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Celeste P.O.V

"Lady! Lady!!" I screamed. I laid down in the bed, watching her talk to some man. She just, wasn't responding.

"Can't you hear me?!" I screamed.

I've been trying to talk to all of them. I can't move anything, but I do try to talk to them. I scream as loud as I can, that's why my throat hurts really bad now. But they never respond. Ever.

I've been sitting in this boring place for a long time. I watched as the doctors walked in the room. He put his stethoscope on me.

"It's gotten worse. Um, it looks like she had a very bad sore throat, and an irregular heart beat. S-"

I tuned out, I didn't even wanna listen to the rest. I felt something dripping off my head. I wiped it with my sleeve. Of course, it was blood, it's been doing that every since that man in the mask hit me in my head with it. It hurts really bad. They notice it in the my hospital room too. They should be seeing it now.

I watched as the doctor damped a rag and wiped my head with it.

"She's bleeding again." He said.

"Well, how do we stop it?" Mommy asked.

"It's internal bleeding, we were gonna perform a surgery to close up the head wound. It's suppose to be done at 3pm, which it's part. But, we wanted to get your permission first. You can sign this if that's a yes." He handed her a piece of paper and a pen. She quickly signed it and handed it back to him.

"Do whatever you can to help her." She said.

"Well, were gonna start now." He said, rolling my bed out of the room. We went into another room on the top floor and 2 other doctors came in and I'm guessing a nurse. I didn't wanna see what was gonna happen so I tuned out.

"Hey!" I turned around, I already knew who it was.

"Oh, hey Jason." I said.

"Whatcha doing?" He asked.

"I'm just tuning out, their performing surgery on me." I answered.

"Again?" He asked.

"Yeap." I said.

"Anyway, when do you plan on getting up?" He asked.

"Well, I been wanted to get up. I try to, but I can't. My body just won't allow me too. I'm tired of staying here, Its fun and all, I just, wanna go in the real world." I sighed.

"I do too, I just, have to wake up all at once I guess." He said.

Jason is someone I met when I got here. He's very nice, and I have to admit he is handsome, he's 11. But, he's been here for a month. He told me all about it. The surgeries, the aggravating doctors, the many visitors, the people trying to wake you up, the pinches, the shots, and the everyday checkups. I haven't experienced the pinches and shots yet but I guess their coming. But anyway, were stuck at the theme park. He said that you get stuck at whatever you get hurt from. Jason was on the Ferris wheel and he fell off. He almost died bit he didn't. That's why he's sick here. And I don't know why I'm stuck here. I forgot a lot of things when I woke up here. I don't even know my name.

"So, do you remember anything again?" He asked.

"Nope. I guess I have to be up for my brain to function right." I said.

"Right, well, wanna get on the Ferris wheel with me?" He asked.

"Sure! Quick question.."

"Huh?" He asked as we got up.

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