Home sweet home/ news (pt.2)

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We arrived at my Moms house and I was relieved to see that there were no paparazzi. We climbed out of the cars and my Mom came out the door and pulled me into a tight hug.
"I'm so happy you're here, Klaus told you what's going on over here?" I returned her hug, only letting her go, because my sister ran out the house and almost tackled me down.
"Aaaahhhh, your back!" She yelled and I motioned to her to be quiet, because Josh was still asleep in the car. I turned to my mom and answered her question.
"He didn't have to tell me, the second we got our bags, we were harassed by paps."
"Guess that's what happens, if your boyfriend is a Rap-Superstar, huh??" My sister chuckled at me, still holding me in a side hug.
"You have to tell us everything about him later, but now I want to see my grandson" my Mom said and walked around the car to the back. She had already greeted and hugged Ronnie and my sister Ramona released me and went to hug Veronica too.
"Mom, wait. Let me take him" I walked behind her, but she had started to undo the belts and lifted Josh out off his seat. He slowly opened his eyes and you could see the surprised look on his face, when he saw who held him.
"Hey cutie" my mom smiled at him, "you slept well?" Josh only nodded and flashed his big smile at her.
"Let me hold him too..." Ramona whined behind her and my mom gave him to my sister.
"Hey Josh! You know who I am, right?" Again he nodded smiling.
"Auntie Moni" he answered her and I was so grateful at that moment. For my family and how they took Josh in like he was our flesh and blood. And also for my son, who could make me forget all the trouble I had, just by looking at me.
"Hey..." my brother snapped his fingers in front off my eyes, "stop daydreaming and hug your brother who safed your ass!" I pulled him into a tight hug. See, my brother is my favorite sibling. Don't get me wrong, I love both of them and would give my life for them without thinking twice. But Klaus and I always had a special bond.
"Where are my nieces and my nephew?" I asked them, while we were walking inside the house.
"School and kindergarden. They'll be here in 3 hours." My sister answered and we all sat down in the living room. Well, not all of us. My mom had walked with Josh into the kitchen to get him something to drink and some candy.
"Moooooom...." I whined, as my son came back, smiling from one ear to the other, holding chocolate in his hands, "he didn't even eat lunch yet. You can't give him sweets now."
"I can and I will! He's my grandson and he will get whatever he wants while he's here!"She told me sternly and the discussion was over.
"Now you know what we're going through!" Was all my sister had to say.
"Before you two over there start gossiping, get up and get us all something to drink" my mom smiled at us and Ramona, Ronnie and I got up to get us all something.
"So, now tell us about HIM" she started, when we came back and sat down. I told them everything again, from how we had met till today. I even showed them some rare pics of me and him on my phone. He still hadn't called or texted and i started to get lightly mad.

He'll have a reason for it! You know him! Don't get mad!!

"What does he say about the chaos now?"

Thanks MOM!!!!

"He hasn't called yet. I guess he tries to handle the situation somehow" I answered and looked at my mom.
"Hah" Ramona jumped in, "don't you think he should call you? I mean..." mom cutted her off right away.
"Ramona, your sister said, he's handling the situation. Leave it" she shot her a look that shut up my sister immediately "and shouldn't you go and pick up your son and nieces now?"
Without another word Ramona got up and went to get the kids.

Have we already talked for 3 hours?!?! God, time is running fast....

I was about to ask my brother how his bitch of wife is doing, when my phone started ringing.

FINALLY..... Marshall......

I got up, my phone in hand and walked into the backyard.
"Hey babe! How are you?" I asked him, when I picked up, happy to hear his voice.
"How am I?!?!?!" he shot back aggravated and my happiness was gone." Where are you Tina?"

Is he high again????? He knows I'm in Germany!!!!

"Remember, I'm in Germany!" I shot back.

That bitch is a problem YOU have brought with you! You don't get to talk to me like that because of your mistakes...

"I know you're in Germany. I'm not retarded" he argued back and I had to hold myself together, so we wouldn't get in our first verbal fight. "Where are you in Germany?"
"At my Mom's house! Marshall, why..." he cut me off right away.
"Text me the address, now!" He ordered and hung up.
I stared dumbfounded at my phone in my hands and felt anger rising inside.

Who the fuck does he think he is?????

"Bestie, everything alright?" I heard Ronnie say behind me. "What does he say?"
I turned around to look at her and her eyes widened.
"Guess he pissed you off, hm?! What happened?"
"Wait a second," I told her and texted him the address.
"Now..." I started and told her what he had said.
"What the fuck is wrong with him now?" She asked me, getting clearly angry with him.
"I don't know. But I'm here to see my family. I won't let his pissy mood, destroy the time I have here!" I said and got up to walk back inside. 5 minutes later my sister arrived with Kim, Emily ( my brothers daughters) and Colin (her son). Josh was overly happy, to finally have some kids to play with, even though they, except for Kim, couldn't speak english. After cuddling them, they ran off to play in the entertainment room and the women walked into the kitchen to make dinner.
"Tina????" My brother yelled after 40 minutes, "I think you should get your ass here!" I grabbed a towel to clean my hands and walked out the kitchen, to kick my brother for talking to me like that.
"Are you out off....." I lost my words and stopped dead in my tracks, when I saw why Klaus had yelled.

I'm dreaming!!! This can't be real!!!

"Marshall???????" I asked in pure disbelief, looking at my boyfriend who stood in my Mom's foyer.
"Hey, beautiful!" He smiled at me, "as soon as...." he started, but couldn't go any further, because I had jumped into his arms and kissed him.
"What are you doing here?" I smiled still hugging him.
"Shortly after you were on the plane, Paul had called me to tell me what that god damn bitch had told the press. I knew that shit was about to blow up, so I packed some stuff, called the bodyguards, got the jet ready and flew over here!"
"You could have called me. I freaked out with the paparazzi harassing us at the airport, if it wouldn't have been for my brother, we would still be stuck there!"
"I know and I'm sorry" he kissed me once, "but I was on the phone the whole time, talking to Paul and the PR how to handle all that!" Then he turned to my brother and shook his hand.
"Thanks for taking care off her!"
"No problem. I mean, what do you expect, she's my sister?!" Klaus answered him.

Wow, I'm proud of Klaus! He hasn't freaked out yet....

"Well, well, well, look who we got here..." Ronnie came laughing down the hallway and Marshall released me and gave her a quick hug. The rest of my family had followed her and were now all greeting Marshall. Needless to say that they were thrilled to meet him. Hallo??? HE'S EMINEM!!!
But I was thankful they acted normal around him and treated him like a 'normal' person.
When the kids came and saw Marshall, Josh almost freaked out, he jumped into his arms and hugged him as thight as he could.
I watched my mom while Josh and Marshall hugged and greeted each other and a small smile formed on her face.

Mental note: ask her why she was smiling!!!

My nieces greeted Marshall too, and then it was Colin's turn. I had bend down to look at him and pointed with my finger at Marshall.
"Colin, that's my boyfriend Marshall." Colin looked from me to him and back at me, a clearly confused look on his face.
"Auntie, are you dumb?"
"Colin," my sister scolded her son immediately, while I stood there and frowned at him." You don't talk to your aunt like that!" Marshall just stood there and waited what would happen, since he didn't understand one word.
"But mom, she said his name is Marshall, but that's Eminem!" We all laughed our asses off and I translated it to Marshall, who laughed along with us.
"He's a smart kid!" He told my sister.
"Hah, smart ass fits better!" She laughed.
We walked into the living room to sit down, until dinner was ready, Marshall still holding my hand in his.

It feels so good to have him with me. But let's wait what will happen with the press, when they find out he's here with me....

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