Welcome home!!

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Marshall followed me upstairs to his bedroom, where I had ran off to, I had just pulled his shirt off and my dress back on, when he pulled me close to him.
"Beautiful, calm down. You told Liz you will be there in 2 hours. You still have time."
"I know, I know! But I have to go home first to change and I want to look over his room again, if everything he needs is there..." he cutted me off with a kiss.
"You are there! Believe me, that's all he'll need!"
I smiled at him.

He can be so sweet!!!!

"Okay, maybe you're right." I said, searching in my handbag for my travel toothbrush.
"Maybe??!?!?! Excuse me?? I am always right" he looked at me with a fake shocked expression, following me into the bathroom.
"Cocky prick!" I laughed and turned around to kiss him quickly.
"First doubting me and now insulting. What have I gotten myself into?" He rolled his eyes and laughed.
"Well, Mister, now it's to late to run. 'Cause I definitely won't let you go again!" I laughed back.
"Good!" he whispered in my ear, pulling me close by my waist, my back to him."and I sure as hell won't run!" He kissed my neck and left me to do my fastest morning routine I'd ever done!

We drove over to my house so I could get changed. I changed my underwear, pulled on some jeans, simple white shirt, flats and a light parka, hair in ponytail, bit of mascara and grabbed my handbag.
"You look good, babe!" Marshall told me, scanning my body.
He just wore his usual. Jeans, simple shirt and Nike air max and still he looked hotter than fucking hell!!!!

If I wouldn't have to pick up my boy, I would sooooooooo jump on him now......

"Thank you, sexy! You too!" I complimented back with a wink.
"Sexy, huh?!" He chuckled behind me, as I grabbed my keys and walked out the door towards my garage.
"As hell!!!!" I stated.
"Hold up lady what are you doing? My car is here." He asked pointing at his car while I opened my garage.
"I know. But can we please drive with mine?"
"I should ride shotgun?" This time he was really confused.
"Uh... yes?!?!"I asked him and he sighed.
"You can be happy I'm in love with you! I wouldn't do that for anyone else!"
"Thank you" I smiled and got into the car, starting the engine. I left the driveway and drove towards the orphanage. Marshall fiddled around with my Music system and bursted out laughing, when the music turned on and you could here the last song that was played.

"Superman" by him!!!!!

"What's so funny" I asked laughing.
"That Song? Really?"
"You put it on your CD. It's not my fault it's there."
"I know, but still funny... I mean, you and me and now that song?!" I chuckled and shook my head. After a few minutes he calmed down laughing.
"We still got time Tina, you know that, right?!"
"I know. But I forgot to buy that thingy where Josh can sit on in the car. I have to buy one, before we pick him up." I told him.
"That thingy, huh?" He chuckled.
"Hey I forgot  how it's called. I'm German. I'm allowed to forget words! Why don't you tell me how it's called?!" I challenged him.
"Uuuhh..." he started,being quiet for a few seconds, then started laughing and shook his head.
"I forgot the damn word!!!"

Ladies and gentlemen, a round of applause for the man who had read the dictionary!!!!!!!

"Ain't you that lyrical genius, who had read the dictionary?" I looked over at him quickly, knitting my eyebrow, a smirk on my face.
"Yo, little lady, I did read that shit. There's a lot stored in here!" He said, putting his index finger on his temple.
"I bet you didn't read a dictionary." He challenged back smiling.

Well genius, now you get it....

"You're right. I didn't! But if I would have read the dictionary in every language I speak, my head would be a fucking mess!"
"How many languages you speak?" He asked me now curious.
"Except german, 3!"
"Whaaaatttt???" Looks like i shocked him. "Which ones?"
"Well english for sure, French and Albanian!" I told him, actually being a bit proud.
"Then tell me what's that thingy is called in those languages, smartass!"
"Kindersitz in german, siège enfant in french and sedilja e fëmijës in albanian, smartass!" I smiled.
His mouth hung slightly open after that.
"Damn beautiful. You surprise me more and more each day."
"Good, it won't get boring then."
"Hell nah!"
"Oh, and why don't we call the thingy car seat for kids? I think we're good with that?!"
"Whatever you say, genius." He chuckled.

