Moving in

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We had partied till 4 in the morning and thankfully Curtis' bitch hadn't talked to me anymore and went out off my way. Skylar, Curtis, Royce, Michael; all with their partners; Kim, Ronnie and all the kids had stayed over, while the others had left to go home.
I had talked to Veronica and told her, that I would move in with Marshall. She was honestly happy for me, but made me promise, that I had to spend enough time with her and also that Josh would spend 2 weekends, every month with her. I agreed and it might sound wired to some, but she loves Josh and since she could never be a mother, I was more than okay with it. We had went to bed and Marshall and I started to make plans, what I wanted to change in the house. First, new bed! Not only because the mattress was killing my back. Honestly, I didn't know how many women had slept in it. And if you say now, yeah, but you have already slept in it too. I did, but I changed the sheets most of the time!!!
Second, I needed my own closet and that was it. I would leave everything, except my personal stuff, for Ronnie and I had even decided to write the house in her ownership. We slept in and were woken up at 10 am from Josh, who wanted breakfast. I got up and had let Marshall stay in bed, to sleep a bit longer.
I stood in the kitchen, my son sitting beside me on the counter, when Curtis walked in.
"Good morning" he yawned and came over to hug Josh.
"Good morning! Coffee?" I asked him and he nodded, still playing with Josh. I gave my son his bowl with cereals and he hopped off the counter and carried it to the table, to sit down and eat.
"Thank you" Curtis said when I gave him his coffee. We stood, our backs leaned at the counter and sipped on our coffees.
"Listen Tina, I wanted to apologize for how my girl talked to you, she's a bitch! I'm really sorry." He looked at me and I could see he was really sorry.
"It's okay. I'm just glad, she didn't say another word, could have gone dirty..." I chuckled "and you realize, you just called your girlfriend a bitch, right?!"
"Yeah," he laughed "she's a bitch, only telling the truth. So, your moving in here, huh?"
"Yes, I do!" I smiled at him.
"That's good, Em is crazy about you, lady. You know that right?"
"I think she knows that, man!" Marshall answered his question, walking into the kitchen.
"And how do you know that?" I smiled at him, when he came over to kiss me.
"I would give you an answer but, there's a kid and him" he pointed with his thumb to Curtis,"in the room!" I just shook my head and laughed, patting fifties shoulder.
"Thanks for being here!" He started laughing and Marshall grabbed my arm when I tried to get away.
"Lady, that was not nice."
"I know" I turned around and kissed him, then whispering in his ear,"I'll apologize later." He put his tongue to his cheek and kept himself from smirking.
By now Josh had finished his breakfast and the girls walked in, saying good morning and helped me to make breakfast for all. When we were finished, everyone was up and we all ate together.
Ronnie, me, Josh and Blacky left to go home and start to pack mine and Josh's stuff. Thankfully I still had kept the boxes, when Ronnie had moved in, so we could start right away.
We needed 7 whole hours and I had already put Josh to bed. Veronica offered to help me to load some of the boxes in my car, so I could bring them to Marshall's house and spent the night with him.

She's the best friend a woman could ask for....

I arrived there and got out off my car. Marshall had already opened the door and was walking over to me, while I still stood there and looked at the house.

This is my new home.....

"Hey, beautiful, you come in or you wanna stand here and just stare?" He asked me and put his hands around my waist.
"I'm just looking at my new home. I'm in Detroit now for just 5 months and I'm already moving in the second house..." i told him my thoughts and he kissed me.
"But this will be the last, for the rest of your life Tina. I promise you that!" I wrapped my arms around him and leaned my head on his shoulder.
"Thank you" I kissed his neck once.
"For what?"
"For being you!" He pushed me a little off him, to look into my eyes.

God, his eyes....

"I bet, you haven't thought it was good that I was me, when I've left you..." he looked sad and I kissed him.
"I love you Marshall with all your flaws and insecurities. You're such a warm hearted person and when you love someone, you love with all your heart. And I know" i let my hand wander to his neck and caressed his jawline softly "you're sorry for leaving me. But that was still you. You don't have to be afraid, that I'll leave you, because I won't. I am here and I'm here to stay, till you don't want me anymore!"
He gave me a kiss and my knees got weak.
"You're perfect! I will never let you go again!" He kissed me one more time and then released me out off his arms."How about we take some of the boxes inside, my ass is freezing and I definitely don't want yours to freeze off too." He smirked and slapped me on my ass once.
"Yup, that's also you..."

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