fifty eight

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Mattia's pov:

she asked if she could trust me. was she starting to think she couldn't count on me? that she couldn't trust me? i asked myself a billion questions in my head before my anxiety started to build up. just as i felt my anxiousness come to an all time high, i heard a knock at the door.

"shit" chris muttered.

"don't worry mamas. go in the bathroom and i'll take care of it" i told her.

"no. she's my mother meaning she's my responsibility. i don't want you getting hurt
because of me" she spoke at my face.

she went and swung open the door. the lady from the parking lot was standing right on the other side of that trashy thin ass screen door. i crept up closer to chris but still a few feet away from the door. i could easily grab chris if anything went wrong and i could hear their conversation. perfect.

"what are you doing here?" chris asked her mom in a monotoned voice.

"i just came to tell you something sweetheart" her mom spoke with a smile on her face yet with evil in her voice.

"how do you know where i live?" she questioned aggressively.

i wondered if she followed me. that would explain the sketchy car and tinted windows. how would she know it was me though? and how did she know i was associated with chris? something isn't adding up. my pulse began to increase.

"mattia is cheating on you" her mom spoke loudly.

Christina's pov:

the second my mother finished that sentence, my heart dropped. i felt my breathing collapse. i noticed my knees begin to shake.

"what" i whispered to myself.

how could mattia cheat on me? how did my mom know if he cheated? what the fuck is going on?

"how do you know" i began to tear up again.

"your father came home and told me everything about you and your little boyfriend. i have never heard the name mattia before so i figured it must be foreign. i was at the coffee shop this morning and i heard mattia's side bitch call his name out. i knew it was the mattia your father had told me about. then his little friend started putting her hands all over him. she definitely wasn't just a friend. i thought you deserved to know so i followed him" she finished explaining.

we weren't even dating but that shit hurt. it stung so bad i could barely inhale. how could mattia do this to me? i know she isn't lying because he brought me back coffee this morning.

why would he cheat on me? am i not enough?


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