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Christina's pov:

"get the fuck out of my house brat!" i heard my mom scream at me.

honestly i was unfazed by the whole 'parents hating me' thing. it had been like that for as long as i can remember. every time i did even the smallest thing wrong, i'd get my entire life taken away and then get brutally beat right after. they would take my phone, my tv, sometimes they wouldn't even let me go to school. i hated it but it wasn't like i could just move out. i'd be homeless if i didn't come up with a plan. so i came up with one.

"on it boss!" i yelled back at her.

i started planning a way to move out. or because i'm a minor 'run away' would be the correct term. i had secretly gotten a job and been saving up money. i would ditch my last period almost everyday to go to work and tell my parents i had after school activities. i had been saving up money and i knew a friend whose dad owned an apartment complex. he knew my situation and was going to give me a discount until i can make some sort of living for myself.

"i can't believe my daughter is a slut" i heard my mom open the door to my room and speak harshly at me without remorse.

"i can't believe my mother raised me to be a slut" i fire back.

every once in a while, i get so angry that i snap. this was one of those times. every time this happens, my parents get together and 'double team' me. or at least that's what i like to call it. haha.

so of course i got beat and bruised and kicked and slapped and hit and punched. i was used to all that. you could say i was numb. but i really wasn't. i could feel it, it just didn't bother me.

that night, i got all my stuff packed in a suitcase. my entire room fit into one suitcase. that should tell you how my living arrangements were. i called up my friends dad and asked him to come pick me up. i threw my suitcase out of the window and jumped out, landing on the front lawn. i told my friends dad to park down the block so it wouldn't be too suspicious to my parents. i walked with my suitcase down the block until i saw his car. i smiled and walked a little faster.

"hi. thank you so much. you have no idea how much this means to me" i say while embracing him in a friendly hug across the middle consol.

"i can tell this means a lot to you" he said, returning the hug.

he drove away to an apartment complex about 15 minutes away from my parents house. i was smart enough to turn my location off right before leaving my house, so they wouldn't be able to track where i was.

"we're here" he puts the car in park.

i get out and look up at the tall living spaces. he escorts me to my very own room and opens the door. he hands me the key and smiles at me.

"i'm in apartment 12 if you need anything" he smiles and gives me a side hug.

i walk in the door, lock it, and examine the place. it's definitely a little dusty. someone hadn't lived here recently. i smiled and laid my suitcase on the mattress he provided for me.

"i'm finally free" i began to cry.


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