The Meeting (pt.1)

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~ Marshall's POV ~

I finally had her back in my arms and damn, it felt good. The last week, not being able to be with her and when I was back home, not touching or kissing her, almost drove me insane. But now it was all good, well not fully, but we would be when that law suit was over. I would do everything to make her happy. She's just perfect. I mean, even though she didn't knew what really had happened, she still said she would stay with me. But hearing her saying that she would never believe me again, when I tell her that I love her, hurt like a motherfucker. But now that I had her back, I would do everything in my power that she wouldn't be hurt anymore. This woman had in not even a year, turned out in a full addiction for me, sometimes I had the feeling I can't function, if she wouldn't be with me.
And now we were laying in our bed again, she on her place on my chest, her left hand on my stomach and my arms holding her tight to my body. I loved to watch her sleep, she was so beautiful.
Then my cellphone was ringing and I cursed myself for not turning it off. I touched around on my nightstand to find the damn thing, so she wouldn't wake up.
"Babe, your phone." She mumbled and looked up at me.

Too late.....

"I know" I answered her and when I'd found the damn thing, the ringing had stopped.

Fuck it!

I looked at the screen and saw that Paul had tried to call me. Normally he wouldn't call that early, so I called back.
"What's going on?" I asked now after our usual greeting.
"There's something we need to talk about. You got a minute?" He sounded very serious. I brushed through Tina's hair with my free hand and answered "sure! What up?"
"The lawyers called. The bitch wants some kind of a silent agreement, so you won't go to court and she wouldn't talk to the press. I think you should do that!"
"Are you fuckin kidding me, Paul?"

Calm down! You don't want Tina to fully wake up...

"Listen, Em. It won't help your reputation if you drag her through the mud. Think of your career, if you would have to go to court again!" I could feel myself getting angry.
"That bitch tried to destroy my life, my relationship. I don't have to think about my reputation or court, because I'm the victim here. I want that bitch to go down!" I failed horribly in staying calm and by now Tina was sitting in front of me, naked. The sheets only covering her lower intimate parts.

Hang up and fuck your lady.....

I grabbed my dick once, squeezing it a bit, to cool him down, because that fucker was almost hard again.
"Marshall, do it! Sign the agreement. She'll have to stay silent and can't talk to the press." Paul tried to convince me and I knew if he's trying like that, something is going on.
"What is it Paul? Tell me"
"She took pictures of you.." he mumbled and I jumped up in bed, almost throwing Tina out.
"She what????" I yelled into the phone.

Yup.... cool is gone.....

"She took pics of you and if you don't sign that agreement, she'll leak them to the press." Paul told me calm as ever. I knew I had to sign it, hell I didn't want those pics of me in the papers. And definitely I didn't want Tina to get hurt even more.
"I'll sign it" i said through gritted teeth, "send them over!"
"That's the other thing, she wants to meet you and then you'll get the pics and can sign.."
"Over my fuckin' dead body! Hell nah... I'll kill the bitch if I have to see her face again!" I yelled again and Tina looked at me, motioning with her hand to give her my phone.
"Paul, Tina wants to talk to you" I told him and handed her the phone.
"Good Morning Paul, how are you?..... I'm good. Thank you. So tell me what got my fiancée so pissed in the morning........ok.........mhm..........I understand........SHE WHAT??????

Guess he told her about the pictures!!!

..............ok. Yeah, I'll talk to him....ok. He'll call you back Paul. Have a nice day...... thanks." And she hung up.
"Marshall..." she started talking with her soft voice and I knew exactly what's coming, so I cutted her off right away.
"Don't Tina, please. I don't want to argue with you. I won't go to a Meeting with that hoe! End of discussion!" I told her sternly, hoping she would leave it with that. But when she tilted her head lightly, my hopes were gone.
"Then we have a problem. You don't want to go meet the bitch and I don't want to see pics of my naked fiancée in the media!"

Damn, she's good.....

"Beautiful, please. I'll loose my shit when I see her." I tried in a softer way this time. "It'll only make it worse." She crawled behind me and wrapped her arms around my neck, her hands caressing my chest lightly and her head on my shoulder.
"You won't loose your shit, Marshall. Because I'll go with you." She stated and kissed my neck once and I sighed deeply.
"Then I guess I'll call Paul and make an appointment with the hoe." I told her, kissed her arm once and grabbed my cellphone. Looks like the bitch was determined to see me again, because the meeting would be tomorrow. I wanted it to be in Detroit, so Tina and I wouldn't have to travel and could stay at home.
We had spent a relaxing day at home. Breakfast, sex, lunch, sex, a movie and sex, dinner.... well you get the idea...

I was already downstairs, fully dressed and waited for my lady to come down. We had 20 minutes left, till we had to drive to the meeting and slowly I got nervous. I didn't know what would happen and I really hoped I could hold myself together, if she would try to provoke me. And then my fiancé came walking into the room, my jaw dropped to the ground.

Hoooooooooooly........... screw the meeting!!! I so stay at home and fuck her!!!!!

Tight skirt but not to short, jeans blouse, high heels. She is the epitome of sexy. AND ALL MINE!!!!! She stopped in front off me and let her hands slide over my arms.
"You good?" She looked questioned at me and smiled a little.
"Yeah, I'm good. I just hope I won't slap the bitch."
"You won't. If anyone will slap her, it's me. You will keep your cool and she'll be out off our life, okay?" She kissed me once and took my hand in hers. "Come on let's go and get this over with."

What would I do without her?!?!?!

"A'right beautiful, but if you really slap her, make sure to give her a good one from me too!" I smirked at her and she started laughing, turned around and kissed me again.
"Anything for my man!"

We were almost at the hotel were Paul had set the meeting, when Tina looked at me.
"Marshall, don't let her provoke you, okay?" She caressed my knuckles with her thumb and had a pleading expression.
"Tina, I can't promise you that. Just think about what she's done. And if she says one wrong word to you or just looks at you the wrong way, I don't know what I'll do!" I confessed.

That hoe won't get the chance to piss Tina off!!! Hell NO!!!!!!!

"I know what she's done and I can defend myself pretty good." She balled her right hand into a fist and blew on her knuckles,"believe me, babe!" Okay that made me laugh. I mean, look at her she's such a lady and then she says something like that. But since the Samantha incident, I knew what she could do to a bitch's face.
"Alright bad ass," I took her hand that layed in mine and kissed it once,"try to hold those hands back."
By now we had arrived in the underground car park of the hotel, so we could step out without the paps seeing us. I grabbed the door handle and was about to open, when Tina held me back.
"I love you Marshall!" She leaned over to me and kissed me softly.
"I love you too, beautiful!" I told her and opened the door, stepped out and waited till she was out off the car. I took her hand when she was at my side and we walked to the elevator that would bring us to the top floor.


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