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After a very heated make out session, which caused me to be layed underneath Marshall, he propped himself up on his elbows to look into my eyes.
"As much as I would love to stay, I think I should leave now. I want to do it the right way with you and staying now, would lead us to much more...." I looked at him slightly confused.
"Oookay.... I guess?!"
"Please don't get me wrong, beautiful" he said, kissing me once."I really want you, believe me" he looked down between our bodies to his lap and I could feel his boner between my legs.
"It's just, as I said, I want to do it right. You're not some cheap whore, I met, fucked and forgot about. You're my lady now and that's why I want to wait, so it'll happen at the right time."

What a gentleman!!!!!!!! But FUUUUUUCK.......I want him so bad!!!!!!!!!

"Okay" I smiled at him.
"I'll call my driver to pick me up" he said, getting off me and reaching for his cellphone on the coffeetable.
I got up and sat beside him, ruffling through my hair, to calm down my desire.
He finished the call."he'll be here in 10 minutes."
"You ain't mad, are you?!" He asked me, scanning my face.
"God, no. I know there'll be a lot more nights like this. And don't forget you have a concert tomorrow" I looked at my watch.

Holy mother of Jesus!!!! It's 2.30 am!!!!

"Well, today. You should get some rest." I smiled.
"You're great, do you know that?" He kissed me.
"I try my best"
"I'll sent the driver over tomorrow to pick you up again, okay? Same time?" I nodded at him.
"And will Sam look out for me again at the concert?" I asked. His expression changed immediately.
"Yes! Why? Did he do something wrong?"
"No, no." I reassured him, placing my hand on his knee."I just wanted to know. He's very professional in his job and very nice."
He loosened up.
"Okay. I know it must be weird to you, but I just want someone to be there and take care of you, when I can't."
"I understand, Marshall. And as long as I know you'll have your peace, I'm fine with whatever."
We heard the doorbell ring and got up.
"I'll see you later,beautiful" he said pulling me to him by my waist.
"Okay" I kissed him and walked with him out to the car.
"Sleep well and sweat dreams" he said, getting into the car.
"You too, charming."
"And you" I said, looking in the front of the car to the driver "better drive very carefully, you got someone very valuable sitting her. And if something happens to him, we" I waved with my finger between him and me "will have a huge problem then!" The driver raised his eyebrows in shock, while Marshall started laughing beside me.
"You heard the lady, Dave. I wouldn't wanna mess with her!"
"Ma'am I can assure you, I'll get him home safe!"
"Good" i kissed Marshall on last time, stepped back and closed the door.
The car drove off and I walked inside, locking my door behind me, turned off all the lights and went straight to bed.
I kept his shirt on, only getting rid off my bra, pants, shoes and socks and fell asleep thinking about the new boyfriend.

I woke up from the ringing of my home phone.
I grabbed it from my nightstand, still with closed eyes, picked up and mumbled a "yeah" with my raspy morning voice
"Gooooood mooooooorning" Ronnie yelled in a happy song sang voice.

Uuuuhhhhh..... how in gods fuck could she be in such a good mood in the morning?!?!?!

"What?!" I asked.
"Wow, you're still asleep? It's 1 pm, bestie! Looks like someone had a loooong night?!"
My eyes shot up immediately, hearing what time it is.

Holy shit!!!!!!!!!

I jumped out off my bed and rushed into my en suite bathroom!
"Hey bestie, you there?" She yelled in the phone.
"Yes, yes, sorry I am."
"So tell me, how was it yesterday." And with that I gave her a summary off yesterday...
"Holy mother! Sweet baby Jesus!!! You're EMINEM's girlfriend! Oh my God!!!" She almost screamed.
"Well, yes." I smiled at myself in the mirror." Look bestie, I have to eat breakfast and get ready. I'll call you tomorrow, okay?!"
"Sure, sure! Get ready for your man. Love ya!"
"Love you too" I said and hung up. I washed the rest of yesterday's makeup off my face and walked in the kitchen to make myself breakfast and liters of coffee!
After breakfast, I walked in my closet to grab something to wear for today, while I called Liz to ask how Josh is doing.
I decided to wear a loose fitting light blue blouse, black tight jeans and some black flat ankle boots. Don't get me wrong I looooooove high heels and I have quite a few, but I was going to a concert and I would have to be on my feet the whole day and also, and that was the number 1 point, I was almost the same height as Marshall and I really didn't want to tower over him....
I showered, brushed my teeth, put some makeup, eyeliner, kajal, mascara and lipgloss on and grabbed my black "lady Dior" handbag.
I even thought of taking a shirt to change with me.
I walked down and grabbed another coffee, looking at the clock,

3.20 pm....

So I decided to go out and sit a bit on my veranda. The weather was to perfect to sit inside. I sat down, coffee in front and had just light up a cigarette,

Yes, I smoke!! Actually a lot, almost 1 1/2 packages a day.... but hey, I'm perfectly fine with it!!!!

when my cellphone starting beeping.

Marshall: Hey beautiful! Can't wait to see ya!!!

I responded quickly.

Me neither charming! Love you!

I hit the sent button and screamed right after it!

WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK DID I WRITE?!?!?!?! Am i fucking insane?????? Hell not even my mouth is faster than my damn brain, now my damn fingers too!!!!!
FUCK ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I waited 5 minutes and got no response from him.

GREAT STUPID!!! Now you pushed him away!!!

I sat a while debating, if I should even go now or stay at home, to not embarrass the shit out off me, when the doorbell rang.

Too late dumbfuck! No go.....

I took my walked inside the kitchen, placing my empty cup on the counter, yelled "coming", took my handbag and walked out the door, locking it behind me.
Dave opened the car door and I got in driving off to the stadium.

When I arrived there I already was a wreck! My brain was all over the place, trying to find a way to get out off the embarrassment my damn fingers had got me in.
The door was opened and Sam smiled at me "hey Tina". I smiled back mumbling a "hi Sam" and we went over the same procedure as yesterday. Hugging, smalltalk, placing the backstage pass around my neck and with that we headed inside, starting my walk of shame.....

Sam brought me this time straight to Marshall's room. He knocked and opened the door with a "Em, she's here" and stepped aside so I could walk in.
As I entered I saw that no one except of Marshall was inside.

Why is no one here to hug me to death when you need them?!?!?!

"Thanks Sam" Marshall told him standing in the middle of the room, looking hot as always.
The door closed and I took a deep breath.
"Marshall, listen, about the text..." I started but was interrupted by him, walking over, pulling me in by the waist and kissing me.

Daaaaaaaaaaamn, what a Kiss.......

"Hey beautiful" he smiled at me when we had to come up for air.
"Marshall, listen...." I tried again but was cut off by him kissing me again.
"Don't say something about it! That message made my day." He smiled at me and I almost started crying from relieve!
"Please don't look like that. Kiss me and promise me I'll hear those words you wrote, coming out off your mouth one day!"
I kissed him with all I had.
"I promise!"
"Good. I have to get ready!" And with that he turned around and walked over to the table with his clothes to change.

The concert was amazing and fabulous like yesterday. The only difference was, that today I was watching my boyfriend perform, which made me unbelievably proud.
After they did the  ALS Ice bucket challenge on stage and Marshall was soaked with water, I was thankful like crazy for the shirt i had brought to change into. Because my wonderful boyfriend walked off stage to get change quickly, but not without hugging me before.

Wellll....... THANKS!!!!!!

After the concert was finished and he was showered, we all went to Robyn's hotel again to celebrate the end and success of the tour!

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