Forgiveness (pt.1)

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~ Tina's POV ~

I had just ended the call with Marshall and broke down in my bedroom. Kim sat down beside me, giving me a sidehug and rubbing my shoulders, in the hope to calm me and give me some kind of comfort....

I was so glad that she was here. Since we arrived, she had made sure to give the kids something to eat and now they were in Ronnie's room watching TV.
After the kids had closed the door, I had let out everything I had tried to hold in. I didn't want Josh to see his Mom like that, so I waited and bawled my eyes out, telling Kim what had happened.
"I'm so so sorry Tina" she said with a compassionate expression, " I really thought he had changed. I can't believe it!" She just shook her head and went on "he seemed so happy with you, i don't understand what's gotten into him."

I guess he wasn't so happy after all, huh?!?!

"I don't know... my head is totally empty!" And then my phone rang and I saw Marshall's name Kim and I sat on the floor in my bedroom.
"How about you and Josh stay with me and Whit over the weekend?! Hailie and Alaina are with Marshall. Normally it was my weekend, but they wanted to stay with him, so it would be only us 4."
"Thank you Kim, really," I leaned my head on her shoulder," but I want to be alone!"
"But you shouldn't be" she said back.
"Believe me I have to. I have to think clearly and stop this damn crying!" I told her rubbing over my face with both hands.
"Then what would you think, if I would take Josh with me? I mean only if you trust me with him?!" She asked me softly.
"Kim, there's no one on earth, that I trust more right now. If you would take him with you, I owe you a lot." I meant every word i said. No one could understand, what I went through right now. Not because no one else had ever been cheated on, but she had been with Marshall too. She knew him and how he was!
"You owe me shit, Tina! You're my friend, actually I couldn't imagine, ever calling one off Marshall's girlfriends my friend. But you are! And I know for sure, you would be there for me too!" She smiled a bit at me.
"I sure as hell would and after today, more than ever before!"
"Then let's get the kids and pack some stuff for Josh," she said standing and pulling me up afterwards." But you have to promise me, not to do something stupid!" She said sternly.

I know exactly what she's talking about...

"Kim I went through worse than that and I'm still here. And now I'm am Mom! Believe me, only God can take me away from Josh. He needs me and I wouldn't kill or hurt myself, because some fucker can't keep his dick in his pants!! So I promise, I won't do something stupid!" I said seriously.
"Good" she hugged me once,"let's get the kids."

Kim made sure to pack Josh's stuff and he was actually very happy, that he would stay with Whitney and Kim this weekend. Which made it a lot easier for me. After hugging and kissing my son, I hugged Whitney and said "bye".
"Call me if you need me or just come over, okay?!" Kim said while hugging me.
"I will! Thank you for everything!" And a tear rolled down my cheek.
"No need to thank me Tina. That's what friends are for!" She released me and went out, closing the frontdoor behind her.

What now????

I stood in my foyer, no clue what I should do. I didn't want to cry anymore, but that was all I could right now.

Alcohol!!!! And call Ronnie....

So I walked inside my living room and unlocked my liquor cabinet. I took a bottle of whiskey, then my phone and walked out to sit on my veranda. First thing, I opened the bottle and took a swig, then I lit up a cigarette and dialed Ronnie's number.
I said hi and she knew instantly that something was wrong and so I told her the story. I only had to take a break from talking , from crying or when I took a swig out off my bottle.
"I will sooo kill that motherfucker! No, scratch that" she yelled absolutely furious," I'll cut off his damn dick, feed it to him and then I'll kill him! Bestie I'm so sorry I can't be with you right now!"
"It's ooookaaaayyyy! It wouldn't change anything! He would still be an asshole!" I slurred back lightly.
"Yeah, but a dead asshole without a dick!!Are you drunk?" She giggled. I looked at my bottle and saw I had already emptied 2/3 off the whiskey.
"Maybe a bit! But hey..... I think I'm allowed to be!"
"You sure as hell are, but just don't drink too much, alright?!"
"Ok Mom!" I chuckled.
"What are you going to do? I mean because off him..." she asked me now.
"I'll give him the chance to explain to me, what happened. I mean, I promised I would and I won't break my word..."
"Okay, just please Tina, don't believe him right away."
"Promise me, Tina!" She said.
"I can't! He's too hot!" I said sighing, thinking about him naked.

Damn it, stop it!!!! But fuuuuuuuuuck he IS hot!!!!

"You know that makes no sense, right?" She asked me laughing. I started laughing too
"It would to you, if you knew how he looks naked!"
"To much information! Stop it right there!" She told me. I took another swig and the damn bottle was empty.
"Bestie, I have to get another bottle. I'll..."
"No you won't!" She cutted in sternly. "We'll hang up now and you'll go to sleep. And I'll call you tomorrow!"
"Okay Moooooom! Love you!"
"Love you too Tina."

I did as she told me. I went to bed! Even though i was pretty drunk, I couldn't sleep, rolling around from side to side, all I could think off was Marshall, and thinking off Marshall, meant crying....
It was 4 am when I finally finished crying and fell asleep.

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