You gotta be kidding me?!

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It was the middle of December and I was 6 and a half month pregnant. Actually I was doing very good. I had never thought it would be that easy for me. Marshall and I were doing better than ever before and I can't tell how happy he's making me. I knew he was a very proud father, but seeing him, talking weird things to my belly, touching it whenever he could, was too fucking cute.
Today Kim would come over, so we could sit down all together to talk about Hailie's birthday, which would be in 10 days. She will be 21 and if that doesn't scream for a party, then I don't know what else. She would also bring her boyfriend with her again, who surprisingly had gotten a relatively warm welcome to the family from Marshall. Everyone liked him, except me. I think he's a douchbag, but I would never tell that Hailie. She was in love with him and I didn't want to damage her happiness.

But if the douche will hurt my girl, I'll make him suffer!

Kim had just arrived and after greeting and hugging each other, the 3 of us went in the living room.
"How's the boy doing?" Kim asked me when we had sat down and my husband got us something to drink.
"Which one?" I asked her and pointed at my stomach. "This one or," I pointed at Marshall who just walked inside the room, "this one?"
"Both." Kim laughed out and Marshall looked puzzled at her.
"The little one is doing great. He's very active and the big one's the same." I answered her and my husband sat down beside me and pinched my arm lightly.
"Not nice, lady." He scolded me with a smirk and kissed me shortly on my lips.

Uuuuhhhhh, don't do that! I'm so damn horny right now.....

I glared shortly at him and a smug smile appeared on his face. He knew exactly how I felt at the moment and that the smallest touch would turn me on immediately. Literally I wanted sex 5 times a day, but I knew Marshall wouldn't complain about it.

We talked for a while about the location for the birthday and the presents, Hailie would get from us. As always Kim and Marshall told me I would go way over board, but I honestly didn't care. I loved these girls, like they were my own and because I had the money, I would spoil them as much as I could.
Kim had just stood up, when the doorbell was ringing and for sure she opened the door.
"Marshall?" She yelled from the foyer and my husband got up and walked outside. I didn't bother to go outside, it was probably just a delivery, until I heard Kim yell the second time.
"You gotta be fucking kidding me?!"

Now, it's getting interesting....

So I stood up and walked outside, rubbing softly over my babybelly, in an attempt to calm my son down. When I reached the foyer, I stopped dead in my tracks. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. There stood Samantha, the bitch I had beaten up together with Kim almost 2 years ago, holding a Baby carrier in her hand.
"What is she doing here?" I asked utterly confused and slightly angry, from seeing this bitch in my house. Kim turned around and walked immediately at my side, while Marshall looked at me completely pale.
"I'm here, so Marshall can meet his daughter." The bitch said with a smirk on her face and I had to clammed my hand to Kim's arm.
"This is not my kid." Marshall told her aggravated. "I don't know who nailed you, but it sure as hell wasn't me!" Kim had by now started to rub over my back and I swallowed hard.
"How old is she?" I asked Samantha as calm as I could and she looked surprised at me.
"1 year 8 months she was born in April last year." She answered me and I calculated in my head.

It could be his..... God damnit, I had beaten a pregnant woman!!!

"What's her name?" I asked her, took my hands away from Kim and walked over to Samantha, to squat down to the baby.
"Lara." She answered with a small smile and I looked at the sleeping baby.
"She's cute." I stated and Samantha's smile grew bigger.
"Yes, she is!" She said softly and I stood back up and looked at my husband who had an utterly confused look on his face and then turned my attention back to Samantha.
"I don't want to keep a daughter from getting to know her father." I told her and layed my hand on my stomach. "I want you and Marshall to do a paternity test, if she's really his, he will take care off her!" I told her and she nodded, while my husband inhaled sharply behind me.
"And I want to apologize for beating you, while you were pregnant. If I would've known, I never would've layed a finger on you." I continued and she nodded.
"I haven't known it that time either." Samantha told me and looked at her daughter. "But I deserved what you did. I'm also sorry for what I've done!" She apologized and I nodded.
"Then I'll find a clinic where you can do the test. Please leave your phone number, so I can call you, okay?" I asked her and she nodded. "If you will excuse me now, I have to sit down." I said and was about to turn around when she halted me back.
"How far along are you? If you don't mind me asking?!"
"6 and a half month."
"I wish you all the best, Tina." Samantha told me sincerely and I smiled shortly at her and walked back into the living room, followed from Kim.
"That was the biggest example on how to be the bigger person, that I've ever seen!" She told me, when I had sat down and I huffed out and ruffled through my hair.
"It wouldn't have done any good, if I would've flipped the shit. Not for the situation and specially not for my son." I told her seriously and Kim nodded.
"Beautiful, you good?" Marshall asked me when he came back into the room and sat down beside me, his hands moving immediately to my stomach.
"I'm okay. A guilty conscience, but okay." I told him slightly mad at myself and he kissed my temple, knowing exactly what I was talking about.
"You didn't know, Tina." He told me sincerely and I nodded.
"Still it doesn't make me feel better."
"Stop feeling sorry." Kim ordered me. "The better question is, could it be really his and what are you going to do if it is?!" I looked at Marshall who had bowed his head and I knew it could really be his. Kim caught on his behavior and laughed sarcastically.
"You stupid ass. You didn't use a damn rubber?!" She asked him in disbelief and he pressed his lips together and nodded. "You're un-fucking-believable. How in..." I had to cut her off.
"All that won't help, Kim. We'll do as I said. If the paternity test is positive, he'll be there for the kid without any discussion!" I stated and Marshall raised his head and kissed my cheek.
"Thank you for being you!" He whispered in my ear and I nodded. I wanted to smile, but right now I couldn't.

How could he be so damn stupid?!?!

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