Meeting again...(pt.2)

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The world stopped turning, when he said it.
"I know, there's no way in hell, I can ever makeup or apologize for what I've done. But you just have to believe me that I'm sorry, Tina." He went on and I could feel myself getting angry, like never before.
"Are you out off your damn mind" I started and yanked my wrist out off his grip, while pushing his other hand away from my chin. "Who do you think I am? Some dumb bitch you can push away and get back again when you get bored?" I had to do everything, to not yell or slap him right now.
"Tina, please! I know it was a mistake...." he tried to step closer to me, but I took a step back.
"Mistake??? What the fuck is wrong with you? You were the one who ended it, you were the one finding lame excuses and you" I pointed at him, "were the one who said you didn't love me!"
"I lied! Okay?" he yelled at me, clearly desperate.
"You WHAT??????" I yelled back at him, widening my eyes in utter believe

This is a joke!!!!! I can't believe that!!! WHAT THE FUCK??????

"I lied" his eyes fell to the ground and he looked more broken than ever.

God how badly  I want to hug him and tell him everything will be alright.....
No, stop it!!!! Do you remember how much he hurt you??? You can't let him get away with a slap on his hand and all is forgotten....

"What do you mean, you lied?" Now I was the one stepping closer to him. He still stood, head hanging low, in front off me. Not saying a word.
"Marshall, look at me and answer my question!" I ordered him still aggravated. He raised his head to look up in the dark sky and took a deep breath.
"I loved you, Tina. I still do!" He said, looking at me now. "I was scared, that maybe, one day you wouldn't want me no more and after the time we spent in Germany and I had seen what you would do to defend me. I thought I should better end it now, before you would see, how fucked up I really am and would leave me. So I thought better now, than wait and the pain would be worse."
"You do realize that what you're saying doesn't make sense right? You saw what I would do to defend you and still you thought I would leave you, if I see how you are? Marshall, do you even believe me, when I say I won't hurt you?"
"I do, but...." he started.
"If you would, there would be no but! I love you, more than I have ever loved a man in my life!" tears rolled down my face while i said it, "and I know I have left you once. But I had a good reason, if you cheat, I'm gone. But because of who you are, I would have never left you, Marshall!"
"I'm sorry Tina, please believe me I am.." and it broke my heart a little bit more, when I saw his watery eyes," I lived in hell the last months. God knows I missed you every second. I need you back Tina, I can't function without you, I'm outta my damn mind!"
"You think only you lived in hell?" I whispered, crying to myself, thinking of the last months.
"I know I wasn't the only one. The girls told me how you were..." he said and I let out a huff.
"Traitors!" We staid silent and looked at each other and then we heard Kim.
"Marshall..." she started and rushed over to stand beside us, glaring at him, "don't hurt her any more, than you already did. It's enough! I swear I'll loose my shit!" He opened his mouth to answer her, but I was faster.
"Kim, it's okay! Thank you for defending me, but we're just talking." She looked at me and turned to walk away.
"If you say it's okay, then it is for me. I'm inside if you need me!" She smiled at me and left.
"Thanks for helping me with her" Marshall said  to me, obviously glad that Kim was gone.
"I guess defending you is in my blood?!" I laughed once sadly.
"I know it is.." he stepped closer to me again, looked down and took my hand in his, intertwining our fingers lightly.
"Give me another chance Tina..." he whispered, still looking at our intertwined fingers,"I'm begging you! I'll do whatever you want, but please come back to me." I looked at him and then at our hands, my head fighting with my heart.

You can't take him back! He'll hurt you again...
Give him another chance Tina, he loves you...

I made my decision, when I looked at his wrist and saw the watch I had given him.
"I want you to fight for me" I started and his head shot up, "you have to show me that you really love and want me Marshall. Then I'll come back to you!" A small smile formed on his face.
"Go on a date with me..." he started, his thumb caressing my knuckles lightly

God..... how I had longed for his touch.....

"Let me treat you, like you deserve to be treated. And I promise you, no more lies and no more being scared!"
"Okay" and even if I didn't want to smile, now I had to.
"You don't know, how much I missed that smile" he looked at me and shook his head lightly, before he pulled me closer to him by my hand, "and you can't imagine how badly I want to kiss you right now!"
"Marshall..." I said, but he stopped me.
"I know, I have to earn it. I understand that!"
I smiled at him and pulled my hand out off his and layed it on his cheek

Uh...... i can't help it.....

and gave him a soft and quick kiss on his lips.
"Pick me up on Friday, at 8." I whispered and walked inside, leaving him standing where he was....

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