The end of a love (pt.2)

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~ Veronica's POV ~

My best friend is dead!

Even after 3 days I couldn't fully realize it. She would never walk through my door again, would never call me again, would never laugh again. She was gone and would never come back.....

After the Doctor had told Marshall that Tina had died, he had broken down on the spot and even though we all were horribly shocked and unspeakably sad, we had to take care of him now.

That's what Tina would've wanted!

He was her light, her endless love, her life, simply her everything. And all of us knew, that Marshall had felt the exact same about her. The Doctors had given him the chance to see her one last time and we all went with him in her room. It was the most painful thing I've ever seen, when he clinged to her lifeless body and cryed his heart out. My best friend was dead, yes. But he had lost so much more.....
We all said our "Goodbyes" to her and Royce and Denaun held Marshall up and guided him outside. He even declined to see his son, saying he didn't want his son to see his father crying. So Kim and I had went to look after him. He was the cutest baby I'd ever seen and I know that his mother would have loved him more than life, but she wasn't there anymore.
Me and Kim had decided to stay with Marshall, to help him with the funeral and everything that was coming to him and to be honest we were concerned about him. We both didn't know how he could get over Tina's death.

When we had arrived at his house, we were thankful that Royce and Denaun were still with him. They were in the living room and while the two were talking quietly on their phones, Marshall was sitting on the ground, his back against the couch and clinged for dear life onto one of his wife's shirts, while crying.
"We have to call her family." Kim whispered, also crying and I nodded. "He's not capable of doing it." So I took my phone out off my handbag and dialed Rita's number, to tell her that her oldest daughter had died. She was devastated and said that they all would come over immediately and made me promise that we would take care of Marshall, because she knew how much Tina had loved him.
Kim had called the girls and after we had ended our calls the doorbell was ringing and the first to arrive were Paul and Yela. 15 minutes after them the rest of D12 came over and then the girls. Really everyone in this house was crying and no matter how sad it was, to me it was wonderful to see how many people had loved my bestie.

It was now 3 days since Tina was dead. Her family had arrived and were making sure that everything was organized. Marshall had only talked once, when we had brought him to see his son for the first time. He had decided to name him Christian and was crying like hell when they had layed his son in his arms. I have no words to describe how sad it was.
Marshall had been under our watch 24/7, the girls were sleeping with him in his room and during the daytime, we made sure that someone was always around him.
I had gone home today shortly to grab some fresh clothes and a very special envelope.
After Tina had found out that she was pregnant, she had not only written her last will. She had also given me a sealed envelope and had made me promise, that if something would happen to her, I should read this letter to her loved ones. And tomorrow would be her funeral....

We had all arrived at the church, where the service for Tina would take place. Marshall was sitting in the front row, staring empty at the coffin, where his wife was laying in. His girls were sitting beside him, since they were for Tina like her own. Then her mother, sister and brother. Kim and I were sitting behind them and when the priest gave me the sign, I got up and walked beside the coffin to read Tina's letter.
I took a deep breath and tried to control my crying, before I opened the envelope and started.
"I know that all of you expect me to say something about my best friend. But there are no words to rightly describe what a wonderful person Tina was. Therefore I will read a letter she had given me, when she had found out that she and Marshall would get their first child. She made me promise to read it to her loved ones, in case something would happen to her and I so wished I would never have to read it now." I brushed my tears away and unfolded the letter. Took one more deep breath and read the words from my bestie.

If Ronnie is reading this letter now to you all, something definitely had happened to me. So first of all I want to apologize to you Ronnie for giving you this burden to do it. But I wouldn't want anyone else to do it.
You and Kim had been my best friends, both of you had helped me through rough times and were always there for me and had my back. I can't tell you how thankful I am to have you. Both of you are a real blessing and I hope you'll continue to be there for my child and my husband. Thank you for your friendship and your love!
To my mother, brother and sister I would have to say so much, that it would take days to write it down. I love you so much and I wished that everyone would have a family like you, you helped me through the darkest times in my life, you builded me up again and brought me back to light. Thank you would never be enough for what you've done for me. But those words are all I know.
Surely I can't forget my 3 girls, who had taken me in from day one and had always supported me and their Dad. Thank you for accepting me and not giving me a hard time. If anyone ever asked me, you three are my daughters and I loved you as such.
And now to you Marshall,

I stopped and brushed some tears away and looked at Marshall, who had raised his head and looked at me. I took a deep breath and looked down on the letter in my hand and started reading again.

My beloved husband!
There are no words existing to tell you how much I love you! Saying you are my life is not enough. You're my air, my sun, my laugh, my heartbeat, you are my whole existence. Simply my everything! Never in my life had I imagined that I would deserve someone like you. You're truly the best that could've happened to me. Not only you're making me happy every second of every day, you even gave me the biggest gift. A child. I can never thank you enough for that, Marshall! I love you unconditionally and no matter where I am I always will. You are my endless love and the one I will always wait for. Please take care of our child, my love. You're the best father a child could have, remember that. I love you sooo much Marshall! More than you'll ever know!!!!

And even though writing all this actually made me sad. I want you all to promise me something. I want you all to live life to the fullest. Be happy, laugh and love! Thanks to my husband I did all of that! I will always watch over you and take care of you!
Ending I want this letter with the words of the love of my life.
Promise me you'll think of me, every time you look up in the sky and see a star!

Forever yours


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