All of me....

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~ Marshall's POV ~

We had watched one more movie after the guys had left and went to bed afterwards. I know she was still shaken up, from what I had done to her.

God damn, how could I hit her????

But she was still here. She was still with me and had told me countless times she wouldn't leave me. Honestly, I didn't understand how she could stay with me, I just was more than happy that she was! I would loose my mind without her, she was my everything. And when she had acted so cold towards me, which I more than understand, I thought I had lost her. But she stayed, not the slap or the panic attack could push her away.

That fucking panic attack....

I haven't had one since years and I thought it would never happen again. But I guess, the feeling of her leaving me, brought it back. Actually that's when I realized how much I really loved her. I mean I loved her like crazy, but I never thought it was that much. And now I wanted to show her how much, but how?!

Man, you're definitely not good with that romantic shit.......

But for her, I had to try. I wanted to become a better man for her, since in my eyes, she is simply perfect!
So we had went to bed and damn, I felt like a teenager before my first time. I didn't wanted to push her into something, she maybe didn't wanted, so I let her take the lead and just stayed on my side of the bed.
"You don't want to at least hold me?" She asked me and scooped over to me.
"Beautiful, I...." I started, but lost my words.
"Marshall I can't sleep well, if you don't hold me, so ..... please?!" She whispered and I took her in my arms instantly.

Don't make her beg for your affection asshole!!

"You don't have to beg for anything anymore, okay?" I told her and she nodded against my chest. She was so sweet.... even though she was almost as tall as me, she almost slept with her body laying lower beside me, so her head was either on my neck or my chest. It was these little things, that I cherished now more than ever before. Like, she would walk into my studio, to just look if I would need something, or how she took care of our home, she made it a home. Or how she never forgot to ask me how my day had went, without pushing me to tell her everything about my work....
I had never thought I would meet someone like her, or even more deserve someone like her.
And honestly, I know I don't deserve her!
If I would be in her shoes, I know I couldn't cope with all the shit I put her through! But that's why I know she was so much stronger than I was.
She had fallen asleep on my chest and I held her close, listening to her breathing and I sleeped in, thanking God, that I was still allowed to hold her.

The next morning I got up before she was awake, I wanted to plan something for her, surprise her! I stood in front of our bed and watched her sleeping, thinking what I could do for her.

Stop staring, idiot! You look like a creep....

I was about to turn and walk into my bathroom, when she rolled over in bed and I could see her cheek.

FUCK!!!! Take a good look asshole, what you did to her....

While yesterday it was just lightly visible, today you could see the bruise clearly. I turned and walked into the bathroom, grabbing the sink till my knuckles turned white and my eyes got watery.

Damn, not now, she could wake up any minute...

I splashed water in my face and calmed down. I  showered, brushed my teeth and shaved, then I walked into my closet and got fresh boxershorts, sweatpants, socks and a shirt, pulled all on and walked out the bedroom to let her sleep. I made coffee for her and took orange juice out off the fridge.

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