Meeting again.... (pt.1)

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* 2 month later *

Marshall had never called again after he broke up with me, the night we got back from Germany. The first month I had suffered horribly, I couldn't hardly sleep or eat and only kept myself together for my son. Veronica had been there for me the whole time and supported me in the best way she could. Even Kim was there for me. She had called me 2 days after the break up, when the girls got home and told her, what he had done.

Yes, he had told it to his girls!

To say she was furious and shocked, would be an understatement. But she made it pretty clear, that whether I was with him or not, she would stay my friend. I was more than thankful for that. The girls also stayed in contact with me and even stayed with me sometimes at the weekends. It must have been horrible for Marshall to hear, that his beloved girls, didn't want to stay with him and rather stay with his ex girlfriend and tbh I was feeling bad for him. But Kim and Ronnie said, I shouldn't care at all about his feelings, when he had run over mine the way he had. I also had to beg Kim and the girls to not talk to him about me, I didn't want that. Though the girls told me multiple times that he wasn't doing good, but again I shouldn't care less...
After a month of crying and loosing weight, I decided to get my life back. So Ronnie and I sat down and brainstormed. Since she had a degree in finance, we decided to invest some of my money and turns out, that was a great idea. She had made some clever investments and now I had 100 million dollar on my bank account. Due to the fact that I had adopted an American citizen, I now also had my permanent stay allowing. So, over all, everything went better than ever.
The only thing was, the broken heart in my chest, that I thought would never heal again. I missed him so bad, every second of the day. And living in a city, that has EMINEM written all over it, didn't clearly help to forget him.....

Today it was December the 24th... Christmas...
In Germany we celebrated it today and since tomorrow was Hailie's birthday, to which we were invited, we celebrate today.
Josh had gotten a ton off gifts from me and Ronnie, even Kim and the girls came over and brought him something. It was wonderful to have all these people around, but still, he was missing...

Stop it!!! He doesn't love you!! You have to get over it!!!!

Before they had left, Hailie made sure to tell me, that if I wouldn't attend to her birthday, because of her dad, she would never talk to me again. I assured her I would be there and no one could stop me and they left.
"You're sure you can do that?" Ronnie asked me after we had put Josh to bed and sat down to take a drink.
"I have to," I sighed, "I love Hailie too much, to not go and risk that she won't talk to me again!"
"I'll make sure, he won't come close to you, alright?" She smiled and winked at me.
"Ronnie, he made it clear, that he doesn't love me. I don't think he'll even try to get close to me!" It was true, I didn't think he would even look at me, which shattered my heart.

We went to bed 1 hour later and all I could do, while laying in my sheets wide awake, was thinking how I should survive tomorrow.....

"Moooooommy," Josh whined, running into my bathroom, where I was getting ready to leave to the party.
"Auntie, said I can't wear a hoodie today!" I put the flat iron away and looked at him.
"Sweetie, it's Hailie's birthday, don't you want to look good for her?" He thought for a second and nodded then.
"Then you shouldn't wear a hoodie. What about the grey button down shirt, we bought last week? I think you should put that on."
He nodded again and ran  out. Leaving me with my hair. 2 weeks ago, I had cutted my long hair into a bob cut, that reached till the half of my neck and also I colored it a tad darker into a gold blond.
I had decided to put some waves in it for today. Veronica had forced me to wear a dress, telling me, that I had to look extra fine tonight. I knew she wouldn't let me off the hook, so I was now wearing a grey wool dress, that reached till over my knees and had a turtleneck and long sleeves. My makeup was simple as always. Make-up, eyeliner, kajal, mascara and lipgloss.
I put on my diamond earrings, that I had gotten from Ronnie for Christmas, a watch, 2 rings, then my grey Louboutins, grabbed my handbag and went to search for the others.

