Only you and me

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~ Marshall's POV ~

I hardly slept the whole night and not just because we had sex most of the time. When she had fallen asleep on my chest, I had watched her for a long time. I still couldn't believe she was back, that she really was in my arms again. I honestly had the feeling that I could breathe better again, not having her with me, had weight heavy on my heart. Even though I knew that it had been my own damn fault. I fell asleep, holding her close to my body and when I woke up, we were still laying in the same position.
Her had was laying on my chest and her left hand on my stomach. It was a beautiful sight. Her blond hair, slightly all over the place and then the engagement ring on her finger.

Even if hell would freeze, this time I will marry her!!!!!

Being without her was one of the hardest things I had ever experienced, she was my anchor. She kept me sane. I couldn't let her go again. And now that I had her back, I wanted to do something for her.

But what?????...........Now I know!

I kissed her head once and started to move out under her, to put my plan in motion, but Tina moved her hand around my waist, to hold me in my place.
"Don't leave me." She whispered and I swear, that really hurt to hear. The same thing she had told me months ago, kneeling and crying in front off me.

I'll never in my damn life forget that sight!

I've had nightmares, only seeing this over and over again and every time I had woken up, sweating like crazy.
"Beautiful, I won't leave you. I'll go and make us breakfast." I told her whispering, caressed her back and kissed her head. "I love you Tina. I won't leave!" She nodded and kissed my chest softly.
"I love you too Marshall." She moved off me and I got up, walked into my bathroom and did my morning routine. When I walked out, she was sleeping deeply again, hugging my pillow.

God, she's so sweet! How could you ever let her go dumbfuck?!?!

I debated for a few seconds with myself, if I should go back in bed and wake her up, to have sex. But even though I really wanted to, I had to cool down my desire. I had to make a few phone calls and the first one wouldn't be easy!

I was now sitting in my kitchen, had made coffee for Tina and me and stared at my cellphone in my hand.

Take a deeeeeep breath and call.....

"Hey Veronica, it's me, Marshall." I said and squeezed my eyes shot from anxiety.
"Where's Tina? Did something happen to her? Is she okay?" Veronica bombarded me with questions.

Fuck you! Do you really think I would let anything happen to her?!?!?!?!

"She's sleeping. Everything is fine." I answered her, slightly pissed, but calmed myself down instantly. I needed her help, it wasn't time to argue.
"Then what do you want?" She asked me now and her tone had shifted from concerned to pissed.
"Veronica, listen. I know it was horrible what I've done to her..." I couldn't continue, because she laughed sarcastically.
"You have no fucking idea what you have done to her! You almost destroyed my best friend you god damn asshole!" She yelled into the phone and believe me everyone else would have gotten it from me now. But with her it was different. She only defended Tina and she was right. I had no idea, what I had done to her!
"I know I don't have any clue, how she had been the last months," I started calmly, "and you have every right to be pissed at me. But I have her back now. She decided to want me back and I won't push her away again, Ronnie! So please for her sake, can we please act like civilized people?" She huffed out once and continued in a much calmer way.
"For Tina's sake, I will!" I could hear her take a deep breath. "Before I ask you why you call me, promise me one thing. Don't run again. She doesn't deserve this!"

Damn, she's a real friend!

"I promise. I won't." I told her and she mumbled and "okay".
"Then tell me what can I do for you, Marshall."
"Well, first, thank you! And second..." I breathed in and went on, "I asked her again to marry me and she said yes!" She gasped loudly, but I continued, "and now I want to do something for her, surprise her. But I know, that Tina ain't a materialistic person and actually I'm not a real genius with those romantic things. So maybe you have an idea, how I could make her happy?!" She laughed out once.
"I won't tell you anything. But I'll help you to find out yourself." She stated and I pressed my lips together.
"You said it yourself, she's not a materialistic woman. What do you think is one of the things Tina loves the most?" She asked me and I thought about it for a second.
"Josh, her family, her friends, my girls," saying that made me smile. I knew Tina would give her life for my daughters, which made me love her even more, if that's possible. "Her dog and I hope me!" I finished the list.
"You know her better than I had thought." Ronnie chuckled, which actually made me kinda proud. "Let's talk about you on that list. What do you think would Tina want the most, after being without you?"
"If she would want the same as me, than I would say, spending time together!" I told her unsure.
"Congrats, the candidate has 100 points!" She laughed and I exhaled relieved. "I'll take care of Josh, okay?! And if it's possible for you, take a few days off. Take a time out only with her, Marshall. You don't have to take her anywhere, just be with her!" I smiled about the thought, to spend time only with Tina.
"Okay, thanks Veronica. Really! Is it okay for you to take care of Josh for the next week, till Sunday?"
"Sure, it's okay! But Marshall..." she got serious again, "no more playing her! If you pull a stunt like the last one more time, I'll make sure she won't take you back, clear?"
"Yup, clear! Thank you Veronica!" I told her and after that we hung up.

I had finished my calls with Royce, Denaun and Paul, to tell them that I would take a week off, when my gorgeous fiancé came walking into the kitchen, wearing one of my shirts.
"Good morning, love!" She said, while hugging me from behind and kissing my neck.
"Good morning, beautiful!" I told her and turned around in her arms to kiss her. "I got a surprise for you." I told her and her eyes widened. "But first you'll get a coffee!" She squinted her eyes and pursed her lips, which made me laugh.
"Please tell me." She started now and I just shook my head and got her a cup with coffee. We walked into the living room and sat down on the couch, well.... I sat on the couch, she crawled on my lap.
"Tell me,baby..." she started again and kissed me once.
"I took the week off. Ronnie will take care of Josh. It'll only be you and me till next Sunday." I told her a bit unsure about how she would react. But she smiled from ear to ear and hugged me tightly.
"Thank you Marshall, that's a wonderful surprise!"

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