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I had went home around 1 pm and had stayed outside on the veranda most of the day. To keep myself occupied, I called Kim and Ronnie and played with my dog in the backyard. At 5 pm I walked into the kitchen and cooked, so my beloved husband, which I could strangle right now, could eat when he came home from work. It was almost 8 when he finally arrived.
"Tina?" He yelled through the house and I stood up from my chair on the veranda and walked inside. He stood in the living room and looked tired and worn out. Actually, that was a bad combination, if he still would be angry.
"Yes, Marshall?!" I answered slightly unnerved when I walked into the room and he glared at me.
"Don't give me an attitude." He growled angrily, which made me furious.
"Really, Marshall?" I asked him in disbelief and raised my eyebrows. "You're still pissed?! Why don't you tell me, why you think you have the right to even be pissed?! If I had done what you did to me, I would bow my head and shut the fuck up!" I told him aggravated and I could see his face turning red.

This is nooooooooot good!

"You want me to shut up, huh?" He yelled and took a step towards me. "I bet you would like that, so that you can order me around even more like a puppet on a string! Why don't you get off your high horse and leave me the fuck alone?!" I stared at him totally confused.
"Are you serious? Do you even realize what we're fighting here about?" I now yelled back at him and he huffed out and shook his head. "You fuckin cheated on me! You fucked another bitch! Don't you try to blame me for your shit!"
"Did it ever occur to you, that it's probably very hard to be with someone like you?" He yelled and I stared at him in utter disbelief from his words. "You little Miss Perfect, with your moral and everything. It's not easy to live up to that."
"So you're saying it's my fault that you fucked someone else, because I don't treat you like shit?"

He can't be serious!!!!!!!

"Why the hell did you even marry me then?" I now screamed at him, feeling pure anger rushing through me.
"I don't know!" He screamed back and I clutched my hands over my mouth, as if I had said his last words. I could feel tears in my eyes and turned around running out off the room and up the stairs. I slammed the bedroom door shut and fell onto our bed and cryed.

How could he say this? Did he really mean it?

I cryed myself to sleep. When I woke up early in the morning, Marshall wasn't in our bed. So I started crying again and fell asleep. The next time I woke up, was at 11 am. I had slept pretty long. The blinds were still closed, but I could see the outlines of a figure, walking around in the room.
"Marshall?" I asked quietly into the dark and I felt the side of my bed going down from his bodyweight.
"I'm sorry, beautiful. I shouldn't have said all that to you!" I told me softly and the next tears started to run down my face.
"Then why did you say it?" I wanted to know and he reached out his hand and layed it on my boobs, pulling them away immediately.
"Damn, wrong parts." He mumbled, which made me laugh.
"Give me your hands please." He said and I layed my hand on his thigh. He took it softly in his and leaned over my body, till I felt his breath on my face. "Let me kiss you." He whispered and I shook my head. "Tina, please! Let me fix this again! You know me, that's my way to show you that I love you and that I'm sorry."
"I know, but you know me also. I have to brush my teeth, you know I hate kissing in the morning, before I was in the bathroom." In seconds he had grabbed me and lifted me up and carried me into the bathroom. He closed the door and put me back on my feet.
"You know I could've walked, right?!" I asked him and he smiled a little at me.
"I know, but..." he stopped himself and went on, "but you'll see later. I'll wait outside. Tell me when you're finished, don't open the door and try to peek, okay?" I was confused. But when he walked out, I did a quick morning routine and yelled out that I was finished. He came back in and lifted his arm, showing me one of my silk scarfs in his hand.
"Turn around, beautiful!" He ordered me softly and I looked at him questioning, but did as he told me. He put the scarf over my eyes and everything went dark.
"Marshall what..." I started, but let out a shriek when he lifted me up again and carried me back in the bedroom. He placed me on the bed and instantly crawled between my legs.
"Let me kiss you" he whispered while his lips glided, hardly noticeable, over mine. My eyes were still covered, which made everything even more sensitive. I nodded once and he pushed his lips softly on mine, I could feel his tongue on mine lips and opened my mouth to deepen our kiss. We kissed for a long time, his hands wandering over my body, before he undressed me completely.
"I love you." He whispered while he kissed over my stomach, "and that's why I married you. Because I don't wanna be without you." He let his fingers glide over my clit and I took a deep breath.
"I thought I told you to not touch me the next days?" I reminded him, but gasped right after, because he had not only pushed 2 fingers inside my pussy, he also had licked over my clit at the same time.
"Tell me to stop and I will." He stated and started to move his fingers in-and outside, while licking me and I moaned.
5 minutes into his perfect torture, I grabbed his head and told him to stop. And he did immediately.
"Fuck me Marshall!" I ordered seductively and he kissed his way over my stomach back up.
"Tell me you'll never leave me, Tina! Tell me that you love me. I need to hear those words coming out off your mouth." He said and his thumb glided over my lower lip. By now my breathing was heavy and short. He grabbed my hip with his left hand and his right, layed my arms, one after the other over my head, before he secured them both with his right hand.
"I love you and I'll never leave you!" I said and moaned out loud, because he had pushed himself inside me.
30 minutes later we climaxed together and he released my hands and pulled the scarf off my eyes.
"I'm so sorry, what I said to you! My anger really got the best of me. Forgive me, please, beautiful!" He whispered and I kissed him. "I have a surprise for you." He started and pulled out of me. "It's more an apology, but I hope you'll like it." I could hear he was unsure.
"I know I'll love it. Show me." I assured him and he rolled back over me and switched the light on. When he got off me and my eyes had adjusted to the light, I looked around in the room and couldn't believe what I was seeing. Almost the whole floor was covered with vases and bunches of white and purple tulips in them. I sat up straight and scooted to the middle of the bed, still looking in awe at the countless flowers.
"I'm sorry, Tina." He said when he had sneaked his arms around my waist from behind and kissed my neck. I turned around and crawled on top of him, straddled him and kissed him passionately.

How couldn't I forgive him, after this?!

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