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~ Marshall's POV ~

It's been 6 weeks since Tina's accident and thankfully she had fully recovered. Her arm was no longer wrapped up and her rips didn't hurt anymore. But while I was concerned about her every second, still something wonderful had happened, she had started to show finally. To me it seemed her baby belly is getting bigger every day and I can't tell how much I loved to see it. Though my wife didn't seem so happy about it sometimes. She's a very fit and sporty woman, so it wasn't easy for her to suddenly get a belly and not train it off. But I assured her every day how beautiful she looked and that calmed her down. I wasn't lying, she was more beautiful than ever. Only two times I can recollect where she was as beautiful as now. The first time I'd kissed her and on our wedding day. Still I was to scared to have sex with her, due to her injuries. She had tried once, but I had told her we should wait till she had fully recovered. She didn't like it at all, but as always, she didn't complain.
Jeremy was also back and worked for her. I was still pissed, but Tina made me promise her to let it go and when my wife is asking me for something, I can't say no to her. Because she had never said no to me.

Today was a very special day for us, since she had a check up at the doctor and if the little one would be in a good mood and was laying in a good position, we would find out the gender. I couldn't wait and the whole morning I bounced around in the studio. Actually I had the feeling I stepped on the others nerves, but to be honest, I didn't really care.
At 2 pm I finally met up with my wife in front of the private clinic, we had found. Tina already knew she couldn't get the baby on a natural way and would have to have a c-section. But it didn't bother her at all and if she wasn't worried, I was neither.

"Mister and Misses Mathers, nice to see you! How are you Misses Mathers?" Doctor Townsend greeted us both with a hand shake, when she walked into the room with a smile. We had been here for the second time now and were brought every time directly into a room, so we didn't have to sit in the waiting area.

Being a celebrity has its benefits....

"I'm doing fine, thank you!" Tina smiled and rubbed lightly over her belly. I admired that sight every time.
"No problems or anything I should know about?" The doctor asked and Tina shook her head, took my hand in hears and smiled at me.
"My husband takes care of me perfectly." She answered and I squeezed her hand and smiled also, well a bit..... okay, I almost didn't! But my wife knew I was smiling!!!
"Then I'd say we'll take a look at the baby, shall we?" She motioned for Tina to lay down on the  bed and my wife layed down and pulled her shirt up. I had sat down on a chair beside her and Doctor Townsend warned Tina about the cold gel and spread it out on her stomach. She took the ultrasound and turned the screen to us.
"Sooo, let's see." The doctor said and moved the thingy around on my wife's belly, while pushing buttons repeatedly. "Height and weight is perfectly normal, everything looks fine." She pushed another button and we could hear a fast beating sound.
"Sounds like a techno beat." I mumbled and my wife squeezed my hand and mumbled back.
"Babe, nobody listens to techno!" and winked at me with a smirk on her face. I couldn't hold it in anymore and laughed out loud from her reference.
"I can assure you it's no techno beat!" Doctor Townsend told us with a smile. "It is the heartbeat of your child!" Tina and I fell immediately quiet and listened. I had heard it, when Kim was pregnant with Hailie. But seeing Tina's eyes tearing up from happiness, was indescribable. I lifted her hand I was holding up and kissed it. And she looked at me and smiled.
"Do you want to know the gender?" The doc asked us and Tina and I answered "yes"
"Well, Mister and Misses Mathers..." she stopped and pushed another button. "Congratulations it's a boy!" She said and Tina took a deep breath and a tear rolled out off her eye. I knew she was thinking about Josh. So I got up and kissed her on her temple.
"We're getting a boy." She smiled at me and I nodded and brushed the other tears that were running over her cheeks away.
"Yes!" Was all I got out and kissed her again.
"Do you want a few pictures?" The Doctor asked us and my wife answered with a "yes please", while she took the paper towels from Townsend and cleaned her belly. I got handed the pictures and the doc told Tina a few more things about the next appointment and we could leave.
"You wanna come to the studio with me or wanna drive home with your bodyguards?" I asked her while we walked outside.
"I'll come with you." She answered and wrapped her hands around my bicep and leaned her head on my shoulder.
Outside I told her bodyguards that they could drive home and opened the car door for my wife and she climbed in.
The whole ride she only held my hand, which layed on her upper thigh and stared on the pictures of our son. She didn't say one word. But I didn't want to pressure her to talk, so I let her.
We had arrived at the studio, got out off the car and walked towards the entrance, when Tina held me back by my arm. When I turned to her, she wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a kiss that took my breath away.


"Thank you so so much, Marshall!" She said and smiled when she had broken the kiss and I looked at her utterly confused. "You gave me the best gift a man could give a woman. And there are no words to describe how much I love you!" She ended and I wrapped my arms tightly around her.
"Believe me it's the exact opposite, beautiful! You gave me the best gift. Actually two...." I told her and kissed her shortly on her lips. "Your love and now our son! I love you!" She smiled at me and after another kiss, we walked inside, where the others were waiting for me to arrive.
"It's a boy!" I yelled when we walked into the lounge area and everyone congratulated us.

Finally some male support in the family! Thank you Lord!

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