Bad news

463 19 24

~ Marshall's POV ~

The weekend with the girls was wonderful as ever and we had a lot of fun. Tina absolutely freaked out over my gift and since I had put it around her neck, she only pulled it off when we went to bed, which was better. The way we had sex, she probably would hurt herself.
It was Monday and like always I had taken her to the studio with me. I just couldn't leave her alone and since she was pregnant, it was even worse. I sometimes felt like an overprotective psychopath, but she understood me and never complained. This woman was my heart and soul. I loved her to death.
Right now I was sitting in a recording room with Royce and Denaun, to go over some beats. My wife had went out shopping. Much to my dislike with only one bodyguard, Jeremy. Mitch had called in sick and normally Kim or Ronnie would go with her, but even they had other things to do. After persuading me, actually with sex, I gave in and let her go.

She knows which buttons she has to push, to get what she wants....

She was now gone for almost 2 hours and that's when my cellphone started ringing and Tina's caller ID showed up.
"Hey beautiful, you set your credit card on fire enough now?" I asked when I had answered and I heard someone clear his throat, a male person. I sat up straight immediately.
"Mister Mathers? My name is Doctor Savoy..." he started and I jumped out off my chair, which I sent flying back. Royce and Denaun looked at me confused and I cutted the Doctor off.
"Where is my wife?" I asked and Royce and Denaun stood up too when they heard me asking for Tina.
"Mister Mathers, your wife was involved in an accident and got brought into the ER of the Harper University Hospital 10 minutes ago." He told me and I felt like fainting. I grabbed the edge of the table in front of me and took a few deep breaths.
"Mister Mathers?" The doctor asked now, but I was incapable of answering him right away.

This can't be happening..... she can't be hurt!!!

"Sir?" The doctor tried again and all I could answer was "I'll be there as soon as I can!" and hung up.
"Em, you okay?" Denaun asked me and I turned around and looked blankly at him.
"Tina had an accident. She's at the hospital. I have to go there!" I mumbled and grabbed my phone and pulled out the car keys off my pants pocket. But Royce ripped them out off my hand.
"I'll drive! Let's go!" I nodded and ran out to my car, followed from Royce and Denaun, who pushed me into the backseat.
"Which hospital?" Nickle asked when he speeded out the parking lot.
"Harper University." I answered him and he drove to the hospital.

What if she's seriously injured? What if something happened to the baby? God, please don't let her be dead! I can't live without her....

I could feel tears running over my cheeks, but right now I didn't care. Tina was in a hospital, there was no better reason to cry.
"Em, we're here!" Denaun ripped me out off my thoughts and I grabbed a baseball cap and put it on, before I rushed out off the car and into the ER.
"My wife, Tina Mathers, got brought in. A Doctor called me. Where is my wife?" I asked anxiously and the bored nurse looked up from her desk behind the reception.
"What's the name of the Doctor?"

Is she out off her damn mind? I don't give a fuck what his name is!!!!

"Are you retarded?" I asked her aggravated and raised my voice. "I don't wanna see the doctor, I wanna see my wife!"
"What's your wife's name?"

I swear I'll kill that bitch!!!

"Are you out off your fuckin' mind?" I now yelled at her and before I could continue Royce jumped in.
"Tina Mathers." He told her and patted my shoulder, while the bitch tipped on her computer and then took the phone and dialed a number.
"Man, I really understand you. But calm down, you freaking out won't help Tina." Denaun told me and the bitch nurse looked at me.
"Doctor Savoy will be here any minute." I huffed out and turned around and thankfully a doctor came speed walking in our direction.
"Mister Mathers, I'm Doctor Savoy..." he started but I cutted him off right away.
"Where is my wife? How is she? How is the baby? Can I see her?" I bombarded him with questions and he nodded.
"If you will follow me, I'll take you to your wife!" He said and walked in front of me down a corridor and then stopped in front of a door.
"Mister Mathers, as much as we know, your wife had been pushed in front of a car." He started to give me a heads up and when I heard what had happened, tears ran over my cheeks.
"Due to the impact on the concrete, she got a bad concussion, 2 broken rips and a broken forearm. The baby is perfectly fine." That actually calmed me down a bit, but still.... Tina was hurt!!!!!
"Can I please see her?" I asked him and he nodded.
"You can go right in." He told me and pointed at the door in front of us. "Due to the fact that she is your wife she's laying in a room alone."
"Thanks Doc." I told him and shook his hand and opened the door silently. There she was, laying in a hospital bed.

Something I never wanted to see.....

Her left forearm was wrapped up and an infusion stuck in her other arm and also had a plaster over her left eyebrow. It hurted physically to see her like this.
Slowly I walked over and pulled a chair to her bedside and sat down. I took her hand carefully in mine and kissed it softly, before I layed my forehead on it.
"Marshall?" Tina asked and I raised my head to look at her.

I had never been more thankful to hear her voice!

"Beautiful I'm here." I told her softly and brushed my hand lightly over her head.
"I'm sorry. I should have been more careful." She whispered and I got up and put my lips softly on hers.
"You don't have to apologize. The doctor said you'll be okay again and the little one is fine." I assured her and she smiled weakly and nodded. "Beautiful, what happened?" I asked her and sat down again, still holding her hand.
"I'll tell you, but please lay beside me, I need your arms around me." She said and scooted over in the bed, to make space for me. I got into the bed and immediately wrapped my arms around her and she started to explain.
"Jeremy and I had just walked out off a kids store, when a dude stopped us to ask me for a pic with me. Jeremy told him to get lost. But the fucker grabbed my necklace and ripped it off my neck and then Jeremy grabbed him and I don't know how it happened but someone pushed me and I fell on the street. Thankfully the cardriver could hit the breaks right in time." She finished and I kissed her head.

I'll kill that fucker for pushing my lady!!!!

"Did you report it to the police?" I asked her and she nodded.
"Jeremy is at the police station and takes care off it. When can I go home?" She asked me and I kissed her head again.
"Beautiful you should stay as long as the Doctor says. I'll stay with you, okay?" I offered her, but she shook her head.
"Josh died in this hospital. I can't be here!" She told me and the realization hit me like a punch in the face. "Marshall please bring me home!" She begged me and I unwrapped my arms from her and got up.
"I'll take care off it. I'll take you home beautiful. I promise!" I kissed her and walked out, ready to talk to the doctor.

The Donation ( Eminem Fanfic )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang