The start of something wonderful

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We arrived at the hotel, which was actually the one I had stayed at.
Sam got out of a car, that had followed us and opened the door for me.
"You get out first and when you're inside, I'll come in, okay?" Marshall said.
"Okay." I stepped out of the car and walked, closely followed from Sam into the lobby.
He shielded me, from all the looks of the people who were standing and sitting around, till Marshall secured by 2 other bodyguards came in and walked past me.
Sam told me to walk with him a few steps behind the 3.
We reached a quiet part of the hallway, where the others waited for us in front of a door.
Marshall pulled me at his side "ready?"
I nodded and he opened the door to the diningroom. Immediately he was greeted by Denaun, Swift, Kuniva and Bizzare.

Hooooooly Shit!!!!!  D12!!!!! Don't freak out Tina!! Stay calm.....

After they all did their handshake and hugging thing, Denaun turned to me and greeted me with a hug.
"Who that nice little lady?" I heard, turning to my right and was faced with Bizzare scanning me up and down. I raised both of my eyebrows and debated with myself if I should answer or not.
"Yo Bizzy, step off man. She's Em's lady" Swift chimed in from beside Marshall.
"Damn, sorry man." Bizzare said to Marshall who just nodded.
"I'm Bizzare, you can call me Bizzy" he said pulling me in a quick hug.

Aaaaaall that hugging......

"And I'm Kuniva!" needless to say I was hugged again.
"Hi, I'm Tina. Nice to meet yo...." I started but was interrupted by a man's voice.
"Eeeeevil, you're late man."

Royce da 5'9.......Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!

"Hey Royce" Marshall said with a side smirk and they did their handshake hugging ritual again.
"Royce this is Tina. Tina, Royce" he introduced us. Royce reached out his hand and I shook it.

First time no hugging.....

Before I could say another word, Rihanna came over and pulled me in a hug which I gladly returned.
"Hey gorgeous, I'm here to save you. You know testosterone and all" she smiled and winked at me.
"Em, I'll take your girl with me" she said and before he could respond, she had already taken my hand and pulled me away.
"Thank you"

Stupid!!! You sound like they're stepping on your nerves...

"I mean, they're nice and all..."
"It's okay girl, no need to explain yourself. I get it, waaaay too much testosterone" she looked at me giggling.
"Yeeeeah", I sighed.
"We have to stick together, we're the only women here! Now let's get you something to drink and then you'll sit at my side." She told me.

Here I was now, almost 36 years old, but I felt like a little kid, being walked around on Mommy's hand. But Lord knows, I was thankful for her....
We walked over to the larg table, where Paul and a few other men sat.
Paul got up and engulfed me in another hug, before introducing me to the other men.
"Tina, what do you want to drink?" Robyn asked me, when I took my place beside her.
"Orangejuice please."
"Noooo, come on. Drink a glass of wine with me." She whined. It's not that I don't drink alcohol, actually I can drink a lot. But I knew Marshall wouldn't drink and even though most of the others would drink some, I wanted to kind of solidarize with him.
"Not tonight Robyn. Thank you. Maybe another time?!" I declined.
"Okay, I'll get back on your word" she told me, giving my order to the waiter.
"Excuse me ma'am, that seat available?" I turned and saw Marshall standing behind the chair to my left.
"I think so sir" i smiled, he pulled out the chair, sat down and leaned over to whisper in my ear.
"You good?" I guess that's his favorite question to ask me.
"I'm great. You?" I questioned back, turning my head slightly to him.
"Hell yeah, I am" he answered taking my hand, that was placed in my lap and squeezed it.

This man is just perfect.......

Dinner was great and really funny. It was great to see all these people, just being "normal" and joking around. After 3 hours Marshall asked me, if it was okay for us to leave and I nodded.
We said our "good nights", for sure with a lot off hugging and we walked out to the car, with the same procedure as we had walked in.

"Are you tired?" Marshall asked me, when the car drove off towards my house, holding my hand.
"Not really, but you must be?!"
"Not that much."
"Okay" I responded. The rest of the way we stayed silent. He was only holding my hand caressing it lightly with his thumb.
When the driver stopped in front of my house, I pulled all my courage together.
"You wanna come in? I mean only if you're not tired yet from the drive. I mean....

Courage is gone......

.... i know people get tired when they sit in a car and don't drive by themselves. Well I do..." I started to ramble." Also you haven't seen my house yet..."
I was stopped by a chuckle from Marshall.
"Tina, I'd love to come in!"
I exhaled loudly and smiled at him.
I got out off the car and walked towards my frontdoor, searching through my handbag for the keys. Marshall had talked to his driver before he walked over and the car left.

Looks like he's staying longer?!?!

I unlocked the door, opened and stood aside to let him in " Welcome in my home" i said and closed the door behind him.
"Want me to show you around" I asked him, after I put my handbag on the table in the foyer and took  his jacket to hang it in the wardrobe.

I showed him the whole house and we stopped in the kitchen to grab something to drink, before we went in the living room, to get comfortable on the couch.
We talked for a while about the house, which he found wonderful and about the adoption.
Then he leaned back and looked at me
"You know, I never thought I would meet someone I would be so comfortable with, in such a short time."
"Same." I answered with a smile.
"I hope I didn't push it to far, with the kissing and hugging and shit. It's just..." he trailed off
"It's just you.... you're kind, warm hearted, intelligent, i feel like I can talk to you about everything without you judging me and don't forget you're a beauty."

Aaaaaaaaand I blushed like crazy!!!!

"Listen, I think we're to old for that 'will you be my girlfriend' shit, but can you imagine to give us a try?" I smiled at him before he went on.
"I already told you a bit about me and believe me,I know, sometimes it won't be easy, but I'm willing to try my best to make it work between us. I just can't let a woman like you slip through my fingers! I really like you Tina, actually more than like. So..... what do you think?"

Is he REALLY asking me that???? OH. MY. GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I stood up and walked over to sit, facing him on his lap.
"You're right. We're too old for that shit." I said placing my hand on his cheek "and believe me, it won't be easy with me either, but I promise to do my best.I can not only imagine to give us a try, I would love to Marshall." I smiled." And I actually much more than like you too!"
He leaned forward and layed both his hands on each side of my face "then I guess I better kiss my lady now"........

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