The wedding (pt.1)

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~ Marshall's POV ~

I was standing in front of the mirror and pulled on my suit. Today was the day. I would get married for the 3rd time, but this time I knew it was the last. Not only because I definitely wouldn't try anymore. No, I knew that I never had to again. I would marry the right woman. The perfect woman!
Tina is, besides my girls, my everything and I'm the luckiest fucker on earth, that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with me.
I was about to fix my tie, when it knocked on my hotelroom door.
"Come in." I yelled and Tina's brother walked in, already dressed in his groomsmen suit.
"You got a minute?" He asked me and I nodded, turned around and walked to the chairs to sit down. Klaus sat down opposite from me and cleared his throat.

This'll be interesting!

"Listen Marshall, you know that we're not in contact with our father anymore. Normally this would be his part, but I'll happily take his place." He said and I nodded understanding. "You'll marry my oldest sister today and I don't have to tell you, that she's my favorite person. Today I'll hand you over a treasure, worth more than any gold on this planet, I really hope you know that."
"I know, believe me I do!" I answered and he talked on.
"I really hope you do! She's the best person I ever met and no one will ever have the right to hurt her in any way. Not even her husband!"


"I'm really not here to threaten you or anything. But Marshall, if it ever crosses your mind to hurt her physically or mentally, don't do it. Because I give you my word, if you do, I will hurt you then!" He stated and I believed every word he had said. Klaus was capable of doing this for his sister, like she was for him.
"I promise I won't. I love her way to much to ever hurt her again. I'll treasure her. Believe me!" I told him seriously and he nodded, before he stood up.
"Good," he in- and exhaled deeply, "then I'll go now and get your bride!" I got up too and pulled him into a brotherly hug.
"Thanks and please make sure, she won't make me stand at that damn altar for hours" I rolled my eyes and laughed.
"I think I'll be the one to tell her to slow down a bit." He answered and left my room. I fixed my tie again, pulled on my jacket and left the room, to go downstairs and welcome our guests.

"Look at you!" Nicole, Dre's wife came over to me and hugged me. "All dressed up nicely, very uncommon look for you." She laughed and winked.
"Was that a compliment?" I asked her and Dre answered for her, while he pulled me in a hug.
"It was, man. You know her." I nodded and fifty walked towards us and hugged me also.
"So, tell me a bit about the lady, that changed your mind. Actually I should be mad at you. You're together now for what? Almost 2 years? And Andre and I'll meet her for the first time on your wedding day! Not fair, Slim! Not fair!" Nicole scolded me with a chuckle and I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.
"You gotta understand, she's his precious lady," Curtis jumped to my defense. "He likes to keep her locked up, so no other fucker can steal her away from him!" He laughed.

Well, not the best defense, dumbfuck!

"Leave the man alone, fif. We all know him, when he's crazy about someone!" Dre chuckled and I only shook my head.
"Yo, Em," Royce called from behind me, to get my attention.

Thank you Lord, for saving me!

I turned around and looked at him. While he walked towards me with my other groomsmen and the wedding planner.
"Mister Mathers, it's time to take your place." William informed me and I nodded.
Denaun walked beside me, to the altar, while I was still greeting guests. I was happy to see Nate sitting in the front row. He had met Tina a few times now and like everyone else, who ever had the chance to meet my angel, he liked her a lot. Beside him sat my mother, which also stood up and hugged me.

Yes, my mother....

Even though I had build a 'normal' relationship with her again, I still wasn't sure if I wanted to invite her. But Tina did!
"Good luck, Marshall!" Debbie told me and I only nodded, before I walked to the little altar to greet the priest.
"You nervous?" Denaun asked me and I nodded.
"Man, put me on stage with 80000 people in front and I won't be as nervous as now." I told him which made him laugh and he patted my shoulder.
"Don't worry! She'll be here any minute and I know for sure she'll say ' I do'." I nodded again, to nervous to even answer. "I gotta go, I have to walk in with Veronica. See you in a few!" He walked down the aisle, where hopefully in a few minutes Tina would walk towards me.

What if she's not coming? What if she decided that it's better to not marry me? What if she has already packed and left me????
Ooooohhhhh FUCK!!!! I'm freaking out!!!!

My thoughts were interrupted by the walk in music starting.
The first to walk in were Denaun with Veronica. He was my best man and Ronnie her maid of honor. Then Royce and Ramona. Swifty and Kim.

Hahaha, that looks funny.......

Paul and Alaina, Kuniva and Hailey, Bizzy and Anja and then Whitney alone behind them, due to the fact, that Klaus would walk in his sister to hand her over to me. When they were all standing at their places, the music changed, everyone stood up and there she was!
Her brother guided her on her arm down the aisle. God she was so beautiful! Breathtaking! I got teary eyes immediately and all she did was smiling and looking at me. Her dress was simple perfection, she is the epitome for perfection! And I'll marry her.....

She arrived in front of me and Klaus layed her hand in mine and patted my shoulder.
"Remember what I told you!" He said and walked to his place.
I took her other hand and looked at her.
"You look breathtaking, beautiful!" I told her with a smile and she smiled back at me.

I swear, I would kill for her!

"So are you!" She answered and caressed my hands softly.

"Dear guests, families and bride and groom. We are all gathered her today for the wedding of Marshall and Tina...." the priest started the ceremony, but to be honest, all I did was admiring Tina. We had decided that it would just be a short and very classic ceremony. No self written vows, no long speech. Just a simple ' I do'
I would say a few words later at the party, to her, though she didn't know that. But I wanted to tell her how much I love her, in front of our families and friends.
"Marshall Bruce Mathers, will you take Tina Isolde Keller as your wedded wife. Will you promise to take care of her and love her through good and bad times"

Yeah, we let that part change, so it would fit for us.....

"Will you promise to support her and stay with her as long as you both shall life. Then answer 'I do'" the priest ended and I looked at Tina. We were still standing turned towards each other, holding our hands tightly.
"I do" I said and smiled at her, before I brushed a tear from her cheek.
"Tina Isolde Keller, will you take Marshall Bruce Mathers as your wedded husband. Will you promise to take care of him and love him through good and bad times...."

She doesn't have to promise that anymore. She had already proofed countless times, that she does.....

"Then answer 'I do'" the priest said and she almost didn't let him finish.
"Yes I do!" She said and smiled at me, while I could her a few chuckles out of the audience, due to her quick answer.
We changed the rings and I only waited for the priest to speak the last words.
"...........I hereby declare you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride!" I pulled her to my body and kissed her with all the love I had for her.
"I love you, Tina!" I told her when I reluctantly had stopped kissing her and she still just smiled, before she answered.
"I love you too my husband!"

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