Doubt (pt.2)

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I had the feeling someone had hit me with a baseball bat, right in the face.

This is a joke right??????

I stood in front of him and looked at him, like he was some kind of an alien, trying to process what he had just said.
"Marshall, you're kidding me, right? This is some kind of sick joke? Right?" I asked him, begging him internally to start laughing and say yes. But he didn't!!! He only stared down at his feet, not moving a muscle in his body.
"Marshall, look at me and tell me this isn't true!" I ordered him now, with something between aggravated and desperate. But he still didn't look at me. I could feel my eyes getting watery and tried again. "Marshall, why are you doing this to me? To us?" No answer.
"Please tell me what is wrong? We will fix it. I know we can! But please tell me..." the tears were now falling and I took a step towards him, to touch his arm, so he would at least look at me. But before I could touch him, he stepped back, out off my reach. I broke down to my knees and cryed, crawling a bit towards him and took his hand in mine.
"Marshall, please... I love you so much! You can't just leave me. I'm begging you, don't do this to us..." I kissed his hand repeatedly, still kneeling on the ground to his feet.

If there ever was a time to beg on your knees, then it was now....

I raised my head to look up at him, but he even turned his head to the side, so he didn't have to look at the weak woman in front of him, begging for his love.

Get up Tina!!! He doesn't want you anymore! He can't even look at you! Don't lower yourself more than you already have! Get up and this time let him have it!!!!!!!!

I took a deep breath, released his hand and brushed the tears out off my face.
One more deeeeeeep breath and I got to my feet and was ready.
"Who the fuck do you think you are?" I asked him calmly and to that he turned his head and looked at me. "I did everything for you. I supported you. I loved you more than my own life. I went through hell and back for you. I stood at your side with all your bitch-past and don't forget the blackmailing. I even took your sorry ass back after you had decided to break up with me." He only stared at me without saying a word. So I took my left hand with my right, pulled the engagement ring off and layed it on the counter beside us. "But you know what? You're right! We better should go our separate ways, because I definitely need a man at my side, not some pussy that runs off, when he feels the need to!" I glared at him and turned around to walk out, yelling a loud "Fuck you Marshall, really!" and stormed up the stairs to my closet. I grabbed 3 suitcases and filled 2 of them with clothes, shoes and handbags, before I went into our bathroom to get my cosmetics, etc. After I zipped up the bags, I carried them down the stairs. He was nowhere to be seen.
I took a pen and a piece of paper from the table beside the front door and wrote him a note.

I'll sent someone over, to get mine, Josh's and Blacky's stuff and my cars. I hope you're happy now!

I grabbed my handbag and the keys for my BMW X5 and carried all my suitcases out to the garage, slamming the front door shut. After throwing my stuff in the trunk, which I also slammed shut with a loud 'BANG', I got into the drivers seat and drove away from his house. This wasn't my home anymore.

I arrived at Veronica's and climbed out, walking around the car to the trunk, when she came out the door.
"Hey, what a nice surpr....." she smiled, but stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the bags I had loaded out. "What the fuck happened, bestie?" She rushed over to me and pulled me in a tight hug.
"He broke off the engagement and wants us to go separate ways." I told her and she looked at me with a utterly shocked expression on her face.
"But why? What..... I don't understand!" She started again, but pulled herself together real fast. "You know what, first I'll call Kim and then we'll carry your bags inside." She pulled her cellphone out off her pants pocket and dialed Kim's number, giving her a short explanation what had happened.
"She'll be here in 10 minutes, she's already in the car and close." Ronnie told me after she'd hung up and grabbed one of the suitcases. "Come on, let's get you inside."
We left my stuff in the foyer and walked straight out on the veranda.
"You sit down and I'll get us something to drink, okay?" Ronnie softly ordered me and brushed a few times over my arm, before she went back inside. I sat down and pulled my cigarettes out off my handbag and tried to wrap my head around, what had happened.

He really broke up with me!!!! But why??? What have I done wrong????

I heard the doorbell ring and seconds later, Kim rushed out and hugged me.
"What the hell happened, Tina?" She asked me, but was cutted off by Veronica, who came out with 3 glasses and 2 bottles of wine.
"Let's open those and then she can start!" Ronnie said and Kim chuckled.
"Thank God the kids are still in Germany. Looks like we will be drunk as fuck again!"
Let me tell you, she was right!!!!!
After I had told them what had went on, we all were sitting and trying to figure out why he acted that way.....again.....
But it got harder and harder the more we drank. To top it off, Kim threw my cellphone in the little pond in the backyard, so he couldn't reach me anymore.
At 4 am we crawled in our beds, drunk as fuck!

The next day, my two best friends decided, that they would go to his house to get all my stuff. Means mine and Josh's clothes, Blacky's things and my other two cars. They called a cab after I had given them the keys to the house and left me with my hangover.
3 hours later they came back and told me they had all our things and that he hasn't been at home. They also had left the keys there, like I had told them.
Ronnie walked in front of me and gave me a piece of paper.
"That was in your closet. We didn't read it..."
I looked at the folded paper where ' TINA ' was written on. I knew it was from him, it was his handwriting. I took a deep breath and unfolded it.


2 words..... I wasn't worth more than 2 words.
2 words that now shattered my world and I broke down right on the spot.

The Donation ( Eminem Fanfic )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin