Happy Birthday! (pt.2)

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After eating some cake, which was delicious btw., we sat and talked about Josh for a bit. It was nice opening up to him about the things I was scared off. He told me the same as Ronnie, that I would be totally fine. He even told me, how scared he was when Hailie were born, being scared to screw it up, dissapointing her in any way...
And then he said the sweetest thing "Tina, don't be scared. You'll be great Mommy for Josh, he couldn't ask for a better one and if you ever doubt yourself, I'll be there for you to help and give you a shoulder to lean on!"
I basically jumped on his lap, straddling him and kissing him deeply.
"Thank you so much. I don't know what I did to deserve you?!"
"Believe me, it's the exact opposite babe, I don't know what I've done to deserve somebody like you!" He said pulling me closer. He put his hand on my cheek and kissed me, while his hands slid down to my ass, then lower pulling up my dress. I let my hand slide under his shirt, caressing over his stomach muscles and chest.

God damn, this man is too sexy.....

Our kisses got more heated, his hands were all over my body and I could not only feeling myself getting more wet with every minute, I could also feel his boner. Seems like Marshall had enough of making out, when he secured me to his body, telling me I should wrap my legs around him.
He stood up and carried me, kissing my neck, out the living room towards the stairs and into his bedroom. He had just closed the door and pushed me with my back against the wall beside it, when we heard a yell from downstairs.
"Hey Daddy, where are you?"
Marshall let me down in an instant and by his facial expression, you could think he just did a second Ice bucket challenge.
"Stay here, I'll be back, okay?!"
"Sure" I smiled and he was out the door closing it behind him.
"I'm here Whit." I heard him yelling back and sat down on the edge of his bed.
5 minutes later he came back, closing the door behind him and walking over to me, I got up.
Standing in front of me, he looked down for a second and rubbed his neck.
I could see that this was a very uncomfortable situation for him, so I decided to speak.
"Marshall, if your daughter is here now, it's absolutely okay for me to call a cab and leave. You should spend time with her. I really..."
He cut me off by shaking his head lightly and smiled.
"God, no! It's just...I wanted to wait with you meeting them. Not that they don't know about you already, just...." he sighed."I didn't want to put pressure on you!"
"What?!?! On me?" I asked him confused.
"Yeah, I mean, meeting your partners kids is a huge step in a relationship and we're just starting. And I didn't want you to meet them that early, so you wouldn't feel the need to stay with me,if you didn't want to.... I know you would feel obliged, that's how you're and I still wanted to give you a way out..."

What the fuck is he talking about?!?!?! Me leaving?!?!?!?!?! HELL NO!!!!!!

I stopped his rambling by stepping closer to him, laying both my hands to each side of his face." Stop it. I'm here to stay Marshall! I won't leave!" I told him softly.
"Tina, it's just a few days and I told you I ain't easy to be with. Right now everything is great, but what if we get in trouble or whatever. I..."
I kissed him to shut him up
"Listen to me, I'm not someone to run off if it gets a bit difficult. I won't leave you! I promise, okay?!"
"Okay" he exhaled loudly. "Come on, I want you to meet my youngest daughter." He smiled, grabbing my hand and pulling me out his bedroom.
"Oh and not only Whitney is here, my ex-wife Kim is here too." He said to me while walking down the stairs.

Fucking Ice Bucket Challenge for me!!!! Thanks Marshall!!! You could have told me earlier!!!! Great! Just. Fucking. GREAT!!!!!!!!!
Stop it Tina!!!!!!!!!! Calm down, smile, everything will be fine....

We entered the livin room and they stood, now turning towards us, in the middle of the room.
"Soooo...." Marshall started, releasing my hand to rub his against each other.
No one said a word, you could hear a needle fall.... 

Should I start?! No! It's his family. Smile and wait!!!

and then Kim broke the silence.
"You must be Tina" she said walking over to me and reaching out her hand," I'm Kim! Nice to meet you."
"Yes, I'm Tina" I took her hand and shook it, "it's nice to meet you too." I smiled at her and she actually smiled back at me.

Puuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh! That went good I guess!!! But let's wait for Whitney!!! She's one of the most important persons for him....

"Whit, come here and say hi" Kim told her, looking at her. She walked over and reached out her hand smiling
"Hi Tina, I'm Whitney. But you can call me Whit."


I shook her hand also smiling "hi Whitney, nice to meet you!"
Marshall stood at my side the whole time just watching.
"Dad, why's there a cake?"
"It's Tina's birthday today baby!" He answered her.
"Oh, happy birthday" Kim said, pulling me in a quick hug.

Did that really happen?!?! What did he tell them about me?!?!They're so nice....

"Thank you" I smiled sincerely at her and was hugged from Whitney too
"Happy Birthday Tina!"
"Thank you Whitney" I smiled down at her." You want some cake?"
"Yes, please" she smiled back at me.
"Kim, you too?" I looked at her asking.
"Oh no! Thanks. I just wanted to bring Whit over. But maybe next time?!"
"Sure." I answered.
"Moooooom, next time that cake is gone..." Whitney looked at her, wiggling her eyebrows.
"I bet it is," Kim laughed. "But maybe then Tina and I can drink a coffee?!"

Was that a hidden question for me???? Answer Tina! ANSWER!!!!

"Coffee sounds great" I responded.
"Good, coffee it is. I gotta go now. Tina it was nice meeting you" she said to me, before turning to Whitney "be good, alright?!"
"Yes Mom!" Whitney answered rolling her eyes.
"Marshall you got a minute?" Kim asked him.
"Sure" he answered and they walked out the room.
"So, cake now?" Whitney asked me smirking.
"For sure. But we need plates and I don't know where they are" I answered her.
"Come on, I'll show you." And I followed her in the kitchen.
We walked back to the living room, when Marshall stopped me
"Whitney, can you take the plates, please? I have to talk to Tina."
"Okay" she took the plates from me. "But don't take to long"
When she was out of sight, he put his hands on my hips.
"You good?"

Favorite questioooooon........

"I am" i smiled at him. "Whitney is adorable and Kim is very nice."
"Good. I guess Whit already likes you and Kim too I guess. Which is actually very good for me. Makes my life a hell lot easier." He told me.
"Good! For you.... and me."
"It is! But actually I shouldn't be surprised, what's there not to like about you?!" He pulled me in and kissed me.
"I don't know!" I answered smirking.
"Hey, where are you two? I want cake?" Whitney yelled.
We laughed and Marshall took my hand, leading me to the living room.

That went better than expected!!! Let's wait what Hailie and Alaina think about me....

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