Some kind of vacation...

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Dinner was simply great, we were talking and laughing a lot. Even Marshall was totally relaxed and the fact that my family spoke english, well the adults, made it a lot easier for him. I only got a little uncomfortable when my brother got out the alcohol bottles. I mean in my family it's normal, if we all come together, that we would sit and take a drink. But with Marshall at my side, it felt different. I knew he wouldn't drink and that's why I didn't want to either. So now I had to find an excuse, when my brother put a whiskey in front off me.
I would have used Josh as an excuse, that I didn't want to drink alcohol in front of him, but the kids were already in bed. Marshall sensed that I held back and leaned over to whisper in my ear.
"Beautiful, I don't have a problem if you take a drink. You don't have to act different because of me. I'm okay, really!" I just wanted to answer, when Klaus talked to us from the opposite side of the table.
"Hey lovebirds, stop that! And you," he pointed at me, "better drink that now!" I shot him a death glare and took the glass in my hand.
"You know, you could never hold up with me" I said and emptied it with one swallow, " so don't talk!"
That was the only glass I drank that night.
My mom had got the guest house ready for us, means Ronnie, me and Josh, but since Marshall was here now, Ronnie told us in the nicest way possible "hell nah, I won't stay in one house with those 2, I don't have ear plugs with me", that she didn't want to stay with us. So my mom got her one of the guest rooms in the main house ready.
Marshall and I went to the guest house and I was actually really happy, that Ronnie or Josh weren't here....

The next days were wonderful. Marshall and I had talked with Paul the next morning and he released a statement on Marshall's behalf.
Sayin that we were indeed in a relationship and that he would ask the media to respect our privacy, due to the kids.
We knew they would still hunt us, to get the first pic of us together. But for now we didn't care about it. We enjoyed the time together in Germany. We had visited Heidelberg and Munich, and thankfully we weren't followed or recognized by paparazzi or fans. Marshall had also met my dog Blacky, which was some kind of a meeting of aliens. Marshall isn't exactly what you would call a doglover and Blacky didn't really like, that a man came close to his Mommy, even though he loved Josh right away. But after a few treats, he accepted Marshall too.
It was now the last day here and tomorrow we all would fly back, in Marshall's jet, to Detroit.
But for today, there was one last hurdle to jump.... my grandma....
I love her, really. But she always knew she wasn't my favorite granny, that was my other grandmother from my fathers side, who had died 4 years ago. I guess that's why I wasn't her favorite either.
We were now waiting for her to arrive and I prepared myself for everything.
When she stepped inside the living room, she first looked at Marshall and then at my son, scanning both of them. Marshall wore his usual, cargo pants, black hoddie and Nike air max and my son almost the same.

Hell no granny, don't start shit now....

I got up to greet and hug her, pulling Marshall with me. After I hugged her, I introduced her to him and he stuck out his hand for her to shake it.... but she didn't....
I was shocked to say at least and looked apologetic at Marshall, who just stuck his hand back in his pocket and turned around to sit down.
"Mom, what was that?" My mother asked her clearly confused and at that moment I thanked god, that Marshall couldn't understand us at all.
"What?" Granny acted confused, "he is a drug addict, right? You don't know what diseases he's got!" Immediately my brother grabbed my arms, so I couldn't attack her, while my sister covered my mouth. And then my son came over, looking at the scene.
"Auntie, uncle, why do you hold mommy like that?"
"We're playing a game!" My sister told him.
"What's it's name? Can I play with you?" He asked again.
"It's called 'don't slap the stupid's' and sweetheart, it's a game for adults." Before Josh could ask any other question, Marshall came over and took him on his arm.
"Come here buddy, shi.... let them play their game!" My siblings had released me by now and i smiled at him.
"So and that's the adopted one, hm?" My grandmother started again, "well looks like you made it Tina. A drug addict as boyfriend and an adopted kid! You should be proud off yourself." My mom just shook her head to signalize me to shut up. For the sake off my mother, I did. Until dinner....
We were about to eat dessert, when she started again.
"Tina, don't you have enough of getting beaten up by a man?" She asked turning fully to me from the other side of the table.
"Why are you asking me that now?"
"Well doesn't he have a history with beating up women?"
"Mom" my mother looked shocked at her.
"What? I'm only concerned." She fake smiled and I turned to my sister and told her calmly
"Get the kids out off the room!"
"Tina..." she started, but I cut her off
"Ramona, I don't want my son to see his mother going nuts! So please, get the kids out off the room!" She got up immediately and told the kids, she would take them to the entertainment room, where they could watch a movie and eat ice cream. I looked to my left at Marshall, who had sat the whole dinner mostly quiet, only answering questions. I felt so sorry for him and only God knew how much I hated my granny for making him feel uncomfortable.
I sat and waited, till my sister came back telling me, the door was closed and my time had finally come. While granny was still babbling about my horrible boyfriend and the others were talking about something else, I cleared my throat loudly and everyone's attention landed at me. I turned to Ronnie and Marshall and talked to them in english.
"I'm sorry in advance for what is about to happen!" Then I turned to my grandmother to talk to her in german.
"Now that my son is out off the room, why don't you ask me again about my boyfriend, grandmother?" I asked her loud, but totally calm.
"Tina please!" My mom begged me, but I knew, that she knew, that it wouldn't help.
"As I said," my grandma started, " he's a drug addict, beats women, what else do you want to hear? That should be more than enough to never lay a hand on something like this!" She gestured towards Marshall.
I threw my dessert plate right over her head and it crushed into the wall behind her. She let out a high pitched scream, while Marshall's hands shot to my arms, ready to hold me back, in case I wanted to attack her. But that wasn't my intention, i only wanted to warn her.
"Listen to me you old, unhappy and lonely bitch! If you ever ever talk about the man I love or my son like that again. I will make the rest of your life, which I hope will end soon, a living hell! I will take the house I bought you back and also the money I gave you. You'll go back to your poor sorry-ass life. Do you understand me?" She swallowed hard and nodded, but I wasn't finished.
"From this day on, you don't belong to my family anymore, that means I won't attend to any of your birthdays or Christmas or any other parties anymore, neither am I paying for it and to your funeral I will only come, to make sure you're really dead and gone!" I turned around and cupped Marshall's face to give him a kiss. I got up, pulling him with me and walked towards the door.
"Oh and one more thing," I said towards her, "I know you are to dumb to use the internet. So whoever told you all that about Marshall, greet him from me and tell him, since you're waaaay older than me I won't beat you, but him or her I will!" And with that I turned around and left the room with my boyfriend, to spend the last hours we had here in peace.

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