The dress

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The last days had been quite stressful for me. My family was keeping me on my feet all day, though my Mom told them countless times, that they should let me rest. It was the last day as an unmarried woman for me. Tomorrow I would marry the love of my life. I know, I shouldn't forgive him so easily and believe me I still hadn't fully, but I wanted to. I wanted to start our live as a married couple, without being disappointed or angry anymore. I wanted to turn the page. To be honest, I wanted to start a new book. I wanted to be happy and I would do everything in my power, that the both of us would be.
My aunts with their husbands and kids had arrived yesterday. And while my godmother with my cousins Markus and Anja would stay at our house, I had brought the rest to a hotel. My grandmother had decided to not attend to my wedding, for the reason that I would marry the wrong man.

Well granny, fuck you!

Marshall and I had talked a lot the last nights, when we finally had time for each other. Multiple times he had apologized for what he had done and swore that it would never happen again. I was pretty sure about that. I had hired a bodyguard for him, who would follow him everywhere from now on and would report me daily what had happened. He would call me as soon as a hoe would show up, when I wasn't with my husband.
We also still haven't had sex. Don't get me wrong, I really wanted him and I was more than sure that he wanted me too. But while the first time, I was to angry at him and couldn't get the thought out off my head, that another woman had touched what was mine. Now it was only to make him wait for our wedding night.
"I'll see you tomorrow, beautiful!" He said and kissed me softly.
"I'll be the one in the white dress. I guess I'll be pretty hard to miss." I chuckled and hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.
"I know. Don't make me wait to long."
"I won't. I love you Marshall and I can't wait to be your wife." I told him and kissed his cheek once. I could feel him inhaling deeply.
"You're just perfect and believe me I can't wait either. I love you!" He kissed me once again on my forehead and then my sister, Anja, Ronnie and Kim basically ripped us apart.
"Enough now, lovebirds." Ramona stated and Ronnie moved on.
"You'll see each other tomorrow. So come on Marshall, time to go!" I smiled apologetically at him and shrugged my shoulders.
"A'right, ladies. Take good care off her, please."
"Yeah, yeah" Kim chimed in with a fake unnerved expression on her face. "We'll take care of your precious girl. Now move your ass Mathers." I chuckled and so did Marshall.
"Okay. I'll see y'all tomorrow." He said and turned around to leave. The second he had closed the door behind him, I looked around for a watch.
"What time is it?" I asked and looked expecting at the girls.
"Uh... 1.30 pm." Anja answered. "Why?" A wide smile grew on my face and I started to jump around.
"Let's take a drink quickly, because in 30 minutes my dress will be here!" I said and speed walked into the kitchen.

30 minutes later, all the females were sitting in the living room and waited for the doorbell to ring and there it was.
I rushed to the door and in walked 2 women, carrying a huge black plastic bag in their hands. I really had to hold myself back from squealing and clapping.
"Where should we bring it to, Miss?" One of them asked me and I walked in front of them, up the stairs into my closet.
"You can hang it here, please!" I told them and as soon as it was at his place, they left.
"Come on, show me!" Anja nugged my shoulder and I shook my head.
"Ah, ah. Y'all will see it tomorrow." I answered and closed and locked the door to my closet behind me, putting the key in my pants pocket.
"You know if I wanted to, I could just steal the key from you?!" Anja smirked at me and I laughed.
"Yeah, try! If you really want to attend to my wedding with a broken nose?!"
We walked downstairs again and started our little party. I had decided that I didn't want to go out to a club or something, so we stayed at the house and talked, laughed and for sure took a few drinks. I didn't drink to much, due to the fact that at 9 am tomorrow the styling team would be here, to get the hair and make-up of my bridesmaids, my Mom, godmother, Anja and last but not least myself done.
I went to bed at 10 pm, which was pretty early for me, but I definitely didn't want to have bags under my eyes or look tired tomorrow.

This will probably be the biggest day of my life! I will get married!!!!!

I didn't really think I could sleep, that I would be to nervous. But I slept in not long after I had went to bed.
One minute after midnight, I was woken up from my cellphone beeping beside me. It was a text message from Marshall.

Marshall: Beautiful, today is the day, I'll marry you! I normally wanted to tell you this face to face, but I don't wanna wait.
Thank you, Tina! For your support, your trust in me, for loving my girls, for your forgiveness and your unconditional love! You're the best woman that has ever stepped into my crazy life and with one simple smile, you made it normal. No matter what will happen, I promise to always love you and never hurt you again. You are the love of my life! I can't wait to see you in 14 hours. Forever yours,

I had read the message over and over again for almost 1 hour. He could be so sweet and caring and loving......... And then a slut could show up naked and he would cheat on me. It was frustrating and painful as fuck, but I couldn't leave him. I had promised him to never hurt him and to believe in him. I would never break my promise to him. Never!
I didn't write him an answer, to be honest I didn't think he was expecting one. So I checked one last time my alarm and fell asleep again.

5 minutes after my alarm at 7.30 am had rang, I got up and walked into my bathroom, to take a bath. At 8.20 am I walked out again, hairs washed, teeth brushed and face washed, wearing sweatpants and a simple shirt. I heard the ladies walking around the house and laughing, but I had decided to take a look at my bridal dress again.
Standing in front of it, I let my fingertips slide carefully over the fabric and I could feel tears in my eyes. In seconds I was crying like a little girl.
"Bestie, what's going on?" Ronnie had walked in and pulled me now in a hug. "You nervous?" I wiped the tears away, cursing myself because now I needed eyedrops to get the redness away.
"A bit." I answered her, which made her chuckle.
"Well, I guess that's normal. Should I call for Ramona or Rita?" She asked me, but I only shook my head.
"No, give me a hug and tell me everything will be fine and then I'm good!" She hugged me again.
"Everything will be fine, bestie! You'll marry the man you love and you'll get your happily ever after, because no one deserves it more than you!" I hugged her tighter to my body and kissed her on her cheek.
"Thank you! For everything, Ronnie! I love you!" She pulled away from me and smiled.
"Don't get all soft now. Leave that for your husband." She chuckled. "I love you too, Tina! And now get your ass down to eat breakfast. The stylists will be here soon. I wanna see you as the most beautiful and breathtaking bride, today!" I laughed and she grabbed my hand and pulled me downstairs to get ready for my wedding....

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