We stopped at a kids store and I got in to buy the car seat. Marshall stayed in the car, which I totally understand, so people wouldn't recognize him!
I bought the seat, put it in the backseat and we drove off to get Josh.

I was a wreck when we arrived at the orphanage, but Marshall assured me that everything would be fine and squeezed my hand once before he pulled down his cap deep in his face and got out of the car.

Yeeeeeah, aaaaaalright!!!! NO ONE will recognize you like that!!! Your arm tattoos are almost fully showing......... nice try!!!!!

We stepped inside and were immediately greeted by Liz hugging us both.
The smile on her face when she saw us together was indescribable.
"Soooo, you two? How are you?"
"Great!" Marshall answered for both of us with a smirk.
"That's wonderful to hear! Should I get Josh?" She asked.
"Yes Liz, please." I answered her with a huge smile.
"I have already packed his stuff and told him, that someone would come to pick him up and that he'll have a new home. But I didn't tell him who it'll be." She told us and we nodded.
"We'll wait here." I told her and she left.
I stood in silence, waiting anxiously for Josh.

How will he react? Does he even want to live with me? Will he except me as his new Mom?
Oh god!! What if he don't???

"Everything will be perfect, beautiful! He'll love you," Marshall told me as if he could read my mind "he already does!" I nodded and couldn't respond, because Josh came running towards me.
"Tinaaaaaaaaaa, Marshaaaaaaaall!" He screamed. I had squatted down and he jumped right into my arms.
"Hey sweetie" I said kissing his forehead once. Josh pulled off me and jumped over to Marshall who stayed in the same position as me.
"Hey buddy!" He ruffled through Josh's hair.
Liz had joined us with 2 bags standing at her side.
"Josh, I already told you that a lady would come to pick you up, because you'll live with her now, right?"
Josh turned to here, his eyes watering instantly
"But I don't want to" he said and the first tear rolled down his cheek.

Oh hell no!!!! That was my biggest fear!!! He doesn't want to live with me...... oh god!!!!!

"Josh, sweetie" Liz started to talk to him."Don't you want to know who that lady is?"
He just stood still for a moment and then he nodded.
"It's Tina!"
He turned around, stopped to cry immediately and looked at me with his big brown eyes, like he couldn't believe what he had heard. I only smiled at him and nodded.
"Really??" He asked me with so much hope in his voice. "You'll be my new mommy?"
"Yes sweetie" I answered him, my eyes slightly watery and he smiled the biggest smile I had ever seen on his face.
He hugged me tightly around my neck and I grabbed him, securing him to my body and stood up.
"I guess I'll take the bags then" Marshall smiled at me.
"I guess so..." I smiled back.
"Josh don't you want to say bye to me?" Liz came over to me, me still holding him seated on my hip. He looked at her, mumbled a "bye" and hid his face in my neck.
"Okay sweetie!" She rubbed over his back. Josh lifted his head to look at me.
"Can we go home now Tina?"
"Yeah sweetie, we'll go home now!" I answered, kissing his cheek once.
We said our Goodbyes to Liz and promised her to visit her. Marshall took my car keys and carried Josh's bags to the trunk, while I carried Josh to the back and sat him in his seat.

Looks like a little family!! I hope nobody recognizes Marshall and takes a pic!! The press would have a field day....

Marshall offered to drive, which I gladly accepted. So I would have time to concentrate fully on my son.

My son......

Josh asked a lot of questions till we arrived at home, like, if my dog is here now, if he would have his own room, how big the house is, etc.
but he was instantly silent when Marshall stopped the car. We got out off the front and I opened the car door to get Josh.
" Is this your home?" He asked me wide eyed, looking at our house.
"Not exactly. It's our home,sweetie" I smiled at him and he grabbed my hand walking with me to the frontdoor. I unlocked, we stepped in and I squatted down in front of him.
"Welcome Home Josh!"

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