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It was almost 3 weeks now, since Marshall broke up with me.....again.....
After 2 weeks of being drunk, sulking and bawling my eyes out, I had realized that all this wouldn't bring him back. I had to face reality. He would never come back!
4 days ago, I had a mental break down and while I was alone at home, because Veronica had gone to buy groceries, I tried to commit suicide, with sleeping pills. I couldn't cope being without him anymore. I knew it was a cowardly way to get away from the pain, but I didn't see any other way. I knew that Ronnie, Kim and my family would take care of my son and so I swallowed the pills, downed them with a bottle of whiskey and waited for my shattered heart to stop beating.
Kim and Veronica had found me and rushed me to the hospital, so I survived. And now that I was home again, my martyrdom started again. They had gotten me a therapist, but I declined to go.

What should he help me with??? He couldn't bring HIM back.....

Kim totally flipped the shit and was more than ready to beat the living daylight out off Marshall, but I'd begged her, to not tell him anything and so she left it. He hasn't tried to reach out to me. I know my cellphone was in the pond and I had a new number now, but he could have called at Ronnie's. He never did....

I was laying on a sunbed on the veranda right now and thought about my birthday, which would be in 3 days. I didn't want to celebrate, I had nothing to celebrate. Today was Marshall's and mine first anniversary, we would have been together 1 year, if.......well, if.........
"Stop crying, bestie..." Ronnie smiled sadly at me and sat down beside me. Honestly I hadn't realized I was crying.
"I'm sorry..." I said and brushed the tears out off my face, "I didn't realize I was crying!"
"Don't be sorry." She rubbed softly over my arm and continued. "Kim is about to come over. We wanted to decide what we do for your birthday."
"No. Don't you dare to say no!" She cutted me off sternly. "We will celebrate this day, come hell or high water." I only nodded. I knew it was useless to argue with her and then Kim walked outside, bending down to me and hugged me. Veronica had given her a key to the house too, so she could enter whenever she had to.
"How are you today?" Kim asked me sympathetic, took my hand in hers and sat down on my other side. I only shrugged and the damn tears came again.
"Tina, please...." she sighed and squeezed my hand, "he ain't worth it!"

I know she's right! But......

"I had a great idea, while I drove here." She started now and smiled at me and Ronnie. "How about we go on a vacation all together? Means, us, the kids and we could invite your family too?!" She suggested and actually, I kinda liked her idea. Maybe being surrounded by my loved ones, would drag me out off the dark hole, that other people called my life.
"Why not." I shrugged again and immediately Veronica took her iPad and searched for places we could go, while Kim called the girls and even talked to my Mom.
My family knew that Marshall had left me, but they didn't know what I had done and I was determined that it would stay this way.
"Oh my god!" Ronnie yelled out and pointed at the screen. "That's it! This is fucking heaven!!" She turned the iPad to us and showed us a beautiful isle. "It's a private Isles on the Maldives, we could rent it for 10 days. Starting by tomorrow. It's the perfect place, to relax. We would have 10 bedrooms, our own chef, a butler...." she rambled on, but I had zoned out. I only looked at the picture and the thought about being there with Marshall creeped back in my head.

STOP IT!!!! You'll go there with people that really love and care for you!!! Not someone who doesn't want you!

"Get me my credit card, please." I looked at Ronnie and a huge smile appeared on her face. "Oooohhh, noooo!" Kim jumped in from my other side. "You not gonna pay for all of it. I'll..."
"Kim," I cutted her off, "y'all want me to go there, so I would get back on track, right?" They both nodded in unison. "And because it also is my birthday, I'll invite all of you. If you say no, I won't go!" She huffed out and pursed her lips, but nodded.
"Okay, then let's book the isle and 2 private jets. One from Germany for the family and one for us." I said and Ronnie started typing.

1 hour later, everything was done and my family got the information they needed. My best friends had pulled me into my closet and we started packing. We wouldn't need a lot, since it was warm and sunny there, so only a few sommer dresses, bikinis, underwear and sandals were packed into my suitcase.
We all went to bed early, our flight would take off in the morning.

The next morning, it was as I had expected, CHAOTIC! We all were running around like headless chickens, still packing cosmetics, passports and so on. Finally we had been ready and sat in the cab, to the airport.

"THIS IS FUCKIN HEAVEN!!!!" Kim yelled when we had fiiiiiiiiiiiinally arrived at our Isle and she was right, it was....
It was simply perfect! White beach, cristal clear turquoise water, a pool at the house, palm trees ....
"Hey, you okay?" Ronnie walked beside me and I only nodded. "Tina, I know it's hard for you, but I'm begging you as your best friend, please leave him behind. I can't watch you destroy yourself." I turned and hugged her tightly.
"I'm sorry..." I whispered, "believe me, I don't want to cause you sorrow. I don't want to be like that myself. It's just..." I trailed off and released her, sitting down on a chair and stared out to the water. "Every fiber of my body is screaming and aching for him. I don't know if that'll ever go away!"
"It probably won't," she told me softly, "but maybe you can learn to live with it?!"
"You will learn to live with it, believe me." Kim chimed in our conversation and squatted down beside my chair. "And then one day, the pain will be gone completely."
"I hope you're right Kim." I smiled at her sadly and she tilted her head to the side.
"You hope I'm right???? Lady you know I am always right!" She made us all chuckle.
"Come on now, get your ass up. The kids and your family will be here soon...."

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