Rugrats AU

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this is for IAMPROBABLYUNSURE, she wanted something cute and sweet, so I'm trying fluff this one time. So no smut in this sorry!



Brian and his friend Brock were playing outside in Brian's front yard when they see a beautiful girl across the road, swiming in her swing. Her name was Shannon Wilde, Daughter of Tyler and Craig Wilde. They had just moved into the Neighborhood about a month ago and the two 7 year olds wanted to talk to her but they were shy to Shannon. Today she was wear dark green sundress. She had her brown hair put up in pigtails. She sees the two boys and smiles and waves at them. That was the day they both had crushes on her.

~2nd Grade~

Brian gives her flowers for her birthday and Brock gives her a teddy bear named Delirious. She was very happy and hugs the two boys, who had blushes on their faces.

~6th Grade~

Brian and Brock invites Shannon over to play video games and camp out in the backyard with their parents, watching them of course. These three were great friends..

~9th Grade~

It seemed like Shannon would prettier and prettier for Brian and Brock. Brian had braces on his teeth and was a nerd, Brock was a football player but still hangs out with Brian and Shannon. Shannon still hanged out with them but she was very quiet around them, she wasn't popular or anything but the Brian and Brock understood that she needed girl time to herself. She still went over and played video games when she could.

~12th grade~

The trio stay side by side through Graduation and they moved out of their parents houses. They actually bought a little apartment for three. That's how close they were.

~College Years~

Brian became a Car designer, Shannon became a graphic designer and Brock was a state Football player. They still had the apartment together and things were going great, but Brian and Brock want to confess their love to Shannon but doesn't know and Brian thinks of a idea.

"Hey, Guys I'm home. Sorry I was late.. traffic was horrible." Shannon says looking up and seeing candles lit up around the kitchen and Living Room.

Shannon​ blushes and sees the Her two friends with flowers in their hands.

"Shannon, we have something to say to. And it's coming from the bottom of hearts and all of our souls." Brian says

"Shannon Wilde will you be ours?" Brock asked

"You two are chessest guys I have ever known. And I have had feelings for both of you for a very long time but I was shy to asked you out! So, yes I will be ours!!" Shannon says

Shannon runs over to the two and hugged them to death. A few months Later they got married and a year later they have a kid named David. Shannon couldn't have asked for two best friends that are now her lovers....

I hope you guys like this little fluff AU XD I suck I know 

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