frustrated, which made my smile grow bigger.
"Don't do that again Marshall." She said suddenly and my smile disappeared instantly. "Please let us live in peace. Let us be happy. You're capable of making me so unbelievably happy. Please don't take that away from me."
"I won't. I swear I won't, Tina! I'll do whatever you want me to, to proof that you can trust me!" I stated and she crawled up my body and kissed me again.
"Okay. One last time I'll trust your word. And now, take me in your arms and let me sleep in peace!"

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