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Dinner with the guys and Skylar was pure fun. I had cooked for a whole battalion, well I thought it would be to much, when they left, everything was empty. I even baked an apple cake. We laughed a lot and me and Skylar had talked about the incident with the bitch. She totally understood why I had flipped like that. Marshall was the loving fiancée, that he always was and later the beast in bed he always was too.
The next morning Marshall had woken me up again, so I could go with him to work. I got ready and like every morning I got the mail. Marshall trusted me that much, that I could open his mail to check what was in it.

Maybe he's just making sure that if it's a bomb, that it'll hit you first?!?!?!

I took the letters with me to the studio, so I could kill some time there and read through it. On the way we stopped at Starbucks again, I got my Caramel Frapeccino and Marshall a normal coffee and at the studio we greeted everyone and he started his day.
I was sitting on the couch in the lounge area with the others, who just took a break and had finished reading an email from the wedding planner, with ideas for the venue. I liked none of them and wrote her back she should search for others. I took the mail out off my handbag started to open the envelopes. Nothing was really interesting, till I opened number 8.
I pulled out two pieces of paper and my hand shot to my mouth shutting it, to keep me from screaming. I stared at the copy of a picture of my naked fiancée! But the next paper was the icing on the cake.


This can't be true.... where are they coming from?????

I still stared at the letter when Marshall walked in and looked at me. My face was completely pale and my hands were shaking, still holding the letters in my hands.
"Tina, is everything okay?" He asked and I raised my head to look at him. He looked beyond concerned and I just shook my head.
When he was in front of me, I stood up and gave him the papers
"We are being blackmailed!" I told him and the room went deadly silent. He took the letters and looked at them, swallowing hard while he read it. He brushed with his hand over his face and squeezed the bridge of his nose for a few seconds.
"I'm so sorry, Tina!"

Huh????? Why's he sorry??????

"Marshall..." I started but he cutted me off.
"I should've been more careful. This is my fault." He said and raised the hand with the letters in it.
"Marshall, don't be stupid. This is not your fault!" I stated and grabbed his arms. "Sit down and calm down. We will find a solution." My shock was cured when I saw him like that. He sat down and I took the letters out off his hands.
"Man, can we help?" Royce stepped closer to us and put his hand on Marshall's shoulder. He huffed out and shook his head.
"Someone's blackmailing me!" He said still shaking his head. I sat down beside him and took his left hand in mine, squeezing it.
"We...." I said softly to him and he turned his attention to me, a questioning expression on his face." What's yours is mine and vice versa. We are being blackmailed!" I stated and a smile appeared on his face, before he kissed me.
"Okay..." he exhaled loudly and looked at Royce, "we are being blackmailed!"
"With what?"
"The pics the bitch took of me!" Everyone's attention was at him, listening.
"What do they want?" Denaun asked now.
"10 million!" He answered and shook his head again.
"As much as I know, you two got enough money," Royce said, "pay them and it's done!"
Everyone nodded in agreement and Marshall looked at me.
"Marshall, you know that the money won't be a problem, but they won't get one lousy cent from me!" His eyes widened in disbelief.
"You outta your mind?" He asked me getting angry and waving the papers in front off my face." You wanna see these in the news, or what?"
"You of all people should know I don't. I crushed a bitch's face for that!" I told him aggravated and then took a deep breath to calm myself down."I don't want to argue with you. Listen to me, if we pay there's no insurance that they give us the original pics or leak them anyway or come back when they have spent the money to get more. Marshall, I know you don't like it, but we have to call the cops."
"Tina is right, Em" Skylar helped me," call the cops to find the bastard's!" Once again, he brushed his hand over his face.
"I'll call Paul." He said and got up walking out of the room.
"I guess you have to smash another face, lady." Skylar said jokingly to lighten up my mood.
"Believe me, a smashed face ain't enough for that." I told her serious and it was silent again.
20 minutes later, Marshall and Paul walked in and to my surprise 2 police detectives behind them.
"This is my fiancé Tina Keller, she opened the envelope." Marshall told the detectives and they came over, while I stood up, and greeted me with a handshake.
"Good morning Miss." The older one said and turned to Marshall, "is there a place where we can speak in private?"
"Yeah, sure. Just follow me." He said and pulled me to his side, to walk to his office.
1 hour later, we had explained everything that had happened and the detectives had also assured us, that a police investigation wouldn't go against the silent agreement Marshall had signed with the bitch.
We also had to come to the police station tomorrow, to give them our fingerprints.

Well mine, Marshall's they have since a few years....

To rule out our prints on the letter, when they would investigate if they could find any on it. After that we went home. It was just around lunch time, but both of us already had enough of this day.
"Couch?" I asked when we stepped inside our home and he had closed and locked the door.
"Nah, not enough space!"
"Huh???" I asked confused and he grabbed my ass, pulling me towards him and kissed me.
"Can we just go into bed and fuck to reduce some stress?"
"You're unbelievable!" I smiled and kissed him, took his hand away from my ass and pulled him up the stairs.

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