Holidays (pt.1)

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~ Marshall's POV ~

Tina was doing much better, since the morning in the kitchen. Even though I didn't like it, I had to admit it was thanks to her brother. Her Mom had told me over and over, that I shouldn't be mad at her, because she only listened to Klaus. It was the special bond they had and that we should be thankful, that at least one of us could get through to her. I wasn't mad. To be honest, I was jealous!
I love her so much and would marry her and still someone else could pull her out off her misery. But when I had walked into my kitchen that morning and she smiled at me, everything was forgotten. I had her back and I would do everything in my power to make her happy!
Her family had left 5 days after we had planned our holiday vacation. Klaus had occasionally spoke with her, to make sure she was staying on track and that she would listen to me and talk to me. And she really did!
We had called everyone Tina wanted to take with us and they were thrilled to go on vacation together and also happy to help Tina. Royce came over a few days later, to see how we were doing and told us, that his girl had left him. The sweet and warm hearted person that my fiancé is, she invited him also to come with us with his kids. I actually liked the idea to have a friend with me, I could talk about music and shit.

Today it was the 20th of December and we would fly to Aspen. Tina had already sent a damn plane, filled with gifts for everyone to Aspen yesterday, to make sure no one would see them. I couldn't wait to go to another place with her. Everything in our house reminded her of Josh, I even thought about selling it. But she loved the house and told me that we had so many good memories here and they would outweigh the bad ones. Even though she was sleeping in my arms every night, we hadn't had sex since our son died. I know, how could I think about that....
But it is hard to not think about it, when your lady is sexy as hell. I actually had talked to her about getting her pregnant, although I never wanted to have a kid again, she was the one who made me change that. When she had told me that it wouldn't be possible for her to get pregnant, I was kinda disappointed. But we decided that we would maybe adopt one day.

So now we were at the airport and waited for Kim, my/our girls, Ronnie and Royce with his kids to arrive. Tina's family was already on their plane from Germany and we would all meet in Aspen. My beautiful lady had everything planned out perfectly. House, cars, a chef to cook for us, 2 butlers, the gifts, simply everything!
The flight was funny as hell. The kids were goofing around with Royce. Ronnie and Kim were telling the most stupid stories that they had experienced and I helped Kim with her's, due to the fact that most of them involved me. Tina was sitting, secured by me on my lap and laughed. I know it's stupid and seems all soft and shit, that I always pull her to sit on my lap. But I wanted her as close as possible and when other people were around, that was my solution.
We had landed and 4 cars were waiting for us to take us to the chalet in the mountains, that Tina had rented. Seeing the house when we arrived there, I wasn't really surprised. I knew she would get the best on the market for us and she did, it was amazing. Her family had arrived a few minutes before us and were now all coming out to greet us. Tina got ripped out off my arm and tackled down in the snow from her sister, which escalated in the first snowball fight between the 3 siblings. To be honest, we ; Kim, the girls, Ronnie, Royce and his kids; only stood there and watched.

We didn't even enter the house and they already starting....

Tina's Mom, her boyfriend Thomas, and the kids only laughed, while the 3 were running around and throwing snow at each other. I smiled to myself, happy that my lady was laughing whole heartedly. I was just turning around to Hailie and answer a question she had asked, when a snowball hit me right in the back. I turned around and Tina was smiling innocently at me, but I knew it was her. I basically got dragged into the fight, which ended up, that we all, except Rita, Thomas and the little kids were running around like kids. 20 minutes later, we were all wet and while the others had walked in to change and finally take a look at the house, I was laying in the snow, my fiancé on top off me. For seconds she did nothing else than look into my eyes, before she started to speak with her soft voice.
"Thank you Marshall. For everything you've done for me!" She kissed me shortly and wanted to get up, but I halted her back.
"I haven't done anything, beautiful. I really don't know what you're talking about." It's true and I was confused as fuck from her statement.
"That's what you think." She answered and kissed the tip of my, almost frozen, nose. "I know you think it was Klaus who helped me through this, but that's not true. He only talked to me about you and that I would maybe loose everything we have, if I would stay in that hole. My love for you made me overcome this, so basically it was you!" She smiled and I pulled her face down to mine and kissed her.
"We should go inside, babe!" She whispered against my lips. "We shouldn't shock the kids, having sex out here."

Sex........ oh my god, she thinks about it too.....

"Then let's get in and get you out of that clothes." I told her and she got up, reached her hands out and pulled me on mine to my feet.

We walked around shortly through the house, it was amazing, but the best part, was our bedroom. We walked in and in minutes Tina had removed all her clothes and had went into the shower. She hadn't said another word off having sex anymore, so I didn't want to pressure her. Only knowing that she was thinking about it again, was enough for me. For now....

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