The wedding (pt.2)

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The stylists were almost finished now with my hair and make-up and they had done an incredible job. My hair was simply sleek and secured behind my ears, they were to short to do a complex styling. My make-up was just amazing, yet not to much. Foundation, contouring, rouge and still my face didn't look like a plastic doll, only my eyes were a bit outstanding with a darker eyeshadow and the eyelash extensions. I also won't wear a veil, that wasn't me.
"Ready for the dress?" My sister asked me, while I took a last look in the mirror.
"Yes." I smiled and got up to walk in my bedroom. I was surprised to see my Mom, godmother and Veronica waiting for me in there.
"It's tradition in our family that the women who are here right now, help you with the dress." My mother answered my unspoken question and hugged me tightly. They all were already dressed and were only waiting for me.

I'm the bride. Today I'm allowed to make them wait....

I undressed myself down to my new white lingerie and as if I had expected it, Ronnie and my sister whistled.
"Lucky fucker...." Ramona mumbled, so my Mom and godmother wouldn't hear and made me chuckle.

30 minutes later, I was dressed up and they all had tears in their eyes.
"That ugly?" I asked and Mom chuckled.
"I thought I would never see you in a bridal dress. You look absolutely amazing, Tina!" She said and hugged me tightly.
"Now the last part. You know, something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue." My godmother Isolde said and walked in front of me. "Everything you wear, underwear, dress, shoes, earrings is new. The blue part you already have too, with the straps band around your leg. And here's something old and borrowed." She said and opened a box with the most beautiful bracelet I'd ever seen. "I got this from my ex mother in law and she got it from her mother. So it's old and now I'll lend it to you, for today!" She smiled and put the bracelet around my right forearm. "I'm so proud of you." She said when she stepped back and looked at me with teary eyes.
"Can I talk to her for a minute?" Kim had knocked on the door and walked in. The others nodded and Ramona said they would wait downstairs. When the door closed behind them. Kim pulled me in a hug and kissed me right and left on my cheeks.
"You look absolutely fabulous, lady." She started and smiled as I did. "Tina, I wanted to thank you for being there for my girls and especially for being there for Marshall." She started and I listened closely. "We both know, you two had went through a lot. Well, actually he was the one who had put you through all of it. But you stayed. He really isn't easy to deal with and still you fought his demons and loved him. You know he is the father of Hailie and to the others too and my friend and we will always be bonded through that. But I have to admit, what you two have, Marshall and I never had. Your love made him want to be better. I can't thank you enough for that. Please continue whatever you do, because I really love to see him like that." She ended her little speech and I was blinking my eyes like an idiot, so I wouldn't cry.
"I will, Kim. Thank you! You're the best friend I could've asked for!" I pulled her into a hug and it knocked again on the door.
"Come in." I said and in walked my brother.
"Wow, Tina you are beautiful!" He said with a smile and hugged me. "Ready to go? Because I think by now Marshall is on the verge of a freake out." He chuckled and Kim butted in.
"Let him wait and sweat a bit." She laughed and I shook my head, smiling to myself.
"You know I can't, Kim. Let's go!"
I had walked down the stairs and everyone was smiling at me and took pictures, before we got in the cars, to drive to my wedding. The area around the hotel was completely covered and secured by guards, that William had hired, so no paparazzi could get close.
"You stay here, I'll tell William that we arrived." Ramona ordered me and got out off the car and walked inside the hotel.
I was a nervous wreck by now.

I hope he'll keep his promises. I can't take if he cheats on me again or worse, leave and divorce me....

"Okay, air is clear. Let's go!" Ramona came back and now it was time.
"Wait a second", Klaus said and held me back from walking in. "I warned him to not hurt you, just so you know. And you have to promise me that if he does, that you'll call me, okay?" I smiled and nodded. "You are my favorite person, Tina, never forget that. I love you!"
"I love you too! Thank you for everything, Klaus." I told him sincerely and had to hold myself back from crying.
"Miss Keller?" William had stepped out and stood in front of me and my brother.
"Yes, William?"
"Miss, we are ready to start. The groomsmen and bridesmaids are lined up and waiting for you." I nodded and Klaus offered me his arm, which I gladly took and we walked in.
"He'll so hate us, that we saw you first!" Royce said and pulled me in a hug, when I stood behind all of them.
"The dude is one lucky motherfucker!" Swifty laughed and got a slap on the back of his head from Kim.
"What was that for?" He turned around and frowned at her, but Kim only shook her head.
"Fool, there are my daughters!" She stated and he looked around at the girls, mumbling a "sorry"
William had given the signal to start the music. And pair after pair they walked in. The last was Whitney, who pulled me in a quick hug and kissed my cheek.
"Love you!" She said and turned around to walk down the aisle.
"Breath Tina!" My brother whispered in my ear and the music changed again. It was time for me to walk in.

The second I stepped inside the hall, my eyes landed on Marshall, who stood smiling at the altar.

Hell he looks hot in that suit....

Klaus handed me over to him and the second my hand was in his, I felt the same as I did when I had shaken his hand for the very first time. Magic....
I knew we were meant to be together, since the first time he had kissed me, on the stage before his concert. And now I would become his wife.

"You look breathtaking, beautiful!" He told me after he had also taken my other hand in his. I couldn't do anything else than admire him and smile.
"So are you!" I answered and the priest began the ceremony with greeting the guests, families and Marshall and me. I was lost in my thoughts about what had happened throughout the time, Marshall and I were together. Till the priest finally began the part I had waited for.

"Marshall Bruce Mathers, will you take Tina Isolde Keller as your wedded wife. Will you promise to take care of her and love her through good and bad times.Will you promise to support her and stay with her as long as you both shall life. Then answer 'I do'" Marshall smiled at me and answered
"I do!" And a tear rolled down my cheek, which he brushed away softly.

"Tina Isolde Keller, will you take Marshall Bruce Mathers as your wedded husband...."

Oh come on, speed it up a bit!!!!!!!

"Then answer, 'I do!'" He finally finished and I answered veeery quickly.
"Yes, I do!" Marshall smiled at me and caressed my hands with his thumbs, while a few of our guests laughed about my quick answer.
We exchanged our wedding rings and if it wouldn't look stupid, I would tab my foot impatiently.

Say it! Say the words I want to hear! Come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"I hereby declare you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride!"


Marshall pulled me into his arms and we kissed each other with so much love, that I had the feeling it was only us right now.
"I love you, Tina!" He said when we sadly had stopped our first kiss as a wedded couple and I smiled at him.
"I love you too my husband!"

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