twenty two

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Mattia's pov:

we got into the uber and we headed to a restaurant. i didn't talk the entire time because i was slowly coming down from my high. i felt myself becoming irritated and i didn't want to take it out on chris.

should i tell her i saw her with another guy? should i tell her it broke my heart? no. too soon.

Christina's pov:

we arrived at the restaurant and mattia didn't say anything the whole ride. i was kinda hoping he wouldn't be mad at me. i could tell he was high. he seemed like he liked being sober yesterday. i wonder what happened.

"okay what are you going to order?" i asked mattia from across the table.

no answer. man was he mad at me? maybe i would just have to show him i cared about him. no. no hooking up yet. i don't like drugged up mattia.

"i'll get the salad and chicken breast" i polity said to the waiter.

"i'll get the same" mattia said not looking up from his menu.

i didn't know what to say at this point. i just really hope he wasn't mad at me.

Mattia's pov:

i wasn't mad at her. i was just irritated with the world and myself. i wasn't talking to her because i didn't want to lash out, as i sometimes did. i want to tell her how much i care about her but i didn't know if she felt the same. so i kept it in.

"thank you. for this" i said still not looking up from the table.

"oh of course. i wanted to spend time with you" she said sweetly.

aw. that was cute. maybe i should try and make conversation. i knew i was coming down from my high but maybe i could control my outbursts.

"so how was work?" i asked her slightly moving my head up, my eyes still fixed on the table.

"good. actually really good. i met my old friend from school. i haven't seen him in months because of my shit hole parents" she said chuckling.

the guy i saw her with was just a friend. phew. thank god. i was going to make more conversation as a weight had been lifted from my chest, but the waiter cut me off.

"here are your guys' salads" the waiter said. "what dressing would you guys like?"

"ranch" chris and i both muttered at the same time.

Christina's pov:

wow we both said ranch at the same time. what if that was a sign? what if that was the universe's way of telling me to go for it? eh i should probably wait.

i looked up at mattia after the waiter walked away and smiled at him. he smiled back but his eyes never left the table.

"that was cute" i said fidgeting with my hands.


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