Happy new year

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Waking up the next morning in his arms was heavenly. He had held me close all night and right now I couldn't be happier. I turned around slowly, being careful to not wake him up and to watch him sleep a little bit, but was met with his beautiful blue eyes looking at me.
"Good morning, beautiful, slept well?" He smiled and kissed me on my head.
"Good morning sexy. I slept heavenly" I smirked at him, "you?"

I have to brush my teeth...

"Better than the last 2 month definitely." He said and I tried to wiggle out off his hug."hey, where do you want to go?"
"Well, thanks for the sex. But now it's time to leave," I told him deadly serious and he loosened his grip. Shock and confusion written on his face.
"That's it? You're leaving me?" He sat up, his back against the headboard of his bed, "Tina, I know I fucked up when I broke up with you, but I thought..." he sounded broken,again, "I thought last night... I should have waited, right? Tina, please don't leave me...." I sat on the edge off the bed, trying to find my underwear. When I had found it, I turned around, crawling over to him.
"I can and I will leave you now," I took a deep breath and tried to keep myself from smiling, but failed horribly, "to go into the bathroom and brush my teeth and you better go and make me a coffee!" He knitted his eyebrows and jumped on me
"You..." he started before tackling me down on my back and laying on top of me, "do you want me to get a heartattack?" I laughed loudly, while he bit me neck lightly. Before I could answer, the door swung open and Alaina and Hailie stormed in.
"Dad, are you serious? Having some chick here and you say you want Tina back?" They hadn't seen me yet, because Marshall covered my face with his body.
"Ehhhh, gross, dad..." Hailie went on, "put something on and get her out. Or I swear, I'll make sure Tina won't come back to you!" I lifted Marshall slightly off me, looking at the girls and smiled.
"Too late! But good to know you two would throw every chick out!"
"Oh my god...." Laney squealed, "you're back!"
"Yay, great...." Hailie laughed, "it's still gross, put some clothes on!" And with that, they walked out and closed the door.
"Damn, busted...." Marshall started laughing.
"Yeah, again!" I stated and he got off me, so I could go into the bathroom, "your girls have a tendency to do that!" He followed me and I stood at the sink and brushed my teeth, when he hugged me from behind, still naked.
"Now that they know, you're not some random chick, why don't we go back to bed?" He asked me, starting to kiss along my neck and I could feel him getting hard against me. I bent over to clear my mouth and he inhaled sharply. One hand of him, shooting to my hip, the other to my back, pushing me softly down, to hold me in that position. His foot got between mine and he pushed my legs apart.
"Or we do it right here," he whispered, his left hand left my hip to touch my, already wet, pussy and I moaned shortly.
"Marshall...." my words were stopped in my throat, by him entering me.

After our quick-fuck-session, we got dressed and walked down to the girls. They were so happy I was back and hugged me tightly. Marshall just stood by my side, smiling like crazy.
I had gone home, after a fast breakfast with the Mathers family and was immediately greeted by my son and dog. I had decided to spend the weekend with Marshall, for sure taking my son and dog with me. So now I told Ronnie my plans and she was not only happy for me, because I was with him again. But also that she would have a weekend to herself.

Guess she needs a little quiet time, after the chaos with me....

The weekend with Marshall and the girls was absolutely wonderful. I felt like I was back home, back where I belong. Josh almost freaked out, when he saw his own room and stayed most of the time in there, spending time with Whitney. We had also decided to throw a New Years party, at his house, for our family

Our family......

and friends. So Hailie, Laney and me were occupied with finding a catering and Marshall calling his friends he wanted to invite.
Kim and I had even bought some decorations, which I found useless, but hey she wants it.
So now it was 6 pm at the last day of 2014. My family had already called wishing me a "happy new year", due to the time change, it was already midnight in Germany.
Veronica, Josh and me, even Blacky, were now at Marshall's. My son, Whitney and my dog were playing outside in the snow, while me, Ronnie, Kim and the other 2 girls were finishing decorating and taking care off the catering.
I had decided to wear black pants, that reached till my ankles. A grey loose silk blouse and black Louboutin flats. Even though the other girls and ladies were all wearing a dress. Kim and I were each standing on a ladder, hanging up some kind off banner, when Marshall walked in
"Be careful and please don't fall off, beautiful!"
Before I could reply something, Kim answered
"You never called me beautiful. But I really like it and thanks for your concern!" I started to laugh and so did she. Marshall only rolled his eyes
"First you're not beautiful, she is" he pointed at me, "and second, if you fall off, just don't break your neck, remember we have 3 daughters!" I gasped at his response, but Kim only laughed.
"Charming, really charming Marshall. So that's what I get, for keeping up with your ass for decades, huh?" They both laughed and I only shook my head.
"You two are to much!" I reached out my hand to Marshall, so he would help me down.
"You have no idea!" He laughed and lifted me down by grabbing my hips and lifting me in his arms. He kept me there and had now to look up at me and kissed me.
"What's with me?" Kim laughed, climbing down the ladder. He had now put me down on the ground and I kissed him once.
"I thought you wanted to fall off?!" Marshall asked her and laughed and so did Kim.
"Oh my...." I said and started to walk to the kitchen.

