Step back

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Today was Tuesday and Marshall and I had been married for 3 days. And we already had to deal with trouble.

God, will this ever end?!?!?'

After we had gotten home on Sunday, Marshall hardly talked to me. I knew he had a guilty conscience, but I had told him several times, that I would stand by his side and support and defend him in any way I could. That was exactly what I would do, I would defend my husband. Yesterday I had called Paul to come over, to find the best way to handle the bitchproblem. Well I already knew what I wanted. I wanted to take everything from her, her money, house, her family. I wanted to sue her for a shitload of money, basically, I wanted to destroy her sorry ass life. Also Marshall had released a statement saying that we were indeed married now and that the allegations were completely untrue.
Normally my family had planned to stay for the week, but because of the trouble, they had went back home yesterday in the morning.
Right now we were at the studio and waited in the conference room for the lawyers to arrive.

Great way to spend a honeymoon.........

Everyone still thought, we would just get a restraining order and that we would be okay with threaten her, to stay quiet.

Ha ha..... definitely NOT!!!!!

"Misses Mathers, congratulations for your wedding." The lawyers had walked in and greeted me now. It was still surreal when people called me ' Misses Mathers', but I loved to hear it.
"Thank you." I answered him after shaking his hand and my husband offered them to sit down.
They started talking about the whole process and what Marshall had to do. I was sitting in a chair, beside him and only listened to everything, until they gave Marshall some papers to sign.
"You not gonna sign this!" I stated and everyone looked at me.
"What do you mean?" Marshall asked me confused. "Tina, I want her out off our life!"
"I know." I told him and squeezed his hand, that was laying on the table, shortly. "But all that is not enough for me!"
"Then tell me what would satisfy you and I'll do it." He looked at me and I knew it was only guilt speaking out off him.
"I want to take everything she has. Money, house, family. Whatever she has I want it!" I stated coldly and the lawyers nodded.
"We would have to go to court then." One of them explained and Paul started to shake his head repeatedly.
"That's not an option. We have to think about Em's reputation. A court case wouldn't be good!" He stated loudly to end the discussion, but he definitely didn't know me.
"Then answer me this Paul, would it be better if his wife would go to jail for murder?" I asked him with a smile and his jaw dropped. "That's what I thought!" I turned my attention to the lawyers. "Explain to us please what we have to do."
"Well," one of them sat up straight and cleared his throat, "both of you have to give a statement under oath first, saying that you both were together at the time she claims to be here and that it is untrue. Then you have to sue her for false allegations and you Misses Mathers could say you have a mental damage from the media attention. That would get you a lot of money." Marshall glanced at me and I knew what he was thinking. The media would have a field day and drag not only her, but also him through the mud.
"Can I have a minute alone to talk to my husband?" I asked and everyone, except Marshall, got up and left the room.
"Tina," he started and sighed, while he brushed his hand over his face. But I cutted him off.
"I know, we can't do that. But do you understand me, that I want her to go down?"
"I do," he pulled my chair closer to his, wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my temple. "I really do, beautiful and I'm more than ready to stand up for what I've done, but I don't want you to get caught up in all this, especially the media would dig through your whole life, even more than they'll do now. I just want to protect you." He sighed again. I thought for few minutes and gritted my teeth in pure frustration and anger, before I nodded.
"Okay, then we'll stick to the original plan. But Marshall, pray that I'll never meet her on the street." I told him, got up and walked out off the room. Paul tried to talk to me, but I only waved my hand, motioning that I don't want to talk right now. I walked into Marshall's office and slammed the door shut with a loud 'BANG'. I plopped down on the couch to calm myself down.

Why the fuck, has this to happen? Now I have to step back, because of him. And he is the one who caused this shit in the first place....

"You good, lady?" Royce had opened the door and walked into the office.
"No, I'm not." I told him aggravated and sat up straight, while he closed the door and sat down on a chair in front of the desk.

God, I hate this table.....

"I figured," he chuckled and I shot him a look.

What's there to laugh?!?!?!

"Can I help you with something?" He asked me and I shook my head, before I started venting.
"If you could turn back time, so that my husband would keep his damn dick in his pants, then yes. Please help me. But since I know that it's impossible. I have to deal with the slut he fucked, right on that damn desk. And due to the fact that he's the fuckin' worlds greatest rapper, my hands are tied, if I don't want to damage his reputation to get revenge. So, no, Royce. You can't help me!" I ended and ruffled through my hair.
"Tina, I really don't know what to say. That's just fucked up, lady!" He said and shrugged his shoulders. The door opened and my husband walked in, clearly not amused, seeing me with Royce in a room with a closed door.
"What are you two doing in here?" He asked and looked suspiciously from me to Royce and back.

REALLY?????? Are you fucking kidding me? You get jealous now?????

"We are just talkin', man." Royce told him and got up.
"And what do you have to talk about with my wife?" Marshall asked him lightly aggravated and I stood up also, to get inbetween their conversation.
"Royce, can you please leave us alone?" I asked him calmly and he nodded and left the room, closing the door behind him.
"Can you please leave us alone?" Marshall mocked me and in that second I lost it completely.
"Are you fuckin' kidding me?" I yelled, which made him jump from my sudden outburst. "Do you really think you have the right to be jealous? Have I EVER given you a reason to be? I definitely know I'm not! Because I am the faithful and loyal one here. Not you!" I pointed my finger at him, still yelling. "You fucking cheated on me, so don't you dare to think because you are a cheater, that I am the same as you! Because I am not!" I stopped and took a deep breath to calm me down.
"Yeah, I get it!" He yelled back at me. "I'm the devil, you are the saint! But at least I didn't beat the shit out of someone, like you!" Now he pointed his finger at me. "Guess you're not that much of an angel, huh?" I actually had the feeling to slap him across his damn face.

How does he have the audacity to say that and yell at me?

"Are you out off your damn mind? What gives you the right to yell at me, for shit that you caused? Who in gods fuck do you think you are? Cheating on me and then taking shit out on me? You know what, why don't you call the hoe over, so you can fuck her again on this desk?! Because Marshall, I'm not the one you'll fuck in the next days!" I turned around and left him standing where he was, walked out and asked Jessica to call me a cab. She had just dialed, when my husband stormed out off his office.
"Tina," he yelled, while rushing over to me, "you not gonna walk away like that. You're my wife now and if you think you can end a discussion like that, you're clearly delusional!" I glared at him and took a deep breath, lowered my voice and answered him.
"Don't you dare to play the marriage card, Marshall. I am not the one who runs away if it gets a bit rocky. I'll go home to calm down. And Marshall, if one bitch will come near you when I'm gone now, I'll have this marriage annulled without thinking twice. Are we clear?" He swallowed hard and nodded and I walked out off the building, got into the cab and drove home.

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