The concert (pt.1)

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Veronica and I had spent most of the weekend looking for furniture for our house. On Sunday we picked up our keys and till then we had decided to pay an interior designer to take care of the furniture, decorations, etc.
Guess when you've money you get lazy...
I brought her back to the airport and tbh it was hard for me to let her go, but I knew she'd be back by the end of the month and then she would stay.
I got back to my hotel room and decided to get a massage.
Now that was a great idea!!
I can't remember being soooo relaxed.
I layed on my couch after I'd ordered dinner and watched TV, when I thought about how my life had turned, since I came to Detroit.
That's when I grabbed my phone and dialed.

"Miracles do happen" he said after picking up.
"How you doin'?"
"I'm fine" I laughed."How are you Marshall?"
"I'm good..." I could hear loud noises in the background."Wait a minute" he told me and the noises were gone a few seconds later.
"You still there?"
"Yes, i am" I answered." I don't want to disturb or so. I can still call later again"
"Beautiful and considerate! It's getting better and better!"

Does he want me to get a fucking heartattack??????
Breath Tina!!!! Breeeeeeeeeath!!!!!!

"And no, you're not disturbing" he told me.
"Well then Mr. Charming, I just wanted to call you, so you won't think you're not interesting enough" guess I could flirt a little bit.
"Wanna tell me how much interesting I am for you?" I swear I could hear him smile.
That little bastard....
"Maybe another time!" I answered with a satisfied smile.
"Not fair, lady."
"So what are you doing?" he asked me.
"Well my best friend visited me and we bought a house."
"That's great. Congrats! Am I getting an invitation one day?"
"Maybe?!" Damn I'm rusty...
"Just maybe?!"
"As soon as the house is finished, I'll invite you to dinner, that okay?" I asked.
"Perfect! You cook for me then?" He asked.

Is he testing me or something???

"Who else? For sure I'll cook!" I answered in a more serious tone this time.
"A'right! Beautiful, nice, considerate...if you now tell me that you know how to cut the lawn, lady. I'll think about marrying you" he laughed.
"Then you better get that ring ready Mister" I started laughing " 'cause I know how to do that!"
A loud laugh came through the phone "damn, you got me! Listen, I'm sorry but I gotta go..."
"No problem! Next call is you turn" and with that I hung up

Hah.... 2 can play that game....

The next days were occupied with visiting Josh every day. He still didn't know, I would adopt him.
I didn't want to tell him, before I was 100% sure everything was done. I didn't want to get his hopes up and then something went wrong and he couldn't live with me.
Liz assured me every day, that everything went fine and that by the end of the month I could take him home.
I talked to Ronnie daily and on the 19th the house was ready so I could finally move in!!
It felt great that I wouldn't had to stay in the hotel anymore.
The designer had made an incredible job! The house was just perfect!!!
I also bought a car, needless to say a BMW x5
My life finally seemed like to fall into place!

Now it was the morning of the first concert. I just got out of my indoor pool, when my phone started to ring.
I looked at the screen and saw Marshall's name.
We had talked pretty often, even if I would have understood, if he couldn't talk on a regular basis. I mean, he's touring right now!!
But he still managed to talk to me, which I found incredibly sweet.
Ronnie kept telling me I should get myself ready, because he would make a move and ask me on a date pretty soon. But me, in denial as I always am, told her we were just some kind of friends.

"Hey Charming! How are you?" I answered while putting on a bathrobe and walking towards my living room.
"I'm good, beautiful. Actually great! How are you?" He answered with a chuckle.
"Great. Can't wait for your concert tonight!" I told him.
"That's good to hear. Listen I don't have much time. I just wanted to know, if it would be okay for you, if I send a driver over to pick you up?!"

Woooow..... okay.....

"That'll be really nice! Thank you" I couldn't help but smile.
"Good, just text me your address and he'll be there at 4 pm. So we'll have time to talk and you can meet some people."
"Sounds perfect Marshall. Really thank you!"
"No problem! And Tina...."
"I can't wait to see you again" and with that the line went dead....

If I ever thought you could get immune to someone's charm; maybe to someone's....
But definitely not to his......

I still had time to get ready and since I'm not the kind of woman to go waaaaaay over board with dressing and make up, I decided to take a nap....
At 2 pm I went into my walk in closet and searched for my clothes for tonight.
I'd decided to wear something casual and just put light waves in my hair, little bit of Make-up, mascara and some lipgloss, watch and jewelry and by 3.30 pm i was good to go.

Marshall's driver showed up at exactly 4 pm. I loved people who are in time...
And brought me straight to Comerica park, where the concert would take place. Damn I was nervous.
He stopped at the VIP entrance and someone opened the door for me.
I took a deeeeeeeep breath before stepping out and was immediately greeted with a quick hug and a "good to see you again" from Sam.
"Good to see you too Sam" I said offering a small smile.
"You got your backstage pass?" He asked.
"Yes" I pulled it out of my handbag and showed it to him.
"Wear it around your neck, so the other security's can see it" he ordered. "Just in case I'm not at your side. Em told me to not let you out off my sight tonight." He told me with a side smile.
"So you're my personal bodyguard?!" I asked him laughing.
"Looks like it" he said while guiding me down a lot of corridors. "Guess he wants you save!"
"That's very nice of him!" I said with a smile to myself.
"Look who's here!!" I heard a voice yelling and recognized it immediately.
He had just arrived and pulled me into a hug...

Damn, I just met them once and they're all so nice..., I thought to myself

....when I heard a voice, I had longed to see the man to it, behind him.
"Man, hands off the lady!" And there he was.... Marshall.....
Denaun let out a laugh, released me from his hug with a "good to see ya" and stepped aside to let Marshall say hello.
He smiled at me and pulled me in a hug, whispering "hello beautiful" in my ear.

Don't blush!!!! Scratch that!!!!! Don't faint Tina!!!!!!

"Hey charming" I whispered back and with that he released me out off his arms.
"You good?" He asked me while looking me up and down.
"How couldn't I be?" I answered back smiling.
"Good" he smiled quickly at me. "Let's get you something to drink and then I'll give you a personal tour around, okay?"
"Sounds great."
Before we started walking, he turned to Sam "you can stay here, I got her! I'll bring her back here and you look out for her later."
"Alright Em" Sam answered and with that said Marshall and I started my personal tour....

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