Everyone we had invited had arrived when we were standing around, talking in little groups.
If I would have heard off the party and who was here, I would turn green from envy.
D12 with their ladies and kids, Royce and his girl and kids, Yelawolf+1, Curtis with his girl and kid, Skylar Grey with her dude, Paul with family.
Kim, Ronnie, Skylar, who I just met and she's super sweet, Curtis girl and Royce's girl and me were standing outside currently, talking and smoking a cigarette.
"So and you're Em's new girl, hm?" Curtis girl asked me now, looking me up and down.
"Yeah?" I questioned her back, frowning a bit from the way she was talking to me.
"And how long do you think, you will stay?" She asked me.

Bitch.... don't start shit....

"Well I think that's none off your business, girl!" I shot back and thought, that would put her in her place, but damn, I was wrong.
"Maybe it isn't. But don't you think that you shouldn't talk to me like that? I mean, I'm here much longer than you and you're clearly here for his money and Em is too caught up, to notice it!" She smirked at me.

Tina, caaaaaaaaaaalm down!!!! You can't beat her here.......

"Bitch, shut it! You have no idea what you're talking about and clearly none what she'll do to you, if you keep sticking your nose in her business!" Kim warned her from beside me, while the others stood there in silence.
"So I have no idea what I'm talking about, huh?" Bitch went on,"look at her expensive clothes and jewelry, clearly Em bought it!" She pointed at me "and what could she even do to me??" That's when Ronnie jumped in, before I could rip her in tiny, little pieces.
"First, bitch, her current back amount is about 100 million dollars, which is her own money and second, the last bitch who tried to get into her business, got her whole face relocated! So why don't you zip that gold digger mouth of yours, before I'll let her blow off on you?!" With that the bitch shut up, but I had already turned around to walk back into the kitchen.
When I came in Marshall, Denaun, Royce and Curtis stood at the counter talking. Marshall looked at me and saw immediately that something must have happened.

I guess I'm bad at hiding my anger.....

"Babe, everything a'right?!" He asked me and reached out his hand to pull me to his side.
"Yeah lady, damn you look like someone pissed in your champagne!" Curtis laughed and I looked at him and then back to Marshall.
"If someone's girlfriend, would rather take care off herself, then I would be alright!" I answered Marshall's question and he looked at me confused, like the others.
"What's that suppose to mean?" Curtis asked me now and I looked him straight into his eyes.
"Okay, I'll try it with your words, Curtis! Keep your bitch in check! Because if she, one more time sticks her nose in my relationship, she'll look like she got hit by a fucking train, when I'm finished with her!" I said and smiled the nicest smile I could muster. "Got it now?"
Curtis stared at me dumbfounded, while the others started to laugh.
"It's almost midnight, Marshall. Why don't y'all take care off the fireworks?" I pulled his attention back at me.
"They should do it, you'll come with me!" He said and pulled me on my hand out off the kitchen.

Damn, I pissed him off......

We walked upstairs in his bedroom and he closed the door behind us and then went on, out on his little balcony.
"Marshall, I'm sorry..." I started, when we stood outside."I know, I shouldn't have..." I couldn't go further, because he pulled me close and kissed me.
"I know, you have a reason to talk like that. So I don't care and I'm not mad" he said when he had ended the kiss." I wanted to talk to you alone, that's why we're up here!" I smiled at him and put my hands around his neck, caressing it softly.
"I know, I just got you back since a few days. But i can't wait no more...."

What the fuck is coming now?!?!?!

"Tina, please move in with me! I don't want to be without you anymore!" He looked at me unsure and the first firework shot up in the air.

Guess it's new year!!

I smiled at him and kissed him deeply.
"Happy new year babe and I hope we'll have many more together!" I kissed him again.
"And I will move in with you!" He smiled his rare, big smile and kissed me, taking my breath away.
"I love you Tina! Happy new year, beautiful!"

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