The end?!

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We had just landed back in Detroit and were ready to leave the jet. Paul had booked flight tickets for me, Josh and Ronnie, back from Germany, to confuse the media, so they wouldn't hunt us. We just hoped it would work. Veronica was the first to get out, followed by me, who had Blacky on his leash and then Marshall, who carried my sleeping son. Marshall had even taken care, that Sam and some other bodyguards were here, to look out for us. It was weird, being pushed into the spotlight like that and it made me uncomfortable to be honest. I knew what I had gotten myself into, when I got together with Marshall, but it still was hard for me to understand, why they were so damn interested in everything he was doing. God damn, he's a human being too. He has a family, a love life and struggles with things, like all of us.
My Mom had told me, that I should try to deal with all the things around him, because he was worth it. She had talked to Marshall a lot the last days, to get to know him and understand the way he's looking at life. My mother was in an abusiv relationship, with my father too. Thankfully hers wasn't as bad as my last, but that was the reason, she understood me more than anyone. So she talked to Marshall, to make sure, that he had himself under control and that I was safe with him. She had told me the morning, we were leaving, what she was thinking and it surprised me.
"Tina, I know you can have a pretty bad temper, but you should try to hold it down for the sake off your, this, relationship. I also know, you never want to be held down by a man again and this is right. But you should try to find a balance. Sometimes you have to give in too, let him be the man and listen to his needs and what he wants too. Marshall has learned from his mistakes and I'm more than sure, that he would never hurt you, at least not intentionally, so you should trust him. Stand by his side, support him. That's what he desperately wants. A woman who is there for him. He really loves you Tina, everyone could see that. So please, don't let your past get in the way of your future."
I had promised her to follow her advice and thought about it the whole flight.

We had really made it home, without be harassed by the media. Marshall had dropped us off at my home and had gone to the studio. Now it was time to unpack and show Blacky around, well Josh took that part. He was so happy to finally has his own dog, it was too cute to see. I was standing in my closet, sorting out, what I had to put in the laundry, when I heard my cellphone beeping. It was a text message from Marshall.

Marshall: hey! Can you come to my house in the evening? Alone? We need to talk.

I got a bad feeling immediately and answered him.

Sure! When should I be there? Is everything okay?!

Marshall: how about 8?!

He didn't answer my question, if everything was okay. That wasn't good, something was definitely off with him. So I tried on last time.

I'll be there at 8! Marshall you would tell me, if something is wrong, right?! I love you :*

I got no response. After 5 minutes, I decided to talk to Ronnie about it, to see what she thinks. Honestly, she tried to calm me down. That he had probably just a lot on his mind, with the press and work, now that he was back. But she failed horribly in hiding her concern. When it turned 7 pm, I went into my bathroom to get ready to drive to my boyfriend.

What am I doing, if he's breaking up with me? What have I done wrong?

I couldn't get it out off my head. I put on some jeans and a simple shirt, flats and a leather jacket. For my make up, I only used waterproof mascara and lipgloss.
"I'll leave now," I told Ronnie, walking into the living room."wish me luck."
"You don't need it. He loves you, Tina." She smiled at me and I gave her a hug.
She was staying with Josh tonight and since it was Friday, put him to bed a bit later than normal.

I arrived at Marshall's and he opened the door for me, stepping aside to let me in.

No kiss! No hug! No 'hey beautiful'! What the fuck is going on?????

"Hey babe!" I smiled at him, but was too afraid to hug or kiss him.
"Hey!" He mumbled back and closed the door behind me.
"Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" I just had to ask him. I hate this ' beating around the' shit!
"Let's sit and talk, okay?" He asked me and walked past me into his living room.

Wow.... now I don't even get a smile anymore????

We sat down on the couch and he left a good amount of space between us, inhaled deeply and looked at me.
"Tina, listen. I want you to believe me, that what I'm about to say to you ain't easy for me. But I think we should end our relationship."

Don't cry Tina! Don't cry!!!!

"And why do you want to do that?" I swallowed the lump in my throat and started to fiddle with my fingers.
"You're a wonderful woman. Kind, polite, warm hearted, loyal, faithful. I could go on and on with the list" he rubbed over his head and took a deep breath, "but we both have a temper. And even if we didn't get into a fight yet, that day will come. I know you'll try to hold back, but sooner or later you'll flip the shit then. I mean, I saw it with my own eyes, what you're capable off. And I know, if that moment comes, that I would freak and I don't want to hurt you!"


"Marshall, I would never flip like that on you" I tried with all my strength, to not starting to cry,"I acted that way, because she attacked you and my son verbally. I only defended the people I love. And you should know, I wouldn't flip the shit like that. Did I attack you when I saw you with that bitch? No I did not! And I think, that would have been a reason, don't you think?!" He couldn't even look at me the whole time and didn't answer me at all now.
"Marshall, I love you, lord knows I do! If you don't love me, then just tell me and I'll deal with it, but please, don't try to find lousy reasons to cover the truth!" Now the first tear dropped. Knowing that he didn't love me the way he made me believe, broke my heart.
"You're right. I shouldn't find excuses" he started and glanced at me shortly, a sad expression on his face, "I'm sorry that I made you believe, that I love you more, than I actually do. You deserve better."
He leaned his elbows on his upper legs and let his head hang low.
"Alright!" I got up and brushed the tears, that were now running over my face, away with my thumb and walked over, to stand in front off him.

Be strong Tina!!!

I brushed with my hand over his cheek and I could swear, he leaned into my hand, but maybe it was just wishful thinking.
"Take care Marshall," my voice was nothing more than a whisper, "if you ever need me, give me a call. I'll be there!" I turned around and rushed out off the room. The minute I sat in the safety of my car, I broke down, crying like there would be no tomorrow.

Drive away Tina! Don't give him the satisfaction to see you like that!!!!

I started my engine and drove home. The second I entered the door, Veronica came out off the living room and stared at me.
"I so prayed it wouldn't happen!" She said and walked over, to pull me in a tight hug. I just stood in her arms and stared empty at various points, trying to process what had happened.
"I'm so sorry Tina! You deserve better than that!"
"That's what he told me too." I mumbled and she released me out off her hug to look at me.
"Josh is in bed. Alcohol and cigarettes?" She asked me and I nodded.
"Okay, how about you go and change in something more comfortable and I'll get everything else?!" She gave me the most compassionate look, I had ever seen on her face and nodded again. Turning around to go into my bedroom and change into some sweats.
When I walked back, Ronnie had already poured me a glass of vodka, put my cigarettes beside it and had dimmed the light.
"Come here and tell me what had happened," she said, patting to a spot beside her. I sat down, took the glass and emptied it with one swallow and started to tell my best friend, that the man I love, didn't love me....

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