sixty one

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Christina's pov:

after crying on alex's lap for a while, i checked my phone to see nine missed calls and fourteen text messages from mattia. huh. the fact that we 'broke up' probably started to settle in.

Mattia's pov:

the realization that i had lost chris for something i didn't even do hit me like a train. i began crying and curled up in my bed. just yesterday, in this bed we- i couldn't stop crying.

i tried calling and texting her but she didn't answer. i decided i wanted to go over to her place and talk to her since i hadn't gotten out of my bed for hours. i got up, wiped my face, grabbed my keys, and walked out.

i knocked on the door and waited, expecting chris to answer. her little friend from a few weeks ago answered the door and the sound of her crying flowed out of the apartment. my babygirl.

"i really need to talk to chris" i said as my eyes glossed over with tears.

"she doesn't want-" alex started but chris cut him off.

"let him in" she cried.

i hated seeing her cry. it made me cry. and to think that she is crying because i've 'done something wrong' makes it ten times worse. i really wanted her to just know that i would never cheat on her. even if we weren't dating.

"hi mamas" i sat next to her on the ground.

"i never cheated on you. i never told you this but i got a job at taco bell, just to have extra money to treat my babygirl. my coworker saw me trying to order you coffee and came onto me. her name is jasmine and i wouldn't even think about doing anything with her because you're all i need" i cried. "i love you with all my heart and i wouldn't trade you for the prettiest girl on this planet"

she threw her head onto my lap and cried. i thought i had finally got her back until she began speaking.

"i can't mattia. this is so much on me already. i just need some time to fucking think. i mean look at me" she pointed to her smeared mascara. "i'm a huge mess"

she's moved on. she's moved on to her fucking friend, alex. god damn it. i was too late. i couldn't help but cry some more.

"i understand. i should go. call me later okay?" i asked her with tears flowing down my cheeks, making their way to my jawline.

"i will. i will call you later mattia" she spoke. "i love you too"

damn. that fucking hurt.


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