Now we were on our way over to Kim's and i was glad Veronica had offered to drive. The closer we got to the house, the harder it was to control my nerves and the second I saw Marshall's car parked in the driveway, I was a wreck.
"Breath, and hold your head high, bestie!" Ronnie whispered to me, before we got out off the car.
Josh ran to the door to ring the bell, while Veronica and I got the presents for the girls and Kim out off the trunk.
"Hey," Kim came out the house and pulled me in a tight hug, "I'm so happy you're here. Need a hand with all that!"
"Happy to be here and merry Christmas Kim!" I answered her, returning her hug."and a hand would be good, thanks!" She stepped around me to hug Ronnie too and then took some of the presents inside, followed from us.
We walked into the living room and were immediately greeted from the girls. I hugged Laney and Whitney, telling them "merry Christmas" and then went on to Hailie.
"Happy Birthday sweetheart and merry Christmas. I'm happy to have you in my life!" I whispered and she pulled me even closer.
"Thank you so much Tina" she released me, kissed my cheek and smiled, "I'm happy to have you too!"

Don't get emotional now Tina!!!!

I turned around to look for Josh when I saw HIM, standing in the doorway, leaning on the threefold.

Don't stare! HE. DOES. NOT. LOVE. YOU!!!!!!

I wanted to get my eyes of him, really! But he looked right back at me and looking into his eyes is simply hypnotizing.
"Tina," the girls yelled and pulled my eyes away from their dad, "thank you so so so so much!" It took me minute to realize what they were talking about and then I saw they had unwrapped their presents.
For Laney I had bought a Birkin bag.
Whitney got a whole equipment to learn to ride a horse.
For Hailie I had a Rolex, a lady Dior bag and some Louboutins. She had gotten more, because it was her birthday too.
"You are out off your mind, lady!" Kim smiled at me and hugged me really, really tight." That wasn't necessary. Thank you so much!"
For Kim I had also bought a Rolex and I also invited her to a women's weekend in New York, together with me.
"You're always there for me Kim. That's nothing", I pointed at the gifts "compared to what you have done for me!"
"Lady, don't get me all emotional here!" She chuckled "come on, let's get you something to drink!" She pulled me with her into the kitchen.
"Mom" I heard Whit yell and Kim excused herself for a minute. I stood in the kitchen and decided to get me a glass and a drink.

Where the hell are the damn glasses?

I looked around, till I heard a voice behind me.
"You need some help?"

Oh please don't...... not you!!!!!!!

I turned around and stood now almost toe to toe with him.
"No, thank you!" I answered with the strongest voice I could muster and wanted to turn away from him.
"Tina, can we talk? Please?"
"I think you have said everything Marshall. There's nothing more to talk about!" I answered and this time I really turned my back and rushed out off the kitchen, passing Kim, feeling my eyes getting watery.
"What did you do..." I heard Kim say to him, but I went outside in the backyard, to smoke a cigarette and calm myself down.
I had just lightened up my cigarette, when I heard him again, right behind me.
"Please talk to me! I know I screwed up, Tina. I'm sorry! I never meant to hurt you!" His voice was broken and I knew him well enough, to know that he meant what he said.
"But you did!" I said and turned around to look at him.
"I'm sorry, I...." i cutted him off.
"Yeah, you already said you're sorry, but that doesn't change a bit and definitely doesn't make it better. Do you know what you've done to me..." and there they were, god damn tears, "can you even imagine, how much pain you've caused me or how much I have loved you?" At that he raised his head to look me into my eyes.
"Have loved?" He asked me.
"Yes!" I answered him and brushed some tears out off my face.
"You don't love me anymore?" His voice was shaking.
"Oh, does that hurt the rap gods ego?" I asked him sarcastically.
"No Marshall, you made yourself very clear! You never loved me and I have to deal with that. But you don't have the right, to ask me that question now!" I stepped away from him to go back inside, but he grabbed me at my wrist and stopped me.
"Answer my question, Tina. Please. I need to know..." I couldn't even turn around to look at him when I answered
"I still love you Marshall, I couldn't stop loving you!" Still holding my wrist, he stepped in front off me and put his free hand under my chin. He lifted my head up, so I would look into his eyes.
"Then give me another chance Tina. Take me back...."

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