Trouble in paradise (pt.1)

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It was now March and we lived with Marshall for 2 1/2 month. Surely, like every couple, we had our discussions and small fights, but none of it was worth to talk about or be mad after. Overall we had a great time together, we had grown to be a family. Ronnie and I spent time together, as I had promised and next month I would fly to New York, for my weekend with Kim.
Today was Saturday. Marshall was at the studio working on the 'Southpaw'- Soundtrack, which he produced. Ronnie had picked up Josh 1 hour ago and the girls were with Kim. So I had a weekend with my boyfriend to ourselves.
We had decided to stay at home, lock the doors and actually have sex, most of the time.
I was in the bathroom and had gotten myself ready, means, I showered, did my hair, a little bit of make-up, black lingerie and a loosely dress on top. I was just about to put on some shoes, when I heard the frontdoor slammed shut with a loud 'BANG'. Actually the walls up here were vibrating....


I rushed out off the bedroom and down the stairs, to see what was going on and heard Marshall cussing and yelling into his phone.
"I swear, if you tell one fucking thing to the press or come over here and Tina finds out, I'll fuck you up! You'll regret every damn second we spent together, Michelle!"

WHAT THE FUCK???????????????? Who the fuck is MICHELLE??????

I had stopped dead in my tracks, while Marshall was now in the kitchen, still yelling into his phone. But I couldn't really understand what he was saying. I looked down at myself and my instinct told me, to better go change in some jeans and a shirt.

You don't know what will happen, a dress won't be good.....

I stood in my closet and pulled out my clothes, when I heard the doorbell ringing. I pulled my jeans and black t-shirt on and walked cautiously out to the staircase.
"Baby, please...don't be like that. I know you want me..." I heard a female voice and rushed down the stairs

I'll kill them....

I almost stumbled over my feet, when I saw the scene in front off me. Marshall stood in the open doorway, his left hand on the door and his right hand on a slutty looking, brown haired bitches shoulder, trying to push her out the door. The bitch had her claws on my boyfriends arms and jacket.
"What the FUCK is going on here???" I yelled and they both froze. Marshall turned around pale and a blank expression on his face, meanwhile the bitch, had took the opportunity and walked past him towards me.
"So...." she scanned me up and down,"you're his little housewife? No wonder he's having fun with me, but...." she couldn't go further, because I had punched her straight in her face and she fell on the ground.

God damn, my new carpet....... she'll ruin it with her blood!!

"Get out off my house NOW!!!" I screamed and my whole body was shaking from anger. She got up and stumbled out and my attention turned to Marshall, who was still frozen on the spot.
"Care to explain?" I asked him and he shut the door, leaning against it and holding his face with both hands, not saying one single word.
"Marshall Mathers, I am talking to you! I want an explanation and I want it NOW!!!" I told him in the calmest way I could right now. But I know, that he knew, that if I was this calm in a situation like this, the Mount Everest was about to crush over him.
"Tina, I'm sorry...."
"I don't care about your 'Tina, I'm sorry' shit right now. Tell me who that slut was and what was going on between you and her!"
"I....I..." he started to stutter and lost his words.
"Cat got your tongue? I swear Marshall, if you don't start to talk in the next 10 seconds, I'll loose my shit...." I was still shaking and my pulse must have been over 300. I turned on my heels and walked into the living room and sat down, arms crossed over my chest, on the couch. He had followed me and sat down on the other couch and took a deep breath before he started to talk.
"I fucked her a few times."

Please don't say while we were together....

"When?" The golden question!
"While we had broken up!" He answered and glanced at me.
"Correction, when you had broken up with me!" I told him aggravated.
"Or that...." he replied and put his head in his hands.
"Well you truly lived in hell, huh? Tell me Marshall, how many more will show up on this door, that you have fucked in your 'hell'?!" I said motioning quotation marks at the word hell. He stood up and glared at me taking one step in my direction. I stood up immediately. I didn't want to be in a lower position, where I couldn't defend myself. I learned it in my past, that it wasn't good to be in a inferior position.
"Why do you even care? We weren't together, right? I could fuck who I wanted and when I wanted to." He now yelled at me.

Is he joking??? I really hope he is!!!!

"Right! You could! But lying to me, that you were soooooo broken and how bad you've been doing the whole time is the first thing and second, if your fuck buddys all crawl out under their rocks and show up here, then it is my problem too!" I yelled back. "Can you imagine what would have been going on, if the kids had been here today? Do you even think about that Marshall!"
"My girls are my problem to deal with!" He screamed at me, his head turning red.
"But my son lives here too!" My voice was now as loud as his.
"Maybe it was a mistake that you moved in then!" He yelled, but I rather had him slap me.
"You realize what you just said?" I asked him in shock and disbelief.
"Oh I know exactly what I'm saying, believe me!" He took a step closer and now I had to make a decision. I couldn't step back, there was the couch. But stepping forward, would probably be a threat to him and he could attack me. So I decided to talk to him in a calmer way, in an attempt, to cool him down.
"Marshall, I really don't want to argue with you! I understand that it happened while we were apart. Please don't let us fight over this?"

Be proud of yourself!!! Well done!!!!

"Do you really think, you could yell at me and punch people in my house and then sweet talk yourself out off it?" He asked me with a evil smirk on his face.

Congrats Tina! You've just met Slim Shady!!!!!!

"Marshall, please..." I tried again, but was cut off by him turning the coffee table upside down.
"Shut it, bitch! I so have enough of you!"

BITCH??????? FUCK BEING CALM TINA! Let him have it......

I stepped closer to him, so we were almost toe to toe.
"You don't get to talk to me like that! I don't give a flying fuck who you are! And you definitely don't get to call me bitch, asshole!" I glared at him and that's when the unthinkable happened. He raised his hand and slapped me right across the face.....

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