"Southpaw" (pt.1)

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Everything was going more than fine at the moment. Laney's vacation had went by with no trouble and she and my sister had become good friends during that time.
My life with Marshall was as great as it could possibly be. He is such a loving person, it's unbelievable and he made me and my son more than happy.
I even had started the first planing steps for the wedding, which we decided should be at the 1st of May 2016 and should only be with our families and closest friends. Veronica and Kim were helping me, but I had already decided to hire a wedding planner.
Today was July 19th and Marshall was, alongside Jake Gyllenhaal, on his way to appear at a sneak preview of the "Southpaw" movie in Livonia. After that he would fly out to New York for the premier tomorrow and then stay there, to support 50 with his bankruptcy case. Overall he would be gone for a week. He had asked me several times, to come with him and even if I didn't wanted to go with him to the premier, I should just come to spend time with him. He knew very well I didn't want to be in the spotlight and he respected it.
I had declined his offer, we had a son and I wanted to be there for him and not going on romantic trips with his dad. Marshall was bumped about it, telling me that I should think about, what will happen if he's going on tour again. He wanted his soon to be wife with him. I promised him, that when the time came, that we would find a solution.
I was laying on the couch, while Josh was already in bed, when I got a text message from my fiance.

Marshall: hey beautiful! The fans were surprised as fuck, all went good and now we're on the plane to New York. I know you'll probably be asleep, but I just wanna let you know I'm good. I love you

I replied immediately.

I'm still awake, babe! You know I can't sleep well if you're not here with me. I'm glad you're okay and I hope it'll stay this way. Happy to hear that everything went well at the theater. Please take care Marshall!!!!!! I love you too :*

I went to bed to get up early, because it would be Monday and Josh had to go to kindergarten.
The day went pretty unspectacular, a normal day. The only difference was that Marshall wasn't here. He would be on the red carpet tonight for the movie premiere and afterwards go to a party. Honestly, I wasn't so keen that he would go to a party, by now I knew how all the groupie sluts would throw themselves at him. But that's the price that comes with being with a Rap Superstar. And I also trusted Marshall blindly. So I pushed my jealousy down and wished him fun.
The next day I got up and made breakfast before I would wake up Josh. I was standing in the kitchen, when the house phone started ringing. It was Jeremy, one of my bodyguards, telling me that the gates of our house had been blocked with paparazzi and that he and Mitch (my other bodyguard) would prefer, that either Josh would stay at home or that they would drive him and not me.

Why the fuck are the rats here????

I told him, that they should come in and I would decide after Josh is awake. I called Marshall to ask him, if he knew what was going on. But he didn't answer. So I texted him.

Good morning babe! I hope you had fun yesterday?! The rats are blocking our gates, do you know what's going on. Give me call, please. I love you

The doorbell rang and I opened, knowing it was Jeremy and Mitch and told them to go into the kitchen to get a coffee. I walked upstairs to Josh's room, when the phone rang again. Looking at the caller ID i saw it was Kim.

Why's she calling so early????

I answered the phone with a "Hey Kim!" and instantly, when she started talking I could here that she was furious.
"Tina, you okay?"
"Uhm... yes. Why? Is everything okay, Kim?" I asked her confused.
"Didn't you read the news this morning?" She asked back, still sounding pretty pissed.
"Kim, I got up 45 minutes ago and I'm about to wake up Josh to get him to kindergarten. So no I haven't read the news. Why?" I knew that if she would call and ask me like this, that something was wrong.

Oh God.... please let Marshall be okay.......

She didn't answer me, so I went on. "Kim I know that something must have happened, paparazzi are blocking my gates over here and my bodyguards are sitting in the kitchen. Kim please, tell me what's going on. Y'all are worrying me and Marshall doesn't pick up his cell. Kim is Marshall okay??" I was worried sick by now.
"Get Josh ready. I'll come over with Ronnie." That was all she said,before she hung up. And now I was about to freak out.

What if something happened to him??? Please God I'm begging you, let him be okay! I can't be without him....

I pushed the urge, to run down the stairs and look in the internet for what had happened aside and woke up Josh to get him ready. 30 minutes later I heard my doorbell for the 2nd time this morning and yelled for Mitch to open up. I walked down the stairs with my son, when I saw 2 pale women standing and waiting for me. Veronica and Kim.
I was shocked when I saw their faces, they looked like someone had died. I told Josh to go into the kitchen, to eat breakfast and when he was out off sight, I turned my attention to my 2 best friends.
"Tell me what happened."
Kim brushed with both hands through her hair and Ronnie brushed over her face.
"Tina, it's about Marshall..." Kim started and in milliseconds I could feel my eyes getting watery.
"Don't tell me he's hurt, or...." I clutched my hands over my mouth, stopping me from saying the unspeakable and the tears started to fall.

Not him.... please NOT HIM!!!!!

"Oh god.... no, no..." Kim pulled me in a hug, while Ronnie stood beside us rubbing my back and talking to me.
"Tina, he's fine! Nothing happened to him. He ain't hurt..." I took a deep breath and Kim muttered "But I bet you wish he would be!" My head shot up and I looked at them more than confused.
"Tell me what's going on! Now!!!" Ronnie turned the screen on her phone, so I could see it and I hoped that I wouldn't faint.
There was a picture of Marshall, his hands on a brunette's ass. Her hands were around his neck and they were kissing each other, from what I could see, very passionate and deeply.

The Donation ( Eminem Fanfic )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin