An unexpected invitation (pt.1)

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It was now the start of November and Josh, Blacky and me had adjusted to living with Ronnie again completely. My son was happy, even though sometimes he would ask for Marshall, which broke my heart every time. Josh was my sunshine and the one who could get me to smile whole heartedly. He was now in school and was doing great. I couldn't be prouder.
Kim had been partially right, when she had said, that I would learn to live with the pain. During the day I wouldn't hardly think off him, only when I drove by at Shady Records or a place we had visited. But the nights were still my own personal hell. I missed him, like it was just one week after he had left me.
But life had to go on and I tried my best, for my son and my friends.

It was Thursday morning and I had brought Josh to school. Ronnie was at home and I had gotten us coffee from Starbucks. When I pulled into the gates, I saw a car, which wasn't ours, parked in the driveway.

Who the hell is here???

I parked my car, grabbed the coffee, jumped out of my car and walked to the front door, locking my car.
"I'm home and I got coffee." I yelled when I had opened the door and kicked it shut, moving to the living room.
"Hey Tina." Denaun said and got up from the couch, where he had sat with Veronica. I had stopped in my tracks, totally surprised. I hadn't seen none of the guys since month and now Denaun was in my home.
"That's a big surprise, Denaun." I smiled at him and put the coffee on the table, to give him a hug.
"I know," he pressed out an actually tortured smile and Ronnie got up and grabbed her coffee.
"I'll leave you two alone, so you can talk." She patted my shoulder and walked out off the room.

What the fuck is going on here???

"How you doin'?" Denaun asked me when I had sat down and I glanced at him.
"You really wanna know?"
"Actually, yeah..." he took a glass of water and took a sip. "Ronnie told me a bit, but I really wanna know."
"I have to be doin good, Denaun. I have a son who needs me. That's all I can say." I answered him and brushed my hands through my hair.
"He's out off his mind, Tina," he started now but I cutted him off, shaking my head repeatedly.
"Don't, please don't talk about him. I can't listen to anything about him." I almost begged him and swallowed the lump in my throat.
"I understand that, and I'm sorry to bother you with it. But we don't know what to do or how to help him anymore. He's a mess without you," my head shot up and I knew concern was written all over my face. "Don't get me wrong he's not taking anything again,


he just hardly sleeps, is constantly working, yells at everyone, he's a shadow of the man he used to be. He's not Em anymore!"
"That was his decision, Denaun. That is what he had wanted!" I stated coldly and he nodded.
"We all know that, but we really don't know what to do anymore!" I took a sip from my coffee and lit up a cigarette.
"Why are you here? I mean, I love to see you again, but I know you're not here just to ask how I'm doing?!"
"I'm here to ask you from all of us, to please talk to him..." he trailed off and exhaled loudly and I raised my eyebrows in utter disbelief.

Is he fucking kidding me??????

"Tell me one good reason why I should do that? He was the one who broke up and then didn't even give me an explanation why. If he would've wanted me in any way, at least he would have tried to reach out to me!"
"He did! But you never answered" he argued back, clearly defending his friend.
"No Denaun, he didn't!"
"Well I saw more than 100 text messages and 80 calls that say otherwise!"


"I.... I don't understand..." I stammered out and a lightbulb went on in my head.

Kim..... cellphone......pond......

I facepalmed myself and shook my head.
"Kim had thrown my cellphone in the pond, I have a new number now." I told him embarrassed. "But why didn't he come over, then?"
"He did," he started and my heart sunk into the ground. "He had sent flowers for your birthday, but they said no one was here. So he came by himself to check if you wasn't here or just declined his flowers. When he saw you weren't here, he came back every day for one week."
I had started to cry when I had heard Denaun's explanation.
"We were all on the Maldives, for my birthday..." I told him quietly and brushed some tears away. "Why didn't he come by earlier?"
"That's something you have to ask him. I just know, that when he couldn't reach you, he wanted to give you time and the thing with your birthday!" He shrugged apologetically and continued, "listen, I can't tell you what to do and I don't have the right to. But Tina if your heart is still beating a bit for him, please help him out off that horror! You're the only one who can..."
"How?" I whispered and couldn't believe I really considered doing it.

Bitch, because you still love him.....

"There's a concert tomorrow here in Detroit at the Joe Louis Arena. He'll be there as a surprise act." He reached into his pocket and pulled an envelope out, placing it in my hands on my lap. "There's a ticket and a backstage pass inside. Come and talk to him Tina." I stared at the envelope in my lap and tried to process everything, that he had told me.
"I have to think about it Denaun..." I told him honestly and he nodded.
"I understand that, you two have suffered a lot. But just so you know. He still loves you Tina, like crazy!" I swear, for the first time in all those months since he had left me, my heart grow bigger and wanted to jump out off my chest again.
We talked a little bit more about the others and work and then Denaun left.

"You will go to the concert, right?" Ronnie asked from behind me when I closed the front door. I leaned my forehead against it and sighed deeply.
"I have to...."
"No you don't!" She told me sternly and grabbed me by the shoulders, to turn me around. "Tina you tried to kill yourself because he left you. Do you want to go all over it again?" I sighed again and slided down at the door. "Listen bestie. I don't doubt that he loves you, I really don't! But love is about being happy with each other and not causing your partner constant pain."
"I know," I started and the first tears were falling, "but I have to help him if I can. Ronnie I love him sooo much, I can not not go there..." I cried on. Saying out loud that I still loved him hurted more than anything. Ronnie had already squatted down in front of me and was now rubbing my shoulders and sighed deeply.
"Then I'll get you an appointment to get your nails and hairs done, cause you definitely can't go there and looking like a scarecrow!"

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