Breaking news

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My husband and I had hardly slept the whole night. I mean, it was the first night as newly weds and also we haven't had sex for a weeks. I got up this morning while Marshall was still sleeping in the hotel bed. We would have a brunch with all our guests in 2 hours and when I had woken up and couldn't sleep no more, I decided to get ready and then to wake up my husband.
I took my suitcase with my clothes to change and my cosmetic inside and walked, as silent as I could, into the bathroom. Afterwards I took a bath, washed my hair and dried it and moisturized my body. The weather was beautiful and it was already getting warmer in Detroit, so I decided to wear a white lace dress and my nude Louboutin peep toe heels. I brushed my teeth, put on some make-up and dried my hair. After I had put on my watch, earrings and a few bracelets, I thought I looked good enough for Marshall and walked outside, to wake him up.
"I thought you would never get out off there." He smiled at me, while he was sitting in bed, his back leaned on the headboard. The sheets were only covering his lower body parts, the upper part was still fully naked.
"Beautiful, you are staring." He said with a chuckle and pulled me out off admiring his absolute perfect body.
"I know and I probably would have started drooling, but you had to pull me out off my thoughts." I told him with a smirk, which made him laugh. I walked over to him and bent down, cupped his face and kissed him. His hands grabbing my waist immediately. "But you should be happy, after almost two years I still admire your body, sexy!" I winked at him and he pulled me down on his lap.
"How about you show me how much you admire my body?" He whispered seductively in my ear, while his hands glided up my thighs under my dress slowly.
"Babe, I would love to. But you need to walk your sexy ass into the shower. You need to get ready." He let out a frustrated huff and kissed my shoulder.
"Everything for my wife!" He said and I got before him and he walked into the bathroom to shower and get ready. Meanwhile I had put my bridal dress and his suit on hangers and collected our underwear, which was scattered around in the room.
Marshall walked out, just as I was finished, in jeans, a white shirt and sneakers.

Well, at least he stays true to himself....

"You look beautiful today." He whispered in my ear, when he had wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me.
"Thank you." I said and smiled, kissed him once and let my hands glide over his arms. "And you look, like you!" He let out a loud laugh and pushed me lightly off him, his hands still remained on my waist.
"Is that good or bad?" He asked me still laughing and I closed the space between us again, my hands sliding down over his chest and I kissed him.
"I married you, that should be proof enough, that it's more than good!" He pulled my face to his, with his hand on my neck and started to kiss me again, while his other hand slided down to my ass. I knew if I wouldn't stop him now, we would end up inbetween the sheets again. So I broke the kiss, actually reluctantly and reminded him that our guests were waiting. He really wasn't keen about the fact that we had to stop, but I promised him, we would continue when we were at our home tonight.

We walked down the stairs hand in hand and opened the door to the dining room. Instantly it was deadly silent when they saw us and the first face I saw was Ronnie's. She was totally pale. My smile dropped and I looked at Marshall, who had a very confused look. I was about to say something when my brother rushed, a newspaper in hand, towards my husband and I jumped right in front of Marshall, because Klaus was more than ready to attack him.
"What have I told you yesterday, huh?" Klaus yelled angrily at Marshall and waved the newspaper.
"Klaus could you tell me what's going on, before you beat the shit out off my husband?" I asked him aggravated and he glared at me.
"Don't you defend him now, Tina. Do you know that he cheated on you not 4 weeks ago?" I had the feeling someone had slapped me with a baseball bat. "You damn fucker, I should've never hand her over to you." Klaus continued and I pushed him by his chest off me, to get some space.
"Where you got that from?" I asked him now calmly and he basically threw the newspaper at me.
"Here, read it yourself. Michelle has a lot to tell!" Klaus told me and I unfolded the paper and read the article about Marshall and me being rumored to be married by now and the whore telling every damn detail, how she had fucked with my husband. But no word that I had beaten the shit out off her. The hoe had even the audacity to say how sorry she was for me.
"Tina," Marshall had now stepped close behind me, "let me read this." I turned around to him and handed him the newspaper. He had a very sad expression on his face and my brother started talking again.
"Why you wanna read it? I think you know what happened!" I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, before I ripped the newspaper out off Marshall's hands, turned around to face the room and threw the paper at my brothers feet.
"There's no need for him to read it, you are right." I started with a loud and serious voice. "It's enough that I read it. And I can assure not only you Klaus, but all of you, that it's a lie!" Klaus was quiet immediately and I looked at Royce and Denaun, who were sitting on a table and stared at me.

You two really thought I would throw him under the bus? He's my husband now for gods sake!!!

"Tina you sure?" My brother asked me now a lot calmer and I nodded
"The night she says it had happened, I was with him at the studio. Actually I was there the whole week after the others had left, to keep him company while he was working!"

Dear Lord, I hope you'll forgive me for lying. But I have to defend my husband!

Marshall was still standing behind me, not saying one word.
"It's true." Royce said and stood up, "I've seen Tina coming in every time I left the studio and I was the last to leave, only Em stayed!" I smiled a little at his statement and nodded at him. Then turned to my brother, while I reached out my hand to the back for Marshall to take it. He did and I pulled him to my side.
"Klaus, Marshall would never cheat on me. Believe me!" I reassured him with a smile. "Can we please leave that shit now? It's our first day as a married couple. I really don't want to deal with lies from a attention seeking bitch!" Marshall squeezed my hand tightly and my brother pressed his lips together and nodded, before he walked over to me and pulled me in a hug.
"If you say it ain't true. Then I know it isn't." He released me and stepped in front of my husband patting his shoulder. "I'm sorry Marshall, I just lost it, when I read that shit!"
Marshall only nodded, still incapable to speak.
"Good, can we eat now please?" I asked and smiled widely at our guests. "I'm actually starving." Immediately our friends and families started talking again and when Klaus had walked back to his table. Marshall pulled me at my hand out off the room.
"Why did you do that?" He asked me quietly after he had closed the door. "Tina, I would have told them the truth. It was my mistake and I have to take the blame for it." I wrapped my arms around his torso and kissed him once.
"You are my husband now, Marshall and that means I will defend you. I told you, everything that had happened before yesterday, doesn't count anymore. So please, don't let it get to you. I want to celebrate my marriage with the love of my life a little bit more, okay? We'll deal with it next week!" He cupped my face and pressed a long kiss on my lips.
"You're simply perfect! I really don't know what I've done to deserve you!" I smiled at him and kissed him again.
"It's the exact opposite, babe. I love you, Marshall!"
"Believe me, I love you too!" He said and kissed me again, before he opened the door and we walked back inside.

I'll so make that bitch suffer for that.....

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