Doubt (pt.1)

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Today Rihanna would come over to the studio, to work on a track with Marshall. I was happy to see her again and talk to her a bit, not only on the phone.
We had texted a few times or called, since I met her almost 1 year ago.
1 this year had happened so so much for me. I had moved, met a lot of people who became very good friends, I have a son and I met the love of my life!
We had eaten breakfast together, like almost every morning. We only didn't eat, when we had sex and after it, we were in a hurry to go to the studio. So, no time for food. Marshall had stopped at Starbucks, so I could get my daily dose of Caramel Frappecino and then we drove to Shady records.
"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh...." we were greeted from Robyn, who had arrived a few minutes earlier and was now speed walking towards us.
"Hey Roby....." Marshall started beside me, but she basically ignored him and pulled me in a tight hug.
"Girl, it's soooo good to see you again!" She started and pushed me slightly off her, to look at me. "How are you? Well I see that you look amazing, so tell me? And show me that huge rock, he had put on your finger!"

This woman can talk like a machine gun....

"Hey Robyn!" I laughed and held my left hand up, to show her my engagement ring. "I'm doing great. And you?" By now she had grabbed my hand to look at my ring better.
"Well I'm good. But I would do a hell lot better, if someone would put that at my finger too." She answered and Marshall jumped in.
"Looks like I won't be needed here..." he told us with a fake sad face, "how about I go home and Tina, you can work with Robyn on the track?!"
"Ooooooooohhhhhhhh......" we both yelled and Robyn engulfed him in a hug.
"Don't be mad Marshall, you know I love your lady.." she winked at him, which made him chuckle.
"As long as she won't leave me for you, you can love her all you want."
"Well, good to know," she smiled and grabbed my arm, "then I'll go and talk to her a little." And with that she tried to pull me away.
"Wait....wait!" I laughed and turned around to walk over to my fiancée and gave him a kiss.
"I'm sorry..." I smiled and shrugged my shoulders, while he only shook his head and smiled.
45 minutes later, we had talked about everything. My engagement, her on- and off relationship with Drake, her career, etc. she had decided to go into the studio with Marshall now, before he would freak about that she was only talking with me. I sat back in his office on the couch and grabbed my iPad to read a book.

~ Marshall's POV ~

Robyn and I were sitting in the studio and going over some beats, while Tina was in my office to not disturb our "creative process" , as she likes to call it. I wouldn't mind, if she was here. I loved to have her around me and that way I also knew she was safe.
"So a wedding, huh?" Robyn pulled me out off my thoughts and I looked at her.
"Yeah..." I smiled a little, but honestly I didn't want to talk about it anymore. Not that I wasn't happy or proud to marry Tina, she is perfect. I just didn't know what else to say.
"You think it's the right thing to do?" Robyn now asked me and my mood slightly shifted into getting pissed.
"Why shouldn't it be?" I asked her and tried to stay calm. "I love her and she loves me. She's the perfect woman for me!" I stated and Robyn sighed.
"I know you love each other. I'm just asking. I mean you're a couple for a not even a year now..."

Cut her off, idiot!!!!!!

"That's just a number. I know my lady!" I butted in, but she continued.
"I know it's just a number and I believe you, that you think, that you know her. But did she ever went out with her friends to a club, without you watching like a hawk over her? Do you know if there's other guys she might find sexy?"
"Tina would never cheat on me, if that's what you tryna say!" I tried again and she smiled a little.
"I know she won't, she's way to loyal and her moral is to high to do that. But what if she gets enough off all the spotlight she got dragged in because of you? Marshall, she is a beautiful woman, every man would take her in a heartbeat. I don't say she would cheat, but maybe she'll leave you one day?!"

She's right! I dragged her in all of this! Tina would have an easy life without me, she could be free, not live in a golden cage, with an overprotective man on her side......

"I don't think Tina would ever leave me. We went through so much already and she's still with me!" I told Robyn and brushed my hand over my face.

Am I trying to convince her or me now?

"I hope you're right. Listen, I don't want you to doubt your decision. I'm only looking out for my friend." She told me in a soft tone and I knew that she was only trying to look out for me, but she had opened a door, that I'd kept close and locked. The angst, that my beautiful lady, will leave me one day!
"I thought you are her friend too?" I asked her and she nodded.
"I am, but you're my friend for a longer time..." she trailed off and shrugged her shoulders. "Look Marshall..." this time I had enough and I cutted her off by raising my hand.
"I don't wanna hear any more. We'll continue work tomorrow. I need to go home!" I told her and got up and without another word, left the room to go to my office.
Tina had fallen asleep on the couch and looked like an angel. I squatted down in front of her and watched her for a minute, brushing my hand softly through her hair.

Robyn is right! She is a beautiful woman! I love her so much, but does she love me enough to not leave me one day, because of the chaos around me? It'll ruin me, when she leaves....

"Hey babe." She had opened her eyes and smiled at me. "You're finished?"
"Yeah....I wanna go home! Come on!" I said and I knew it sounded like an order, but right now I couldn't help it. She knitted her eyebrows at the way I'd talked to her, but smiled shortly after and took her things, leaving the building with me.
Not one single word was spoken on the drive home, I only saw Tina glancing at me from time to time, but she didn't ask me what was wrong, until we walked into our house.
"Marshall, is everything okay?" She asked me, when we stood in the kitchen to get something to drink.
"Everything is perfect!" I grumbled back and she walked over, put her hands on my shoulders and turned me to face her.
"I bet it is," she told me sarcastically, but continued in a soft voice, "Marshall, you know you can talk to me about everything, right?" I nodded. "Then tell me what's going on? I don't wanna see you like that." I looked into her beautiful eyes and took a deep breath.
"I can't marry you Tina! I think it's better we go our separate ways!"

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