"Southpaw" (pt.2)

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I clinged onto Kim's arm and stared at the pic on the phone.
"Give me that!" I ordered Ronnie with a whisper and she gave me the phone. I inspected the pic if I could see any kind of hint that it was photoshopped, but couldn't find anything. I scrolled down a bit and there was an article.

Rap superstar EMINEM was spotted yesterday after the "Southpaw" movie premier in New York at Jay-Z's club 40/40 being very intimate with "Miss Universe" Paulina Vega.
The Detroit rapper.....

I couldn't read it anymore and gave Veronica her phone back. I was in pure shock!


"Tina, what can we do?" Kim asked me with a apologetic and compassionate look on her face, while Ronnie started to rub my back again. I had turned my head in the meantime and looked at my left hand, that clinged to Kim's arm for dear life, at my engagement ring. My world was shattered in a million pieces.
"Bestie...." now Ronnie tried and I lifted my head." We'll do whatever you need us to do. Just tell us, right Kim?!" She looked at Kim and she nodded in approval.
"Send Mitch and Jeremy with Josh to kindergarten. I don't want him to see me like this." I whispered and immediately Kim turned around to the kitchen, while I stood frozen to the spot.
"Bye Mommy" Josh came to me and hugged me and I returned his hug. The second my son had left the house and the door closed behind him, I grabbed the vase that stood beside me on a table and smashed it with all the power I had, against the wall next to the front door. Kim came running out off the kitchen, while Ronnie had ducked down, so the splitters wouldn't hit her.
"Tina, please...." Kim tried in a very calm tone, but I turned away from her, walking into the living room to grab my cellphone.
I dialed Marshall's number and sat down on my couch. It took a long ass time and I was about to hang up, when I heard that someone had answered. Although no one was speaking. I could only hear shuffling on the other end. I put the phone on speaker, that Ronnie and Kim, who now sat beside me, could listen.
"Marshall??" I tried once. "Marshall could you please answer me?"
"Marshall Mathers, I swear to God, if you don't answer me, I'll....." I was interrupted by a female voice.
"I'm sorry" she said with an accent and giggled,"Marshall can't come to the phone now. He's a little bit tired. Do you want to leave a message?"
"If I want to leave a message????" I screamed into the phone and my friends jumped from my sudden outburst. "You little whore, get me my fiancée on this damn phone, before I come over and ripp you to shreds!" I could hear her whispering his name, well, she whispered Eminem and then I heard his morning voice
"Why the fuck did you answer my phone?" He was clearly talking to her. I could hear her mumbling an excuse and then the phone shuffling.
"Hello?" He answered and in that second I only wanted to smash the phone on the wall too.
"Is there anything you want to tell me?" I asked as calm as I could and it was deadly silent.
"Marshall, you better answer me now!" I ordered and I could hear him breathing.
"Tina, I'm....I'm so sorry, I don't know how this could've happen, please...." I started laughing.
"You don't know how this could happen??ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME????" My cool was sooooo toooootally gone.......
"Beautiful, please...." he tried again.
"I swear to god, if you dare to call me beautiful one more fuckin' time, the world will mourn your death! I so have enough of you, I have the feeling to throw up, only thinking of you. How could you do that to us????? How could you look me in the eyes and tell me that you love me? Hell, how could you ask me to marry you? I hope you rot in hell for that!" I hung up without listening to another word from him.
"Wow..." Ronnie looked at me shocked but approvingly. "I thought you gonna slaughter him through the phone." Kim huffed out once and my phone started ringing. It was him!
"Don't answer..." Kim told me, but I only mumbled "you and I know that I will.." and I picked up.
"What else could you probably want?" I asked.
"Tina, please. I'm so sorry, you have to believe me..."
"Believe you?????? I believed in you Marshall. I've trusted you blindly! And you destroyed EVERYTHING we had!!!" I actually had the feeling to strangle him right now.
"Tina, I'll come home, okay? I promise I'll make it right, baby! I'll fix this! Tina, please just don't leave me! I love you more than anything, please..." I couldn't hear him anymore, because Kim had gotten up "oh god, I think I have to puke!" She said and walked out the room. "Wait for me..." Ronnie yelled and followed her out.
"I don't want you here!" I told him, now that I could concentrate on the phone again. "You can stay with your little hoe in New York. Here is nothing left for you, except your daughters. Though I don't think they'll be so happy neither, when they see their engaged Dad sticking his tongue down some bitches throat!"
"Tina...." he started again, but I cutted him off, already exhausted from his lame apologies.
"Leave it! We're done!" I hung up again and turned my phone off, before I walked over to the house phone and ripped the cable out off the wall. I heard Kim and Veronica talking in the kitchen, walked over and was greeted by Ronnie holding out a glass for me "Mojito?"
It was not even 10 am.

Fuck it!!!!

I took the glass from her and took a good sip.

1 hour and 5 Mojito later, which we all had drank in total silence Kim broke the silence.
"What now?"
"I...,have...no...fucking...idea!" I slurred lightly back at her and slided my once again empty glass over to Ronnie to refill it.
"He humiliated you in front of the whole damn planet. You can't let him get away with that!" Ronnie stated, also lightly drunk and I only nodded.
"I would give you an advice how to get back st him," Kim laughed now,"but I know you're not that kinda girl!"
"Hell no, I am not!" I laughed too, "but thanks anyway. Also I don't want to get my very own song from him!" Kim who had just took a sip from her drink, spit it now right over the counter, laughing like crazy.
"That was a good one" Ronnie yelled through her laughter. But we all fell quiet, when we heard Alaina calling for us.
"Kitchen!" Kim yelled in a sing sang voice, to let her know where we are. She walked in and stopped in front off us, looking confused at the empty alcohol bottles and our red, from the alcohol glowing, faces. She hugged me tightly and whispered a "I'm so sorry Tina" in my ear, then she released me and asked.
"Y'all think that's a good idea?"
"Yuuuuup!" I answered her, popping the p, "the best we could have!" Laying her hand on my shoulder she asked me.
"Don't you think you should talk to him?"
"I did" I answered before Veronica chimed in.
"She told him he should rot in hell!" And then Kim moved on.
"Yup. Best thing she could do!!" And the 3 of us started laughing again, while Laney only shook her head.
"Where's Josh?" She asked and i answered he was in kindergarten.
"How about I'll pick him up later and take him over to Mom's? I really don't think he should see y'all like that!"
"Okay. Thank you." I slurred and got up to hug her "I love you Laney! You're a good girl!" Now she had to laugh too.
"Yeah, I love you too Tina. Please call me when you're sobered up from that" she gestured to our glasses.
"Moooojiiiiitooooo" Veronica slurred singing at her.
"Okay, okay! Take care y'all!" She waved at us and left.
"What now?" Kim asked and I grabbed a full bottle of vodka and my glass.
"More alcohol, cigarettes...." I nodded with my head to outside, "and veranda!"
"Great idea!" They both approved, but before they could grab their drinks, I put mine back on the counter and walked over to them hugging them both tightly.
"I thank god, that I have you two! I swear I would be dead by now..." I kissed them both on their cheeks and we walked outside...

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