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Waking up the next morning was painful as fuck. 1 I had a horrible headache and 2 the knowledge that Marshall had really cheated on me, hit me like a baseball bat.

How could he do that????

I grabbed my head with both hands, to stop the pounding, when I realized that I had an arm, which wasn't mine, laying over my stomach.

Fuck he's here!!! Wait..... when did he get home???????

I looked to my left and sighed in relief, when I saw Kim laying next to me and when I turned to my right I saw Ronnie. Both in a comatose state from the alcohol. I wiggled myself free from Kim's grip and crawled out off bed, careful not to wake them up. Walking into my bathroom I decided to take a shower and then make coffee. Walking down the stairs afterwards, I saw my home in a chaotic condition. Actually I had not only shattered the vase in the foyer, I also had thrown around framed pictures of him and me and to top it off, burned out his face in some.

Well........looks like I went nuts......

The chaos continued in the kitchen and specially the veranda, where bottles over bottles, all emptied, of alcohol were laying around. If a stranger would see this, he would think 50 people had partied here. But it was only 1 cheated on woman and her 2 best friends. Standing in the kitchen, I opened the fridge and took a water out emptying it all at once.

Now coffee.....

I started the coffeemaker and then cleaned up my home. After I was finished I grabbed a coffee and walked outside, sat on my veranda and smoked a cigarette, when I saw my cellphone laying on the table. Turned on!

Hell, when did I do that???

I looked through my phone and was thankful to see, that I hadn't written him a message or called him in my drunken state. But he had called..... a lot...... 59 missed calls and 30 text messages. I didn't want to read them, I already knew what he had to say. I layed the phone back on the table, leaned my head back and closed my eyes, waiting for the headache to disappear. Damn how great would be some painkillers now!!! But nooooo, not in this household!!!
2 minutes in my hangover meditation my phone started ringing.

Sweet mother of Jesus, i hope it's not him!!!!

I looked at the screen and saw an unknown number.

Let's see who wants to step on my nerves now...

"Tina?" I recognized the voice right away. "It's Curtis! How you doin'?"
"Curtis, due to the fact that you have my number and call me, you know what's going on. So how do you think I'm doing?" I asked him aggravated, for thinking he could play me for dumb.
"I'm sorry, lady. Ya right! I know what happened. But I really just wanted to check in on you? See how you are, ya know..."
"Answer me one question Curtis. Do you want to know or that cheating piece of shit how I am?" I asked and he chuckled shortly.
"Damn, lady, I don't wanna lie to you. He asked me to call you, but I really wanna know how you doin' "
"Thanks for your honesty! So I'll be honest to you too. I feel like someone had hit me with a baseball bat, ripped out my heart and burned it to ashes in front off me. You can tell him that!" I grabbed my coffee and nipped on it, before I lightened up a cigarette.
"He heard you." Curtis told me and I laughed out loud.
"Really?? So then I hope he'll listen carefully now. I really hope that pussy of that bitch was good and it was worth sticking his dick in, because he sure as hell has lost me for that!" It was dead silent on the end of the line.
"Curtis, you still there?" I asked and smiled to myself.
"Yeah..." he exhaled," damn Tina, I dunno what to say. But man, she's a whore, don't know how she could get in his pants."
"Probably because he's an even bigger whore?!" I suggested and though I hadn't intended it, Curtis started laughing.
"Man, you're funny when you're pissed!"
"Believe me I am not pissed. I'm disappointed, hurt and that's what makes me furious. He destroyed everything we had! I still hope I'll wake up and it'll all be a dream!" And now, since I knew what he had done, the first tear rolled down my cheek."listen Curtis, thank you for your concern, but I gotta go now. Take care!"
"Tina, wait....." he said but I hung up. I didn't want him, and sure as hell not Marshall, to hear me crying and I cryed like crazy. I bent over, grabbing my head and sobbed.

How could he? How could he do this? I love him with all my heart! I forgave him everything..... and that's what I get.....

