New York, New York....

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The week I had spent with Marshall was simply wonderful. He really did everything to show me how sorry he was and promised me, more than one time, that it would never happen again. But I still had the feeling that something was off with him. He had talked a lot with Kim, more than normal and sometimes I had to snap him out of his thoughts. I didn't want to pressure him to talk to me, I knew when he was ready to tell me, he would. Josh and Blacky were home at the weekend, too, and I can't tell how happy I was, that I had my son around again. The following week was like every normal week. Josh went to kindergarten, Marshall to work and I was at home with Blacky. Nothing interesting!
On Thursday I had packed my bag, for my weekend in New York with Kim. We both were really excited and had planned several things, overall I knew, we would only go shopping and have a good time.
Friday afternoon Kim brought the girls over and they gave me a list what I should bring them from our trip. Kim tried to stop them, but I had already promised them, that they would get something from me. Ronnie picked up Josh and Blacky for her weekend and in 2 hours, our plane would take off.
So after a secretive talk between Marshall and Kim, I said "Goodbye" to my boyfriend and the girls and we waited for Sam, to take us to the airport. Yes, Marshall had insisted that I took Sam with us, so nothing could happen to me. I wasn't to keen with that, but I knew Marshall had his peace, so I was okay with it.

We had landed in New York and were now on our way to the famous ' Waldorf Astoria ', where I had booked the presidential suite for me and Kim and a suite for Sam. When we stepped out off the limousine, we were sadly greeted by some paparazzi, who were happily taking pics of Eminem's girlfriend and ex-wife together. In that moment, I was honestly glad to have Sam with us, who pushed the rats out off our way. After we were greeted from the hotel manager, we got in our suite and Kim couldn't stop laughing about me mentioning, that I had just waited, that he would kiss our asses for being here....
We only went out to dinner and then we went to bed, to start our day tomorrow early. Next morning we had ordered breakfast and after that, it was time to set my credit card on fire...
It was time for 5th avenue!!!!!
We were already at Gucci, Prada, Louis Vuitton, Louboutin, Jimmy Choo. And Sam, who carried our bags, started to hate us a bit.
While we sat at a restaurant to eat lunch, he drove back to the hotel, to take our shopping bags to our room.
"You know I never asked you, what you think about marriage." Kim asked me out of the blue and I looked up from my steak (which was delicious btw.) at her.
"Well, I never thought about it to be honest," I answered her, "I actually never thought, that I would meet someone I would want to marry."
"And now?" She smirked at me and I smiled to myself, thinking about Marshall. I was only a few hours separated from him and I already missed him. I loved him so much, no matter what had happened between us.

Would I marry him? HELL YES I WOULD!!!

"I know what Marshall thinks about getting married again, Kim. That's why I never thought about it!"
"Okay, hypothetical." She investigated now, "if he would change his mind and ask you to marry him. What would you say?"
"Without thinking twice, YES!" I told her.
"Okay!" She smiled and we finished lunch. Sam had arrived by now and when I had payed, we walked on.
"Come on, let's get in here!" Kim said and pulled me on my arm into Tiffany's.
"A'right, adding to our convo from earlier, you know about marriage and all that. Which ring would you want as engagement ring?" She asked me, looking over the countless diamond rings.

What the fuck is wrong with her???

"Kim, is everything okay with you?" I asked her confused.
"Oh please, just play along a bit!" She said and pouted at me and I had to chuckle from that sight.
"Okay," I sighed and looked at the rings. "This one!" I smiled and pointed at one ring, while Kim fiddled around with her cellphone.
"Wow, that's an amazing ring," she took my left hand in hers and looked from my hand to the ring and back, "would definitely fit you!"
Before I could respond, my phone rang and Marshall called.
"Hey babe!" I answered and turned around to talk to him.
"Hey, beautiful! How's New York? You good?"

My favorite question...

"I'm good!" I assured him,"how are you and the girls? And New York is great. But I wished you would be here."
"We're all doing good. And I would love to be with you too. I miss you!"

He's just to cute....

"How's Kim?" He asked on and I laughed.
"So she's like always," he laughed at my answer. "Good to know! Hey I gotta go, I'll call you later?"
"Alright. Say hi to the girls! I love you!"
"I love you too Tina! Please take care. I want you back in one piece!" He chuckled and hung up.
"Marshall?" Kim appeared behind me.
"Yes. Can we go out off her now?"
"Sure, come on." She answered and we continued our shopping.

The weekend was absolutely fun and we had decided, that next time Ronnie had to come with us. Sam had just dropped off Kim at her place and I had given the girls, who were already at home, their gifts.
Now I was finally back home. Josh would stay till tomorrow with Ronnie, since it was past his bedtime and I would pick him up from kindergarten tomorrow. Sam had carried in all my bags and said bye.

Where is Marshall??

I walked around the house and finally found him in his studio. A loud beat blaring and he sat in his chair, bopping his head and scribbling down words on his pad. I loved to see him in his element.
I stood, leaned with my back against the now closed door, watching my love.

I so would marry him, if he would ask me...

He turned around in his chair and jumped at my sight.
"Damn, I forgot the time." He said and got up to walk over to me, "I'm sorry beautiful. I wanted to be finished when you get back home!" He pulled me in by my waist and kissed me deeply.
"It's okay!" I answered when he let me come up for air and I laid my hands on his chest, "I missed you!"
"I missed you too Tina, believe me!" He told me sincerely and grabbed my ass, while he started to kiss my neck.

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