sixty five

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Christina's pov:

the last time i was at the hospital, mattia almost died on me.

i checked in and was brought to a room. my dads file was hanging from the door. i walked in and closed the room's door behind me.

"dad?" i asked.

"christina" he tried to sit up, but couldn't.

"no no please just lay back down" i told him.

the nurse said that he had suffered an attack. i wonder what kind of animal attacked him and why he refused to call anyone from his emergency contact list. i mean. that's what the emergency list was for right? emergencies?

"what the hell happened?" i questioned, sitting down in a chair.

"she attacked me" he said, stone faced.

"what... who?" i asked.

the second i asked him who, it clicked. my fucking psycho mother. she attacked him. god damn it. i could've avoided this. i could've said no to the date with my dad and never told him jack shit about me but of course i fell into the trap.

"mom" he muttered.

"dad what did she do?" i looked at his body hooked up to multiple wires.

"she tied me up. burnt me. cut me. stabbed me" he finished.

"dad i'm so sorry. this must've been my fault. i mean somehow-" he cut me off.

"no. it was my fault. i opened my fat mouth and told her about you and mattia" he admitted.

i fucking knew it. i knew i shouldn't have told him a damn thing about may relationship. so he must've told my mom about mattia, and that's how she knew it was him at the coffee shop. mattia told me he didn't cheat though. maybe my mom made it up... maybe mattia was telling the truth.

"did she say anything about where she was going?" i asked him.

"no she just left me there, tied to the kitchen table. to die" my dad told me.

"how'd you...?" he knew what i was going to say.

"i screamed help for about an hour before the neighbor came over" he explained to me.

"they brought you here?" i asked.

"called 911. thank god" he chuckled.

so my dad was in the hospital, mattia may or may not have cheated on me, my mom knows where i live, and i still have to make up days at work.

could this shit get any worse?


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