I felt an arm around my shoulder and someone pulled me to her side. It was Ronnie, who had sat down to my right and Kim to my left, taking my hand in hers and squeezed it.
"We waited for this to happen..." Ronnie said and I could her the sadness in her voice.
"Just tell me why? Please!" I cryed still grabbing my head, in the attempt to relief something, anything....
"Sweetheart, if we knew, we would tell you." Kim answered with a soft voice, "but I sure as hell don't know why." I couldn't stop crying for the next 2 hours. And after that, I decided to get drunk again. Veronica and Kim stayed with me again, they had taken care that Alaina was watching Josh and Whitney and for that I hated Marshall from the bottom of my heart. He broke me and now I couldn't even take care of my son.

4 days had gone by now, since I knew. Ronnie and Kim had stayed with me the whole time, scared that I would hurt myself and to be honest, I didn't know what I would do, to get rid off this pain. Marshall and Curtis had called daily, but I hadn't talked to none of them. Kim had only answered my phone, when Curtis had called, Marshall's calls were ignored. My whole day consisted only out of 2 things. Crying and drinking. I didn't know what else to do. I couldn't even talk to my family, when they had called to ask how I was doing. In the news today were once again pics of him and how he was attending to a party with fifty. Kim totally flipped when she saw them. How could he go to a party, while I was here at home suffering from what he had done?
We were now, again, sitting outside and emptying our 3rd bottle of vodka, when we heard the front door being closed and all of us froze instantly.
"Tina?" He yelled through the house and we heard him going upstairs.
"Let's jump over the railing and hide somewhere." Ronnie whispered and stood up, motioning for us to do the same.
"Where?" Kim asked, pulling me up with her and walking to the railing

To be honest, we all had forgotten that there were stairs to go down into the backyard.

"Let's hide in the pond!" I stated and we were about to climbed, in our drunken state, over the handrest, when he walked outside.
"What the hell are y'all doing there?" He asked in total confusion and we just looked at each other.
"Damn, too slow..." Ronnie muttered and got down on her feet again, so did I and Kim. But while me and Ronnie stayed at the railing, Kim walked over to Marshall and slapped him, full force, across his face.

Daaaaaaamn, what a sound!!!!!

"She's too much of a lady to do it, but you damn bastard deserved that one!" She glared at him and turned around, walking at my side.
"Well, actually he deserves muuuuuuuch more! I pray to god you'll get diarrhea and your dick falls off!" Veronica topped it off, while he just stood there. Looking like a wet poodle and staring at me.
"I want you two to leave my house." He said calmly after a few minutes and that's when I spoke up.
"This is also my house, you god damn whore! Don't forget that! If they leave, I'll leave too!" He still stood there looking at me and I continued. "But hey, maybe that's what you want, so you can fuck your hoe's here?!"
"Tina please.." he took a step towards me and in seconds Kim and Ronnie stood in front off me.
"If you go near her, you'll regret it! I promise you that!" Ronnie told him and he stopped in his tracks.
"You don't have to protect her, not from me! I won't hurt her!" Boy, I started laughing....
I had to hold onto my friends to not fall over.
I had never told them about the slap, but now they probably thought I was laughing about the cheating. So they weren't surprised about my reaction. After my outburst, I told my two new bodyguards to let me walk past them. I stopped right in front off him.
"Why?" I asked him the question that was torturing me for days now.
"I don't know." He whispered and a tear rolled out his eyes.
"That's not good enough! If you don't know why, you can't change your cheating. If you can't change it, it'll happen again. And knowing that it'll happen again, won't make me stay!"
Ronnie and Kim gasped in shock behind me, when they heard my last sentence and his head that was hanging low, shot up.
"You hurt me more than anyone before, even more than my ex. But I made a promise to myself a loooong time ago, that if ever a man would put a ring on this finger," I lifted my left hand and showed him the ring. His eyes widened when he realized that I was still wearing it." I would walk through hell and back for him and stay with him through good and bad. I will stick by your side and I will continue to love you the way I do, even though I know you don't deserve it. There will never be one day more, that I believe you when you tell me that you love me, because you showed me that you don't! You will make sure that the humiliation you had put me through in public will stop, I don't care how you do it, but you will do it Marshall! Do you understand?" He only nodded and cryed silently.
"Good!" I told him and turned around to my best friends, "let's sit and drink some more, later we can still go into the pond!"

The Donation ( Eminem Fanfic )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin