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Summary:Anger management


Corbyn walked into a tiny but large building, muttering nothing but curse words to himself. "Just sign here..." the woman behind the desk, gave the blonde a pen, making him sign whatever paper was in front of him.

"This is so stupid," Corbyn told himself as he sat down in one of the waiting chairs, patently waiting for his name to be called. "Not my fault the guy was being a dick..." Corbyn said to no one, but looked at the person next to him, as they laughed.

"Corbyn besson you may go back!" The woman in the front called for him, the blonde making his way to the back, being greeted by a cheerful woman, and 4 glaring boys. "Ah, Corbyn Besson hi! I'm Matilda, and this is Daniel Seavey, Jonah Marais, Zach Herron, and Jack Avery. It's so nice for you to join us." The black haired woman cheered, watching Corbyn sigh, as he took his seat.

"Just letting you know, you're late, and we like to start on time so we can get it finished faster. Got it? Good. I'm zach." The youngest, Corbyn assumed from the way he looked, said, crossing his arms. "I suggest if you wanna keep using that mouth to talk, I'd shut up." Corbyn spat back, shaking his leg out of annoyance.

"Fiesty, I dig it. But, I suggest you don't talk like that to my boyfriend or you won't talk at all." Jonah, the eldest one out of them retaliated, wrapping his arm around the cocky younger boy, who was sticking his tongue out at Corbyn.

Matilda clapped her hands, "so, Jack? Would you like to tell Corbyn why you're here?" Jack sighed, before talking. "I'm in here because apparently, scratching you ex's car is mean and so not necessary." The curly headed boy rolled his eyes, "Honestly I shouldn't be here at all, it was just a spur in the moment. He got over it-"

Matilda smiled, "Jack sweetheart, this happened 4 times now" Jack looked at her, "maybe they should stop cheating." He said shrugging, with a smug look on his face. "Zach, what about you? Hmm?" Everyone turned their attention to him.

Zach shrugged, "you disrespect my family of coure I'm gonna be mad...cmon miss like I say all the time, it happened like twice, I'm not angry or anything." Matilda clapped her hands, "it's what they recommend for you Zach. How about you Jonah?" Everyone turned their attention to the eldest one who started laughing.

"Nothing too drastic I just get mad faster, easier, anything pushes my buttons. Like Mr.Too good to be here. What's his problem?" Jonah sneered, pointing to Daniel who glared at him. "None of your damn business, Marais. So shut the fuck up you cocky dumbass." Jonah snorted, "My my my, is that supposed to hurt my feelings? Cause news flash Daniel. It didn't"

Daniel looked at him, "no it wasn't supposed to hurt your feelings. God knows, you'd be a crybaby if it did, after all, you aren't as tough as you say you are Marais." He laughed, Corbyn watching Jonah who fiddled with his ripped jeans, not saying anything to the blue eye boy. "Uhm, Corbyn!" Matilda cheerfully spoke, "why don't you tell them why you're here." She suggested.

Corbyn sighed, "I'm here because my mom likes to date no go bastards who like to hit on her whenever something doesn't go as planned. Hitting them back, they just don't like that." Corbyn said, looking at Matilda with an amused look, smiling at her, as she quickly cleared her throat. "I'm sorry for your mother," she simply said before going into a different topic.

All of this seemed a little fucked up to Corbyn. All the boys laughing at simple yet scary things they have done to be put in here. God knows what Jack would've done if he went further than just keyying the car. Zach, who knows, he seems to have a bad attitude when it came to anything. Same as Jonah, Jonah was just a little smartass, Corbyn thought almost laughing at the thought.

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