100. Living My Fantasy

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So, the day is finally here...
The last chapter of 'Living My Fantasy'
(And there goes my eyes welding up with tears.)
23rd September..
You guys know why I chose this date to publish the last chapter?
Coz.. even though the first chapter was published on 16th but the story of SaSha began at airport when they collided, 23rd September..
Coincidently, that's the date when I met SANAM... Exactly a year back, at the airport.
So yeah.
Baaki ending mein?
Enjoy the last chapter.❤️


I could finally see that the jar was filled with sea-shells and fairy lights and the vase had my favorite flowers, lavender

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I could finally see that the jar was filled with sea-shells and fairy lights and the vase had my favorite flowers, lavender. Was this set up for me? My heart was beating so fast with each steps that I felt it numbing and legs- they felt like jelly. I felt my numbing heartbeat stop at the moment when my eyes fell on the shell. My steps slowed down, I stood still staring at it till my numb body gave up and my knees rested on the damp sandy terrain.

 My steps slowed down, I stood still staring at it till my numb body gave up and my knees rested on the damp sandy terrain

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I just kept staring... admiring the sight that was in front of me. My mind seemed frozen but I could feel every tiny things around me- from listening the sound of waves to the sound of my beating heart, I could feel the chilly sea breeze brushing against my skin and the warm blood rushing under it in my veins. My body was burning but my breaths were cold, and palms- sweaty. Taking in a deep breath I looked up, asking for a sign from God that is this real or just my fantasy?

The sky was bathing with different shades of colour- red, orange, yellow; the fireball was almost touching the water and the brightest star was twinkling in the sky but, it's shine.. its spark seemed very dull to me compared to what was kept in front of me. I gazed at the shell again, that was holding a diamond ring in it.

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