forty one

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Christina's pov:

after looking at mattia's new shoes, i felt my phone begin to ring. my heart dropped. i didn't know who was calling or why. i was terrified of the unknown.

"hello?" i asked into the phone.

"hey christina. are we still going to talk after your shift ends?" my dad's voice on the other side of the conversation said.

shit i had forgotten about that and i had promised mattia i would bring him home dinner. maybe i could hit two fuck heads with one stone.

"yeah sure. why don't we go out to dinner?" i questioned.

"sounds perfect. your choice" he muttered.

"okay" i hung up.

Mattia's pov:

chris picked up the call and i heard the whole conversation. well not the other person through the phone but chris's side. she asked if they want to go to dinner. like a date? right in front of me?

"who was that?" i asked her after she ended the call.

"my dad. he asked if we could talk and i promised to bring you home dinner so i figured i would just get both done in one sitting" she spoke while gathering food on her fork.

i was relieved that she wasn't going out like on a date or something. that would've killed me. literally this time.

we finished our food and of course chris had to go back to work. i walked around the mall a little longer before i came across a jewelry store. not one of the big ones like jared or anything but a smaller store. i walked in and checked out the prices of diamond bracelets.

"sheesh" i said as one of the jews blinded me.

the prices were high. really fucking high. but this one was perfect. i picked one up out of its case and starred at it. it screamed 'chris' but i wasn't going to be able to afford it unless i got a job or saved up for a few months. i really wanted to get her this bracelet. my mind argued for a few seconds before i finally came to a decision.

i put the bracelet back in the case and went up to a worker. i asked if they could keep this behind the counter as i planned to save up to buy it. i explained how it was the perfect one for the girl i'm seeing. the worker caught my drift and agreed to keep it until i came back.

looks like i'm getting a job.


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