Studio time

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After what I'd done yesterday, I would have thought that the cops would come and arrest me. Come on the bitch's face was flat like a pancake and looked like it was topped with jelly, thanks to the blood. But no one came. So Marshall, who was relieved that it was over, and I had spent the day on almost every surface you can have sex on.

This man is a beast.....but I'm definitely not better!!!!

The next morning he woke me up, which really surprised me. It was a normal day and he would go to the studio, so why not let me sleep?
Josh was still in Germany with Alaina and on the weekend, Hailie and Whitney would fly out too, to meet my family and stay there for 3 weeks. I was beyond thankful that my family had taken the girls like they were mine, due to the fact that I would marry their dad! So now I had almost 1 month more alone with this sex addict, but I surely won't complain.
"Come on beautiful, we have to go in 1 hour. Get up, please." He said, sitting on the bedside and leaned over to kiss my head.
"Where are we going?" I asked him and pulled the sheets over my head, to show him that i didn't want to leave the bed. I could hear him chuckling and he pulled the sheets completely off me.
"As long as the kids aren't here, I want you to come with me to the studio. So come on, move that sexy ass of yours and get up." I did as he told me, taking of my panties and my shirt off in front of him. His eyes widened and his teeth bit in his lower lip.
"I'm up. What now?" I asked him, playing dumb and he grabbed me, pulled me to him, pushed me, face down, on the bed and pulled down his sweatpants along with his boxershorts. He spread my legs, crawled between them and layed on top of me. His hands grabbed mine, laying them over my head and he kissed my neck.
"But I thought we have to leave?" I asked him innocently, while he was sliding his dick in his hand over my clit and entrance.
"That can wait!" He mumbled and continued teasing me.
"But I want a coffee now." I fake whimpered and he stopped his teasing. I could feel his tip right at my entrance.
"I'll get you one on the way! First this....." and with that said, he pushed inside me.

1 1/2 hours later, we sat in my car, which he was driving.

Not funny.... it's my car, man!!!!!

He really had stopped at Starbucks, so I could get me a Caramel Frappuccino, with whipped cream and everything a girls heart desires. I also had bought some brownies and cookies for the others at the studio.
We arrived there and were immediately greeted from Royce, who had just arrived too.
"Hey Em!"

There it is again the handclapping- hugging ritual! Why don't they just do a happy dance when they see each other?!?!?!

"Hey Tina! How you doin'?" I was so caught up in imagining they dancing and hopping around each other, that I was surprised when Royce pulled me into a short hug.

Thank God I don't have to do their ritual...

"I'm good, thank you Royce. How are you?" I smiled at him and started walking with him to the front door, babbling about his kids and how they were doing.
"Yo, man! You realize she's mine, right?" Marshall asked Royce, who laughed and pulled me in a side hug, his arm around my shoulder.
"I would definitely take her, if she would want." He challenged Marshall with a laugh and I grabbed his hand, bending his fingers back lightly.
"You better get your hands off things that you can't handle, Royce. And you were the one who rapped your the second best. I don't deal with that!" Marshall broke out in a fit of laughter, while I smirked at Royce, who also started laughing.
"Nickle, leave it. You can't sit with her!" Marshall laughed on and stepped at my side to pull me into his side at my waist.
"Good girl!" He told me and kissed my temple once and smirked to himself, knowing very well that I hated it when someone calls me girl.
We walked inside and were greeted by Jessica and went on to the lounge area.
"Thank God another person with boobs." Skylar jumped up from the couch and rushed over to hug me.
"Happy to see you too Skylar." I laughed and returned her hug.
"Don't hug her so tight Sky," Marshall chimed in from my side, "looks weird and she's mine!"
"Yeah, yeah we all know she's your property, Em!" She laughed and winked at him," but maybe she don't wanna be your property?"
"She will," Royce jumped in from the back, raising his hand. "Ask my fingers, she almost broke them minutes ago, for offering her my heart and soul." We all laughed and sat down, so they could talk about the planning for today.

4 hours, sitting in a studio and watching them texting, scribbling down rhymes and whatever, I got up and walked to the door.
"Babe, where are you going?" Marshall asked me and I turned around to look at him.
"I'll go talk to Jessica a bit." He got out off his chair and walked over to me, laying his hands on my hips.
"You good?" He asked me unsure and I brushed with my hands over his arms.
"Why shouldn't I be? I'm with you!" I smiled at him and kissed his cheek reassuring him, that everything was fine. Sometimes he could get so unsure if it comes to what I'm doing.

Guess it's his past that makes him act this way...

"I was just asking. I hope you aren't bored?"
"Marshall, I love seeing you at work. No matter what you do, I could never get bored around you!" I smiled and gave him a short kiss.
"You two are too fucking cute..." Skylar told us with a girly voice and I stuck my tongue out at her.
"Jealous much?!"
"Lady you have noooo idea." She laughed and I turned my attention back to my beloved fiancée.
"I'll be back soon, okay?" I smiled at him and he released me, nodding with a smile.
I had talked to Jessica for a while, then went to get lunch for us all with her. Marshall wasn't so happy that I would go out, but I took Sam with me and with that it was okay for him.
Before we left to go home, I had invited Skylar to dinner over for tomorrow, which made the others pout, for me not inviting them too. At the end they all would come to dinner.
"You didn't have to invite them all, you know?" Marshall asked me on the way home.
"I know. But you know that I love to cook for a lot of people. The more the merrier."
"Then you better cook a lot, 'cause I know that Denaun will call the others and since you cooked that one time for us all, they're waiting for you to do it again." He chuckled and I fake sighed.
"What have I gotten myself into?"
"You'll spent the whole damn day in the kitchen. But don't worry," he said and his hand sneaked up my thigh to my crotch, "I'll make sure you're perfectly relaxed!"

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